Catholic Prayer: Litany of St. Rita of Cascia
This litany was approved for private devotion and is from a booklet issued by the Benedictine Nuns at Clyde, MO. At the end is a prayer from The Holy Ghost Prayer book and finally, a prayer to St. Rita which Pope Pius XI richly indulgenced in 1936.
Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us,. God the Father Almighty, Have mercy on us, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Who hast said: Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. R. Have mercy on us, God the Holy Ghost, Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel and Knowledge, R. Have mercy on us, Holy Trinity, one God, infinite in power, R. Have mercy on us, Holy Mary, who dost never refuse a petition, Pray for us. Immaculate Virgin. Queen of Heaven and earth, Pray for us. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Pray for us. Holy Angels, spirits of humility Pray for us. Holy Principalities, protectors of religious communities, Pray for us. Holy Virtues, angels of fortitude, Pray for us. Holy Cherubim, angels of light, Pray for us. Saint Rita, advocate of the impossible, Pray for us. St. Rita, consecrated to God, Pray for us. St. Rita, lover of Jesus Crucified, Pray for us. St. Rita, bride of the suffering Saviour, Pray for us. St. Rita, filled with compassion for the sufferings of Christ, Pray for us. St. Rita, crowned by an angel with a crown of thorns, Pray for us. St. Rita, who didst bear the wound of this mysterious crown on thy forehead, Pray for us. St. Rita, who didst firmly trust in the loving mercy of Jesus, Pray for us. St. Rita, who didst importune the dying Saviour with ardent supplications, Pray for us. St. Rita, who didst never doubt a gracious answer to thy prayer, Pray for us.
That we may renounce all self-love, Pray for us, St. Rita. That we may confidently trust in the promises of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Rita. That the enemies of our salvation may be put to confusion, Pray for us, St. Rita. That we may ever perfectly fulfill the will of God, Pray for us, St. Rita. That our inclinations to evil may be destroyed, Pray for us, St. Rita. That the Faith in all its purity may be spread over our land, Pray for us, St. Rita. That a holy zeal may fill our hearts, Pray for us, St. Rita. That we may infuse a holy love for chastity into all who come in contact with us, Pray for us, St. Rita. That in all our actions and omissions we may endeavor to promote a tender charity, Pray for us, St. Rita. That we may be delivered from all avarice, vainglory and rash judgment, Pray for us, St. Rita. That great saints may rise in our land who will edify the people and dispel the darkness of unbelief, Pray for us, St. Rita. That we may he delivered from all interior enemies, Pray for us, St. Rita.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, Saint Rita, R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. O God, Who in Thy. infinite tenderness dust deign to hearken to the prayer of St. Rita, and to grant to her supplication that which seems impossible to human foresight, skill and efforts, in reward for her compassionate love and firm reliance upon Thy promises: have pity upon our adversity and succor us in our calamities, that the unbeliever may know that Thou art the recompenser of the humble, the defense of the helpless and the strength of those who trust in Thee. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.
O God, Who to St. Rita didst vouchsafe the great grace in very truth to love her enemies, and both in her heart and on her brow to bear the stigmata of Thy Passion: have regard, we beseech Thee, to her merits and her prayers; and grant that we may, in such wise, show mercy to our enemies, and so meditate on the pains of Thy Passion as to make our own, the blessedness promised to them that are meek and to them that mourn. Who livest and reignest world without end. R. Amen.
O glorious Saint Rita, who didst miraculously participate in the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: obtain for me the grace to suffer with resignation the troubles of this life, and protect me in all my needs. R. Amen.
Prayer Source: Kyrie Eleison — Two Hundred Litanies by Benjamin Francis Musser O.F.M., The Magnificat Press, 1944