Catholic World News

After winning TV singing contest, Italian nun says religious life is her first love

June 09, 2014

After winning a televised nationwide singing competition, an Italian nun has announced that she will “return to my priorities, which are prayer, getting up early and teaching at my school.”

Sister Cristina Scuccia, whose performance of pop songs on the show “The Voice” made her an international sensation, said that she was not sure what she would do about the recording contract that was part of her prize for victory. “I’ll discuss everything with my superiors,” she said.

Sister Scuccia explained her participation in the televised competition as a form of evangelization. “I have a gift and God gave me that gift and I have used it to say that God has taken nothing away from me,” she explained. Upon being named the winner of the contest, she asked the audience to join her in the Lord’s Prayer.


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