Catholic Recipe: Poor Woman's Marzipan
This recipe will challenge the creativity of your children, who love to mold shapes and designs. Moreover, this artwork is edible!
Use 1 pkg. gelatin, add coconut and milk. Stir well to blend and let stand a few minutes, then form into balls and roll in the second pkg. of gelatin. Form each ball into a strawberry. Insert a small piece of green toothpick, if desired, for the stem. For pumpkins, use orange gelatin and make the balls a little larger. Insert a pencil to make the top depression and a nut pick to form the ridges. Gather little sticks or twigs from your garden to use for stems for a more natural look. Use your imagination to work out other fruits. Good work-play for the children, too, — at least they can eat the results, which is more than you can say for Play-Dough.
Recipe Source: Holy Housewifery Cookbook by Ethel Marbach, Abbey Press, Saint Meinrad, Indiana, 1968