Obama won Catholic vote, regular churchgoers chose Romney
November 07, 2012
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President Barack Obama won a slim majority of votes from self-identified Catholics, according to exit polls conduct by CNN.
The polls shows that 50% of voters who identified themselves as Catholics voted for Obama, and 48% for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The CNN poll did not distinguish between active and lapsed Catholics.
Protestant voters swung heavily toward Romney, the CNN polls showed, with 57% choosing the Republican and only 42% voting to re-elect Obama. The initial reports on the CNN exit polls did not distinguish among the different Protestant denominations.
Among voters who said they had no religious affiliation, Obama was the overwhelming favorite, with a commanding 70-26% edge.
The CNN exit polls showed a clear preference for Romney (59- 39%) among voters who attended church services weekly, and an even more pronounced tilt toward Obama (62-34%) among those who never attended services.
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Posted by: hartwood01 -
Nov. 08, 2012 5:20 PM ET USA
In what world are we living,that we think the government,Republican or Democratic,will de-fund Planned Parenthood? They are the biggest abortion providers,and enjoy our tax support. This election has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have never dreamed such hateful vindictive could be spewed from the mouths of our so-called righteous Catholics. Yes,catechesis is needed,also love of neighbor and none of "I got mine,now you get yours" attitude.
Posted by: unum -
Nov. 07, 2012 8:26 PM ET USA
9% more Protestants voted for Romney but 8% more "Catholics" (CINOs)voted for pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Obama. What do Protestants know about catechesis that the USCCB should know?
Posted by: -
Nov. 07, 2012 8:11 PM ET USA
Protestants are more pro-life than Catholics? We knew that anyway by looking at the nominally Catholic states and the pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians whom they support. Canon 915, Your Excellencies? This is another demonstration of the failure of the American bishops to teach the faith. Card Dolan admits that Humanae Vitae has been off the syllabus for years - now, suddenly, the Church talks of religious freedom and contraception. Hey, bishops, any wonder the flocks aren't listening?
Posted by: joancollins507161 -
Nov. 07, 2012 5:20 PM ET USA
This is just more evidence of the poor catechesis of Catholics. Though they may attend Catholic schools from kindergarten through college, many simply do not know their faith. It seems as though Evangelicals can do more with Wednesday night and Sunday than Catholics can with the whole school week. Our kids receive Confirmation without knowing the basics of their faith and proceed through adulthood with no more instruction than a tepid Sunday homily. It shows.