White House plans new 'accommodation' for religious groups on contraceptive mandate
July 23, 2014
The Obama administration has promised a new effort to address the concerns of religious institutions that object to mandated coverage of contraceptives in employees’ health-care programs.
Responding to the Supreme Court’s decision in the Wheaton case, the Justice Department submitted a legal brief on July 22 saying that the administration will again revise the regulations governing health-care programs, setting a new policy within the next month that will provide religious institutions with an option to avoid paying for contraceptives.
The Supreme Court had said that Wheaton College should not be required to fill out government forms authorizing an insurer to provide contraceptive coverage. The Court suggested that a letter from the college, stating its objection to subsidizing such coverage, should be sufficient. The Obama administration, which has made several unsuccessful efforts to ease the concerns of religious institutions without sacrificing the contraceptive mandate, did not indicate what form the new regulations might take.
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Posted by: JimKcda -
Jul. 24, 2014 10:01 AM ET USA
"Just take one bite of the apple and you will be like unto God." or "Just offer a little incense to the false god and you will be free." or, "Just do your own thing and don't worry about what others are doing (with your insurance premiums) and we will leave you alone." History repeats itself in our own time and in our own Country. How many ways can Satan say it?