Catholic Activity: Easter Garden I
Similar to the Nativity scene at Christmas, a wonderful project for the family is the recreation of the scene at Easter at Christ's tomb, creating a garden with the tomb and all the characters of the Resurrection.
Just as one makes a crib at Christmas, so one can make an Easter garden during Lent and set it up on Easter Saturday, adding and removing the figures, according to the Gospel story. This time one needs more figures — soldiers, angels, holy women, the apostles, Christ himself, and a sepulcher — but they can all be made in the same way as the Christmas figures, drawn on paper, glued on wood and cut out. If they are crude, never mind; an Easter garden is only a small demonstration of affection for Christ, not a test of skill. Where this differs from the cribs, however, is that the figures should all be contained in a shallow box, in which one puts small flowers, roots and all. Here in this way one brings in some symbol of new life that has risen from the death of winter.
Activity Source: Candle is Lighted, A by P. Stewart Craig, The Grail, Field End House, Eastcote, Middlesex, 1945