Catholic World News

$13,000 fine for NY farm owners who said no to lesbian wedding

August 26, 2014

A New York judge has imposed a $13,000 fine upon the owners of an Albany-area farm because they declined to rent their facilities to a lesbian couple who wished to get married there.

LifeSiteNews reported that the owners, Robert and Cynthia Gifford, are Catholic.

“The entire interaction between the complainants and the Giffords transpired during a two- to three-minute telephone conversation which, unknown to Mrs. Gifford, was being tape recorded,” said the Giffords’ attorney.

He added, “After communicating the fact that they chose not to hold same-sex marriage ceremonies at the farm because to do so would violate the Giffords’ sincerely held beliefs, Mrs. Gifford invited the couple to visit the farm to discuss handling their wedding reception, which the couple refused.”


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  • Posted by: geoffreysmith1 - Aug. 27, 2014 7:52 AM ET USA

    The Giffords would have had a stronger case if they had practised the principle to its logical conclusion and barred ANY homosexual festivity from their home, and not just a pretentious wedding ceremony. The offer to hold a reception for this gay duo at their farm is tantamount to some degree of acquiescence to the gays' request for acceptance of their behaviour. The Giffords have only themselves to blame for their predicament.

  • Posted by: MAG - Aug. 26, 2014 8:44 PM ET USA

    Question: as Catholics, should we even be having weddings outside of a church? And if a Catholic owns a business such as Liberty Ridge Farm, should weddings even be a service offering? I mean - if we believe what we say about marriage, and if we adhere to what Holy Mother Church says about marriage... is that a "business" we should even entertain? Caveat: In no way do I question the integrity of the owners of Liberty Ridge Farm or any other Catholic with a similar business service...

  • Posted by: Defender - Aug. 26, 2014 4:45 PM ET USA

    shrink: Just like Dolan wants to keep Holy Innocents open? All the bishops should all be imposing Canon 915 proceedings against the many, many politicians and judges for their culpability in gay marriages, abortion, etc. Some of them talk a good game but there is no substance. The others don't say a thing.

  • Posted by: shrink - Aug. 26, 2014 12:03 PM ET USA

    So we have entrapment followed by an attack on conscience rights. I wonder of Dolan and/or the USCCB are going to attack Cuomo/NY and set up a legal defense fund for Catholics who are subjected to this kind of persecution.