Catholic World News

Sunni clerics oppose construction of church in Bahrain

September 04, 2012

In August, the Kingdom of Bahrain announced that the bishop who ministers to over two million Catholics in the region would be moving his apostolic vicariate’s headquarters to the Arabian island nation “as a testament to the kingdom’s religious and cultural openness.”

The kingdom’s decision to permit the construction of the largest church in the region, however, has provoked a storm of protest from Sunni Muslim clerics.

“Anyone who believes that a church is a true place of worship is someone who has broken in their faith in God,” said one prominent cleric, Sheik Adel Hassan al-Hamad.


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  • Posted by: rpp - Sep. 04, 2012 8:39 AM ET USA

    Disagreement is fine. However, when it becomes obstructionist, or, as it typical in predominantly Muslim countries, effectively criminal to be anything other than the state-sanctioned religion (even if that were Catholic!), that is immoral and cannot be justified. Of course, that is a Christian view. The fact that other religions do not agree on this point is far more telling about them.