Catholic Activity: Practical Suggestions for Christian Living (Anointing of the Sick)
Carry out these suggestions to make sure that the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is at all times accessible for sick family and friends.
- Have a sick-call set in your home; also, never be without blessed candles.
- Cultivate the correct attitude in regard to thin sacrament; don't fear it.
- Know meaning and use of oil in relation to Anointing of the Sick.
- Assist sick neighbors in getting a priest on time; better a week too early than a minute too late.
- Don't delay calling a priest in case of serious illness of a member of your family; waiting until the patient is unconscious is waiting too long.
- Make sure the sickroom is properly prepared for the administration of the Last Sacraments.
- Call a priest immediately in case of apparent death if the patient has not had the opportunity of receiving the Last Sacraments.
- Have a crucifix and sacred pictures on the walls of the sickroom.
- Help at all times to keep the patient's mind on the spiritual level; aid him in making acts of faith, hope, and charity.
- Refrain from indulging in frivolous gossip and worldly news in hearing of the patient.
- Be ready to explain Anointing of the Sick to non-Catholic relatives and friends who may be present at its administration.
- Explain the advantages of the reception of this sacrament to the patient about to receive it, particularly if he is not inclined to its reception.
Activity Source: Our Christian Home by Rev. Joseph A. Fischer, Seraphic Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1954