Catholic World News

Scientists find use of the Pill may alter size of brain

May 15, 2015

New scientific research suggests that use of the oral contraceptive pill may alter the shape of women’s brains, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reports.

A study published in the journal Human Brain Mapping found that two areas of the brain-- the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex—were significantly thinner in women using the Pill. The study did not address the possibility that changes in the structure of the brain would lead to changes in behavior or emotions.

A co-author of the study told CNA that he found it remarkable how little research has been done on the side-effects of the Pill. “You might think after 50 years and hundreds of millions of women taking various incarnations of the pill, there would be a large and cohesive and impressive body of evidence on it,” said Larry Cahill of University of California-Irvine; “but there’s next to nothing.”


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  • Posted by: rik92vin8086 - May. 17, 2015 9:41 AM ET USA

    I don't want to sound conspiratorial, but as a researcher in cancer biochemistry, I can say there are areas that are unlikely to be studied. Why? Because research isn't free. Therefore I need to write grants. I ask a govt agency for money to study the harmful effects of the pill. The panel which will have some women may give it a poor score. The agency directors may steer clear because they try to stay apolitical. So many ways that funding controls what is studied. An effective embargo on resear

  • Posted by: FredC - May. 15, 2015 8:34 PM ET USA

    There is no research because the government-pharma-environmentalists don't want people to know -- including about the increase in cancer due to the Pill. Breast cancer has increased as the Pill's usage increased, but there are more scientific studies -- that have been suppressed.