Catholic World News

Egyptian Christians face constant proselytism, discrimination

May 07, 2012

Discussing the situation of Christians in various Middle Eastern nations, Father Samir Khalil Samir describes the barrage of Muslim proselytism that Egyptian Christians regularly face.

“The whole day and during the whole year, you are bombarded with Islamic propaganda starting at five in the morning,” says the Jesuit historian and Islamic studies professor. “They start their preaching using megaphones and this is five times a day.”

“Then you have the radio and television; often your neighbors play these programs at a high volume,” he continues. “You cannot complain because your neighbor will justify by saying that its God’s word.”

Father Samir adds:

The television and film are also inundated with Islamic propaganda. In the schools, the boys and girls start their day with Islamic teaching. It starts when the students are outside they are again inundated by Islamic propaganda; it is called Khutbah. When there is a transition from one teacher to the next the same ritual is again repeated.

In terms of employment when one is looking for work particularly in the public sector, you are asked for your name, which is normal, but in Egypt, you are asked your name; this is the system, and through your name particularly in Egypt your name, your father’s name and your grandfather’s name and if there is no mention of Mohammed in your series of names then you are known to be a Christian .. You will know that you have been classified and it could be a reason for a refusal of a job and things like that.

“You also find discrimination in the university,” he adds. “A Christian cannot be a gynecologist, or teach Arabic, because their reasoning is that being Christian, how can one teach Arabic when it is based on the Koran and how can you teach the Koran if one is not a Muslim.”


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