Anger at Charlotte Catholic school after speaker criticizes homosexuality
March 28, 2014
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Some parents and students at one of North Carolina’s largest Catholic schools are outraged after a Nashville Dominican nun who holds a doctorate in theology criticized homosexuality in a presentation to students, according to the Charlotte Observer.
“We the students of Charlotte Catholic High School would like to issue a formal complaint regarding Sr. Jane Dominic [Laurel]’s speech,” according to an online petition. “We believe that same sex couples have the ability to raise happy, well-adjusted and successful children … We believe that homosexual couples are capable of monogamy. As rational people, we know that most homosexual people lead healthy, normal and productive lives like their heterosexual counterparts.”
An alternate petition states that “we the students of Charlotte Catholic High School, acting on our Catholic beliefs, are declaring a formal objection towards all those who do not accept Sister Jane Dominic's lecture … We are outraged that the topics talked about are being debated within a community where the shared faith teaches us what truly is holy and that anyone would stand up against a nun, who has given her life for the Lord, and blatantly deny God’s teachings.”
Update March 31st: Bishop Peter Jugis is reported to be monitoring this situation closely and diocesan officials will attend a meeting with parents and students at the school on April 2. We reported earlier that Bishop Jugis was going to attend this meeting personally, but this was an error. He is scheduled for the dedication of a new church at that time.
For all current news, visit our News home page.
Further information:
- Charlotte Catholic High calls meeting for parents after uproar over speech (Charlotte Observer)
- Charlotte Catholic speaker sparks student petitions (Catholic News Herald)
- For all alumni and parents who wish to sign and pass on (
- Stand up for Catholic Beliefs (
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Posted by: bruno -
Mar. 30, 2014 4:41 PM ET USA
Homosexual unions with children are essentially broken homes, because the child is either denied the guiding presence of their father or their mother. This seems to be a point often overlooked. The state does have an overriding interest in discouraging these kinds of unions, and certainly not elevating them to the status of legal marriage.
Posted by: [email protected] -
Mar. 29, 2014 10:21 PM ET USA
Wow! They are objecting based on their Catholic beliefs. Don't know what church these kids and parents attend but they sure need some education. Hooray for Sister Jane Dominic for standing up for the Church and its doctrines. These kids and their parents need some help and hopefully the Bishop does not cave and let them off the hook.
Posted by: bnewman -
Mar. 29, 2014 10:00 PM ET USA
Catholic schools are on the same front- line as everyone else in the present culture war against Christianity. I noticed that an alternate petition was also circulated at the same time; “We are outraged that the topics talked about are being debated within a community where the shared faith teaches us what truly is holy and that anyone would stand up against a nun, who has given her life for the Lord, and blatantly deny God’s teachings.” Well said.
Posted by: extremeCatholic -
Mar. 29, 2014 1:19 PM ET USA
Of course, I don't have a transcript, but I doubt that an informed Catholic would claim that same-sex couples are unable "to raise happy, well-adjusted and successful children" Some try and do. Some try don't. Most don't attempt. However all are naturally sterile unions. What does the Church teach? [CCC 2357] Homosexual acts are gravely depraved and intrinsically disordered.
Posted by: feedback -
Mar. 29, 2014 12:18 PM ET USA
Sending a donation to Nashville Dominicans and a Thank You note to Sister Jane Dominic.
Posted by: Kansas Girl -
Mar. 29, 2014 11:50 AM ET USA
At a Kansas middle school, a sex-ed poster naming various kinds of sexual acts, two of which are the primary homosexual acts, was hung in the hallway. Word of it got around when a student took a photo of it and showed it to her father. The poster eventually was removed, but of course the 12- to 14-year-olds had already seen it. This is part the homosexual agenda to make homosexual sex seem normal. Do Catholic parents want their children exposed to this type of indoctrination?
Posted by: dover beachcomber -
Mar. 28, 2014 9:37 PM ET USA
I suggest that the school administration hold mandatory training sessions that will clearly communicate to every student the Church's clear teaching on the evil of homosexual acts. After this clear communication, any student who refuses to declare their obedience to the Magisterium in this matter should be expelled.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Mar. 28, 2014 12:36 PM ET USA
Divide and conquer has been the strategy of the enemy of truth from the beginning. The current assault became public in the 1960s, was reinforced at a political convention in 2004, and became entrenched in 2008. Old Chinese proverb: "May you live in interesting times."
Posted by: -
Mar. 28, 2014 12:23 PM ET USA
The Gospel in today's, Friday, extraordinary rite mass was Jesus and the samaritan woman at the well. When she asks Jesus to give Himself to her in the form of liiving water, Jesus tells her to come to Him with her husband. She cannot approach Him alone, nor with a man she happens to be living with outside of marriage. He doesn't tell her to approach Him according to her own beliefs. As St. Paul warns, no fornicators nor adulterors will be saved.
Posted by: Defender -
Mar. 28, 2014 10:26 AM ET USA
Seems like students (and some/all parents) didn't know what was presented beforehand, though they're in high school and should have. Most Catholic schools don't seem to be doing their jobs in teaching the Faith - probably in favor of social justice issues, again.
Posted by: jg23753479 -
Mar. 28, 2014 8:16 AM ET USA
A few days ago I posted here saying US government-run schools were dangerous for your children. That's true, but it doesn't mean Catholic schools automatically get a passing grade. Many of them, like the one mentioned in this article, are as bad if not worse than the public institutions. To add insult to injury, these rotten-apple Catholic schools will bankrupt your family while they destroy the morals of your children. Bishop Jugis should tell them to change their name, to dump the "Catholic".