Atlanta archdiocese joins suit against HHS mandate; still no Jesuit colleges among plaintiffs
October 10, 2012
The Atlanta archdiocese has joined in a lawsuit challenging the contraceptive mandate in the Obama administration’s health-care policy. “We are undertaking this action because the stakes are so incredibly high,” said Archbishop Wilton Gregory.
In a related development, the Cardinal Newman Society observed that among the dozens of religious institutions that have filed suit against the mandate, Catholic colleges and universities are outnumbered by other Christian institutions. The prominence of Evangelical Protestant colleges among those challenging the mandate belies the widespread impression that this is a “Catholic issue,” the Cardinal Newman Society observes. But it also raises a question: Why are so many Catholic colleges and universities not joining in the legal challenge. “Not one of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the U.S. has joined in a lawsuit against HHS,” the group notes.
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Further information:
- Achdiocese files suit over birth control mandate (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
- Catholic Colleges Outnumbered by Other Christian Colleges Suing HHS (Cardinal Newman Society)
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