Catholic Prayer: Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette


Prayer Categories (1)


Feasts (1)



Remember, Virgin of the Salette
tears that you shed for us on Calvary.
Remember the pain too,
that you constantly take for your people
so that in the name of Christ he may be reconciled to God.
And see if, after having done so much for your children,
You can't abandon them now!
Comforted by your tenderness,
Mother, here we are begging,
despite our infidelities and ingratitudes.
Do not reject our prayers,
O Reconciling Virgin,
but turn our hearts to your son:
obtain for us the grace to love Jesus above all else,
and console yourself
by a life given for the glory of God
and the love of our brothers. AMEN

V. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciling of sinners,
A. Pray constantly for us who have recourse to you

Prayer Source: Prayers from Various Websites