Catholic World News

Ohio bishop: no fundraising on behalf of Komen Foundation

July 13, 2011

Bishop Leonard Blair of Toledo has directed that “Catholic fundraising efforts” to combat breast cancer should be directed to local cancer centers rather than to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

“For some time, moral questions have been raised from various quarters about the research funded by the Komen Foundation,” Bishop Blair said in a letter. “The bishops of Ohio have discussed this and have looked into the matter. As best we can determine, at present the Komen Foundation does not fund cancer research that employs embryonic stem cells. However, their policy does not exclude that possibility. They are open to embryonic stem cell research, and may very well fund such research in the future.”

“They are also contributors to Planned Parenthood, which, though it may claim to provide needed medical services to poor women, is also the largest provider of abortions in our country,” he added. “In order to avoid even the possibility of cooperation in morally unacceptable activities, the other Bishops and I believe that it would be wise to find alternatives to Komen for Catholic fundraising efforts.”

Following a Toledo Blade article, the diocese issued a clarification:

Bishop Blair's letter is neither a condemnation, censure, nor--as the Blade claimed--a "ban" on the Komen Foundation. Individual Catholics who want to contribute to Komen locally can continue to do so on the basis of Komen's assurance that no local funds go to Planned Parenthood or to embryonic stem cell research. However, there are some who in good faith continue to have misgivings about Komen's association with Planned Parenthood and its openness to embryonic stem cell research. For that reason the Bishops of Ohio determined, as Bishop Blair says, that "in order to avoid even the possibility of cooperation in morally unacceptable activities...fundraising activities carried out under Catholic auspices, including our schools, should be channeled" elsewhere.


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  • Posted by: lauriem5377 - Jul. 18, 2011 8:40 PM ET USA

    Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to sustain this courageous Bishop! God Bless Bishop Blair!

  • Posted by: MWPapabear8555 - Jul. 15, 2011 9:44 PM ET USA

    This unholy coupling is a Möbius loop! Birth Control, which Planned Parenthood touts, is a cause in the increased risk of breast cancer, which Komen claims to champion in their fundraising; but their support of Planned Parenthood perpetuates the increased risk of more cases of breast cancer, which keeps Komen in the spotlight as needing to continue it Quest for the Cure. It is a terrible cycle of the abuse of goodwill. So sad, I hope more like Abby Johnson come forward to blow that whistle!

  • Posted by: jmilloy46427 - Jul. 15, 2011 7:45 PM ET USA

    Kadoos to Bishop Blair. We need ALL of our bishops to take strong stands against the evils of today.

  • Posted by: williiam ronner - Jul. 13, 2011 8:05 PM ET USA

    I used to own 5 Oreck Vacuum franchises and was ordered to sell the "Komen" model which was a fundraiser for that org. I refused , and won. They give money to Planned Parenthood but stated none of those funds are used for abortion. BALONEY! Planned Parenthood uses those funds to do breast cancer test. Again, BALONEY! Planned Parenthood uses those funds to clean up their image so they can claim not to be exclusively an abortion provider. Komen execs support even Partial Birth Abortion.

  • Posted by: debjmj9652 - Jul. 13, 2011 7:27 PM ET USA

    I urge everyone to through their support to The Breast Cancer Prevention Institute co-founded in 1999 by Drs. Joel Brind, Angela Lanfranchi, John T. Bruchalski and William L. Toffler. Dr. Brind, a scientist and researcher, was aware of risk reduction strategies not widely known to the public and healthcare professionals. Dr. Lanfranchi, a breast cancer surgeon, saw the incidence of breast cancer increasing in young women. She wanted to see this trend reversed. Check out their website for more.

  • Posted by: Kathie - Jul. 13, 2011 2:56 PM ET USA

    Thank You Bishop Blair. It is refreshing and encouraging that you have addressed the Koman Foundation fundraising efforts. You are one of very few courageous Catholic Leaders that are truely trying to brings God's children home to Him by teaching His message.

  • Posted by: Cblanch3181205 - Jul. 13, 2011 7:37 AM ET USA

    Thank you, Bishop Blair!