Catholic Activity: Lenten Prayer Pot
This is an arts and crafts activity that can be worked on throughout the season of Lent.
First we make the pinch pot out of salt clay.
With pinching gestures, you can mold clay into objects such as animals or even make a bowl. While this form of pottery seems really basic, you can get a feel for the clay you are working with and you will get to know the limits of your clay. (Does it bend easily? Does it dry fast? Etc.)
To make a bowl... (Begin with a ball of clay) Begin with a ball of clay. Push your thumb into the center. Then pinch up the walls.
(Turn the piece as you pinch) Turn the piece as you pinch. This will help you to keep an even thickness in the walls of the piece.
(Flatten the bottom) Gently pat the bottom on a flat surface to create a flat spot on the bottom of the piece.
Allow the pot to dry. The outside can be decorated with paint or markers or may be left plain.
On Ash Wednesday: Place the pot in a special place where it can't be missed - perhaps the center of the family table. It reminds us that Lent is here but remains empty for the next few days.
First Sunday of Lent: A small heart cut from construction paper is placed in the prayer pot during the main meal to remind everyone of God's love for us and that we should show our love for, and be kind to, others.
Second Sunday of Lent: A small seed (any kind - sunflower, pumpkin) is placed in the pot to remind us that God's love for us constantly grows and that we should try hard to do more for other people.
Third Sunday of Lent: Place a small rubber band in the prayer pot as a reminder that God always stretches His patience with us and we need to do the same for others even when it isn't easy.
Fourth Sunday of Lent: A marble or small game piece is placed in the pot to remind us that we need to remember to take turns, to share.
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Add a little band-aid to remind us to help other people when they are sad or hurt.
Palm Sunday: Place a tiny piece of palm to remind us that Jesus is our King and we always need to remember to say our prayers to him.
Easter Sunday: The last item is a tiny piece of egg shell to remind us that Jesus will always be with us and is always read to hear our prayers.
Activity Source: Catholic Parenting