Catholic World News

Anglican leader hints at joint ‘surprises’ with Pope Francis

November 04, 2013

The head of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, said in an interview with Vatican Radio that “a few” Catholic-Anglican “surprises” may be forthcoming.

“There are very fundamental and extremely important doctrinal and dogmatic differences that we have between us and they have to be worked on, as they are with Rome and the Anglicans with ARCIC [the Anglican - Roman Catholic International Commission], and we take those extremely seriously,” he said. “It’s absolutely essential that those are worked on. But we need to make sure we’re working on them in the context of churches and ecclesial communities that say no sacrifice is too great to be obedient to the call of Christ that we may be one.”

“God has given you, and given us all, a great Pope,” he continued. “And he’s a great Pope of surprises… Surprises? Yes, I think there’ll be one or two surprises. We’re hoping to produce a few surprises.”

Asked to divulge “any hint, any teaser” about his visit to the Vatican next spring, Archbishop Welby replied, “No, absolutely not!”


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  • Posted by: - Nov. 04, 2013 11:10 AM ET USA

    Beware of "surprises". Welby refers to "doctrinal and dogmatic differences" that have to be "worked on". That right there tells me that he missed a few important theology classes. Also, if I were Francis, I would worry that anyone calls me "great".

  • Posted by: jacquebquique5708 - Nov. 04, 2013 10:36 AM ET USA

    The Pope will name Cardinals in February. Until then, there is only conjecture about his intentions.

  • Posted by: geoffreysmith1 - Nov. 04, 2013 7:18 AM ET USA

    “There are very fundamental and extremely important doctrinal and dogmatic differences that we have between us and they have to be worked on,..." - Welby. I see that Dr Welby is still peddling this idea of women bishops, in spite of the fact that the scheme was trashed by the synod not so long ago. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. So the Anglicans will persist in pushing this Protestant concept until they achieve it, which is why any agreement between us is impossible.