Catholic World News

Bishop Martino rebukes Catholic senator for vote on Mexico City policy

February 06, 2009

Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton, Pennsylvania, has chastised the state's Senator Robert Casey for voting against a proposal that would have barred US taxpayer support for abortion advocacy in other countries. The bishop warned Casey that his vote made him guilty of formal cooperation with abortion.

Casey, who is Catholic, voted with the Senate majority to uphold President Obama's executive order reversing the Mexico City policy. In an open message to the lawmaker, Bishop Martino said that vote "will mean the deaths of thousands of unborn children."

"This is an offense against life and a denial of our Catholic teaching on the dignity of every human being," the bishop told Casey. "Your failure to reverse this vote will regrettably mean that you persist formally in cooperating with the evil brought about by this hideous and unnecessary policy."


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