Catholic Recipe: Catalonian Macaroni
- 1/2 Cup Peas
- 1/2 Cup Gigande Beans — or limas
- 1 Zucchini — chopped
- Salt And Pepper — to taste
- 4 Cups Macaroni
- 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
- 2 Medium Onions — chopped
- 2 Cloves Garlic — chopped
- 1 Medium Red Pepper — chopped
- 6 Medium Tomatoes — chopped
- 2 Tablespoons Parsley — chopped
- 3 Tablespoons Cheese — grated
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 30 minutes
For Ages: 11+
Origin: Italy
Food Categories (2)
Feasts (1)
Try this recipe as a side dish for the feast of St. Raymund Nonnatus.
1. Cook macaroni as directed. 2. Place peas, beans & zuc in steamer, til tender. 3. Saute in another pan onion, garlic & pepper. 4. When onion is done, add tomatoes & steamed veggies. 5. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes, 6. Add parsley, stir in macaroni, top with cheese & serve.
Recipe Source: Information from Various Websites