Catholic World News

Catholic Medical Association says male-female marriage important [CORRECTED]

October 01, 2012

The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) has adopted a resolution calling upon American political leaders to protect marriage, citing “the best available published scientific evidence” that shows children are best raised in a household headed by one man and one woman.

The CMA resolution, adopted at a meeting September 28, said that “marriage between one man and one woman in a stable relationship is the optimal situation for the healthy development of children.” It is unjust, the resolution said, when “children are deliberately deprived” of their best chance for healthy development by state laws giving legal recognition to same-sex unions and allowing homosexual couples to adopt children.

The CMA calls for state and federal governments to protect children by affirming male-female marriage.


Due to a misunderstanding, the original CWN news story (posted above) was based on a preliminary draft of the resolution adopted by the CMA. The actual resolution approved by the CMA was considerably less controversial. Although the resolution did call for support for male/female marriage, it did not cite the scientific findings that children are harmed by being placed in households headed by same-sex partners. The full resolution, as approved, read:

Resolved that the Catholic Medical Association calls on all state governments and the federal government to promote the welfare of children by affirming that marriage can only exist between one man and one woman, and that marriage, as traditionally understood, should be upheld as the optimal family setting for raising children.


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