Catholic World News

Adoption: Virginia legislature defends religious liberty

March 07, 2012

The Virginia legislature has passed a measure defending the rights of religious agencies not to place children for adoption with homosexual couples. Gov. Robert McDonnell has pledged that he will sign the legislation.

“This move strengthens First Amendment protections and safeguards our ability to assist those many families who seek and depend on our help,” said Art Bennett, president of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington

The bishops of Virginia lobbied for the legislation after the State Board of Social Services considered a mandate that would have forbidden private agencies to take "sexual orientation" into account in adoption placements.

The White House had signaled its opposition to the new legislation. “While the president does not weigh in on every single action taken by legislative bodies in our country, he has long believed that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals based on their interest in offering a loving home, not based on discriminatory and irrelevant factors,” a spokesman for President Obama said.


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  • Posted by: - Mar. 08, 2012 8:55 AM ET USA

    The president's Sex Squad spies are everywhere; it's probably one of the functions of the many Czars he created. Mind your own business, Mr. President.

  • Posted by: veniteadoremus1822 - Mar. 07, 2012 8:00 PM ET USA

    What does the Obama administration use for its public policy positions? The Screwtape Letters?

  • Posted by: DrJazz - Mar. 07, 2012 12:20 PM ET USA

    “While the president does not weigh in on every single action taken by legislative bodies in our country," he _does_ weigh in on every single action that counters his amoral agenda.