Christian couple burned alive in Pakistan
November 05, 2014
Two Pakistani Christians were thrown into a brick kiln and burned to death following a blasphemy allegation.
The killings took place in a village near Lahore.
The Fides news agency reported that Shama Bibi, 24, had burned some papers belonging to her late father-in-law. After a Muslim who witnessed the incident alleged she had burned pages of the Qur’an, a mob of over 100 people held Bibi and her husband, Shahbaz Maseeh, hostage for two days.
NBC reported that the couple’s legs were broken before they were thrown into the kiln. Police have arrested 35 people in connection with the murders.
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Further information:
- Pakistani Christian Couple Burned Alive in Kiln for Torching Quran (NBC)
- Married couple burned alive: Christians protest in Lahore, calling for the UN to intervene (Fides)
- Two Christians burned alive in a brick-kiln on charges of blasphemy (Fides)
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