Catholic World News

Cardinals to be briefed on full 'Vatileaks' report?

February 22, 2013

The commission of 3 cardinals who investigated the “Vatileaks” scandal will be asked by Pope Benedict XVI to share their findings with the full College of Cardinals, an Italian journalist reports.

Giacomo Galeazzi of La Stampa says that the 3 senior prelates—Cardinals Julian Herranz, Jozef Tomko, and Salvatore De Giorgi—will be given permission to tell the other cardinals about the contents of their report, which was submitted directly to the Pope and to date has been kept confidential. The 3 cardinals would present their findings to the College of Cardinals during one of the daily “congregations” that will meet beginning on March 1, after the Pope’s resignation takes effect. Since all three of the cardinals on the “Vatileaks” commission are over the age of 80, none will be present during the papal conclave.

The report by the three cardinals has become a topic of intense interest in Rome since Italian journalists reported that the prelates had informed the Pope about a homosexual network within the Vatican, whose members could be subject to blackmail. The Vatican has declined to comment on the contents of the report, stressing that the cardinals’ findings were addressed exclusively to Pope Benedict.


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