Catholic Activity: Hymn in Honor of St. Philip



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Taken from a Greek hymn.


Illumined with the rays of the great light, O Philip! thou didst shine as a magnificent star. Thou soughtest the Father of lights in his own Son, and didst find him; for the light is found in the Light, for he is the figure of his Father's substance, reflecting in himself the Father as his archetype. Beseech him, O Apostle, that he would save them that have been signed with his divine Blood!

O wondrous prodigy! The Apostle Philip was as a lamb in the midst of wolves, but he feared them not; he turned them from wild beasts into lambs, by giving them faith; he changed the world by God's power. O admirable workings of faith! O admirable power! Do thou, O Christ, our only Savior, hear his prayers for us, and save our souls.

O wondrous prodigy! The Apostle Philip was in the world as a well of living water, whence all might draw wisdom. We have received of the teachings that flowed in streams from this well; we have drunk of its miraculous flowings. O thou doer of heavenly things, whose memory we now devoutly celebrate, what great and astounding miracles didst thou not work!

Leaving all earthly things, thou didst follow Christ, and wast filled with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. He sent thee to the nations that were lost, that thou, O Philip, mightest convert men to the light of the knowledge of God. Through divers tortures thou didst complete the battle thou hadst so holily desired and give back thy soul to God. Beseech him, O most blessed one! that he grant to us his great mercy.

Thou wast the disperser of demons. Thou wast the star of them that were dwelling in darkness, and didst show them the bright Sun, that came forth from the Virgin. Thou didst overturn the temples of idols and gather Churches together for the glory of our God. Therefore do we venerate thee, and solemnly celebrate thy holy memory, and cry out to thee with one voice: O Apostle Philip! beseech Christ our God, that he grant forgiveness of sins to us who fervently celebrate thy saintly memory.

Thou wast verily given to men upon earth as a spiritual cloud, laden with abundant rain, and watering the mystic land of our souls; for thy word has gone through the world, filling it with light, and pouring out upon it as it were showers of precious fragrance. Breathing, therefore, the fragrance of the Holy Spirit into the hearts of unbelievers, thou didst enrich them with the treasures of heaven. O Apostle Philip! beseech Christ our God that he grant forgiveness of sin to us, who fervently celebrate thy holy memory.

Activity Source: Liturgical Year, The by Abbot Gueranger O.S.B., Marian House, 1983