Catholic World News

Smithsonian Channel curbs hype on papyrus-fragment story

October 02, 2012

The Smithsonian Channel has pulled back from plans to promote a story about the papyrus fragment referring to a wife of Jesus, after a number of scholars expressed doubts about the authenticity of the document.

The Smithsonian Channel had planned a special broadcast on the document, unearthed by Harvard’s Karen King, saying that it was “one of the most significant discoveries of all time.” But the broadcaster decided not to air the scheduled special on September 30, saying that it would wait for further guidance from scholars about the real importance of the document.


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  • Posted by: Gil125 - Oct. 02, 2012 3:04 PM ET USA

    ...Proving that they are not true journalists. If they were real journalists, they would never let the facts stand in the way of a good story.