Catholic Activity: Celebrating the Holy Innocents
Lulla, lulla, thou little tiny child, A seventeenth century Italian carol, Herod Dead, is again in keeping with the feast as is the lovely traditional German carol, Maria on the Mountain.
A birthday cake in honor of the birthday into heaven of the little saints would make a timely dessert. Mrs. Berger tells us that German cooks created a Bavarian cream with either a strawberry or cherry sauce to symbolize the blood spilled. They felt that blanc-mange would be suitable for little children and grownups after too much Christmas feasting. Activity Source: True Christmas Spirit by Rev. Edward J. Sutfin, Grail Publications, St. Meinrad, Indiana, 1955
By by, lully lullay.
Thou little tiny child,
By by, lully lullay
. . . Herod the king in his raging,
Charged he hath this day
His men of might
In his own sight,
All young children to slay. . . .