Cardinal Pell raps arrogance of climate-change crusade
October 27, 2011
Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, Australia, has warned that the crusade to stop global warming will extract a heavy price, imposing costs especially on those who are most vulnerable.
Speaking in London, Cardinal Pell—who has often voiced his skepticism about the evidence for man-made climate change—said that environmentalists have shown an arrogant attitude in their drive for sweeping policy changes, regardless of the costs. He criticized proponents of the global-warming theory for their “totalitarian approach to opposing views, their demonizing of successful opponents and their opposition to the publication of opposing views even in scientific journals.
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Posted by: FredC -
Oct. 28, 2011 2:19 PM ET USA
Man-made global warming is being taught in all U.S. public schools and perhaps in Catholic schools. The children are being so propagandized that they will be blind to scientific facts.
Posted by: filioque -
Oct. 28, 2011 11:05 AM ET USA
Thank you, Cardinal Pell. What a refreshing assertion of the real interests of the Church in this area. It's what the Pontifical Council on Justice and Peace should be saying instead of blathering about a world financial authority.