Catholic Prayer: Saint Richard of Chichester Deathbed Prayer


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St. Richard is supposed to have recited this prayer on his deathbed, surrounded by the clergy of the diocese. The words were transcribed, in Latin, by his confessor Ralph Bocking, a Dominican friar, and were eventually published in the Acta Sanctorum, an encyclopedic text in 68 folio volumes of documents examining the lives of Christian saints.


Gratias tibi ego, Domine Jesu Christe, de omnibus beneficiis, quae mihi praestitisti; pro poenis & opprobiis, quae pro me pertulisti; propter quae plactus ille lamentablis vere tibim competebat. Non est dolor sicut dolor meus.

Lord Jesus Christ, I thank Thee for all the blessings Thou hast given me, and for all the sufferings and shame Thou didst endure for me, on which account that pitiable cry of sorrow was Thine: "Behold and see, if there was any sorrow like unto My sorrow!" Thou knowest, Lord, how willing I should be to bear insult, and pain, and death for Thee; therefore have mercy on me, for to Thee do I commend my spirit. Amen

Prayer Source: Prayers from Various Websites