Pope praises Cardinal Kasper’s new book, greets Ukrainian cardinals
February 21, 2014
On the second day of the extraordinary consistory of cardinals, Pope Francis made brief remarks to the assembled cardinals and cardinals-designate following the celebration of Terce (Midmorning Prayer).
He began, “I would like to send a greeting, both from me personally and in the name of everyone [present], to the Ukrainian Cardinals: Cardinal [Marian] Jaworski, Emeritus of Lviv; and Cardinal [Ljubomyr] Husar, emeritus archbishop of Kiev-– who are suffering much in these days have many difficulties in their homeland. Perhaps it would be nice to deliver this message in the name of all-– you agree?” The Pope’s suggestion was greeted by applause.
Pope Francis, referring to Cardinal Walter Kasper’s new work (Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life), added:
Yesterday, before falling asleep – though not in order to fall asleep!-– I read-– I re-read Cardinal Kasper’s work, and I would like to thank him, because [in it] I found profound theology, also a serene thought in theology. It is nice to read serene theology. And also, I found that, of which St. Ignatius spoke to us: that sensus Ecclesiae [sense of the Church], no? Love for Mother Church, right there, no? It did me good and I had an idea -- and excuse me if I embarrass [Your] Eminence, but the idea is: this is called doing theology while kneeling. Thank you. Thank you.
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Further information:
- Parole Del Santo Padre (Holy See Press Office)
- Pope Francis at morning consistory session (Vatican Radio)
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