Catholic World News

Current, former Salt Lake City bishops defend Mormons over Prop. 8

November 13, 2008

Two bishops have decried anti-Mormon protests that followed the passage of a California ballot initiative defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. ‘I wish to express the support and solidarity of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City with our brothers and sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,’ said Salt Lake City Bishop John Wester. ‘Recently, both of our churches took a strong stand in California to support Proposition 8 which sought to maintain the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman … One of the hallmarks of our country is that people of different opinions can debate neuralgic issues and at the same time demonstrate respect, civility and courtesy for the other. I pray that this will be the case going forward.’

Bishop William Weigand, who served as Bishop of Salt Lake City from 1980 until his appointment as Bishop of Sacramento in 1993, said, ‘I personally decry the bigotry recently exhibited towards the members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints-- coming from the opponents of Proposition 8, who ironically, have called those of us supporting traditional marriage intolerant. I call upon the supporters of same-sex marriage to live by their own words-- and to refrain from discrimination against religion and to exercise tolerance for those who differ from them. I call upon them to accept the will of the people of California in the passage of Proposition 8.’


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