Pornography | What You Need to Know

It is difficult to overstate the menace—and the omnipresence—of pornography in our society. One can scarcely go to a grocery store, shopping mall or movie theater without encountering pornography, or even watch the commercials on one's own television set. Women’s fashions are often reminiscent of street walkers.

All of this is very difficult for men but, perhaps surprisingly, many women get hooked into pornography too. It is very hard in our culture to preserve purity, and the consequent immersion in pornography weakens individuals and ruins families.

Two outstanding episcopal pastoral letters have addressed this problem in the last year with great effectiveness. The one in our first listing gives a more succinct overview. The other provides additional insights, however, and you’ll find it in the "If You've Got More Time" section.

Many who use our web site have a specific interest in protecting their children on the Internet. This problem is no longer limited to personal computers, but afflicts game machines, PDAs and cell phones as well, depending on your service plan. You must beware of all media your kids can access privately.

Finally, those who are currently enmeshed in pornography, or have a loved one in this condition, may need systematic help or even professional intervention. Fortunately, you can start down the road to recovery using some excellent web-based resources.

Essential Perspective

  1. Bishop Robert Finn: Blessed Are the Pure of Heart
  2. Pornography and the Internet: Are Your Children Safe?
  3. The Serenellians: Helping You Overcome Pornography

Extra Reading

Another outstanding recent episcopal letter on the scourge of pornography is Paul S. Loverde’s Bought at a Price: Pornography and the Attack on the Living Temple of God.

If you'd like some guidelines for self help in this area, see Twelve Steps to Freedom from Pornography. These recommendations come from Steve Wood of St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers, an organization to help good men become better fathers. See the web site

Another organization with a web site which helps men escape pornography is found at

Finally, to find a therapist in your area who can help with serious addiction problems, start your search at