Catholic World News

Pope says 3 bishops under investigation, sees overemphasis on question of Communion for the remarried

May 27, 2014

On his return flight from the Holy Land to Rome, Pope Francis told reporters that the sexual abuse of minors is a “very grave crime” and that three bishops are under investigation for matters related to abuse.

“We must go forward with zero tolerance,” the Pope said, as he compared the clerical abuse of minors to a priest taking part in a satanic ritual.

Pope Francis also said he would celebrate Mass for a group of abuse victims.

According to summaries of the press conference published by Vatican Radio and by John Allen of the Boston Globe, the Pope also confirmed that Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s former Secretary of State, is under investigation for financial irregularities and said that priestly celibacy, while not a “dogma of the faith,” is a discipline “that I value very much and see as a gift for the Church.”

Asked whether he might consider resigning, the Pope said that “I’ll do what God tells me to do, by praying and seeking the will of God” and that “I believe Benedict XVI is not an isolated case.”

The Pontiff also spoke about the two upcoming Synods of Bishops on the family. “The Pope lamented what he characterized as an overemphasis, by members of the clergy among others, on the question of when divorced and civilly remarried Catholics may receive Communion,” according to a Catholic News Service report. “He emphasized the synods would consider the pastoral care of the family in its totality.”


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  • Posted by: hartwood01 - May. 27, 2014 8:46 PM ET USA

    Three bishops facing justice and a close look at Bertone is a wonderful start!

  • Posted by: TheJournalist64 - May. 27, 2014 7:38 PM ET USA

    The MSM automatically seize on any scrap of possible story that might generate newspaper sales or TV or radio advertising. Since they have no interest in natural marriage, they will glom onto anything that might suggest a change in the Catholic teaching on marriage. What they don't "get" is that unlike most Protestant Churches, the Catholic Church's very existence is predicated on maintaining a consistent moral stance.