Catholic World News

Moroccan king protests proposed Vatican-Israeli agreement on Jerusalem holy sites

December 06, 2013

The king of Morocco has warned that an agreement between the Holy See and Israel could jeopardize prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

King Mohammed VI has written to Pope Francis, as well as to UN Secretary Genral Ban Ki-moon, protesting a proposed accord that would, he said, “give legitimacy to the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem and stir over 1 billion Muslims worldwide.” The Moroccan monarch was referring to a proposed agreement assuring the security of Christian holy places in Jerusalem.


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  • Posted by: R. Spanier (Catholic Canadian) - Dec. 06, 2013 11:29 PM ET USA

    Please don't confuse Arab with Muslim. There are millions of Arab Christians but zero Muslim ones....

  • Posted by: Defender - Dec. 06, 2013 1:14 PM ET USA

    Don't come up with an agreement that might cause problems with other countries that have a religion that is sworn to obliterate another? Okay, right. Let's look at it another way. If the Arabs had succeeded in obliterating Israel (which they tried to do numerous times), wonder what the chances are that they'd return the lands they controlled? After the assault on the Church of the Nativity by Arab terrorists a few years ago, one can only imagine what would happen with Arab control of Jerusalem.