Catholic Culture Resources
Catholic Culture Resources

Catholic Prayer: St. Bruno Prayer


Feasts (1)


St. Bruno, born at Cologne, retired with six of his friends to one of the desert mountains of Dauphiny in the south east of France. There he established the first house of the Order of the Carthusians. He died on October 6 A.D. 1101. These prayers were taken from the 1962 Missal and the 1974 Breviary.


May we be helped by the intercession of St. Bruno, Thy Confessor, O Lord, we beseech Thee, so that we who by our evil deeds have grievously offended Thy Majesty, may by his merits and prayers obtain forgiveness of our sins. Through our Lord....

Lord God, you called Saint Bruno to serve you in a life of solitude. Amidst this world's changes help us, by his prayers, to set our hearts always on you. Through our Lord...