Catholic Prayer: Prayer to Saint Anthony Zaccaria


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Feast is July 5.


O child of the Apostle Paul, follower in his steps, preacher of the Word he proclaimed so completely with his very life, you who desired so to bear the fruit of love in patience, to share in the hardships of the apostles as well as in their glory, and led your fellow ordained zealously to desire the same – pray there shall be reform in this day among our priests and among the people of God, that all will so zealously follow the teaching and way of the Apostle, which is, of course, the way of Christ: to die, to lay down our lives, to suffer indignation and pray for our enemies, all the will calling souls to the Lord's undying love, to His saving blood. Amen.

Prayer Source: Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt, AuthorHouse, 10/17/2007