Prayers for Priests

by Congregation for the Clergy


Three prayers published by the Congregation for Clergy along with its message for the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests. The day will be celebrated June 11, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Publisher & Date

Vatican, April 22, 2008

See Message published by the Congregation for Clergy for the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests.

Priestly Prayer

Lord, You have called me to priestly ministry
in a particular moment of history,
as in the times of the first Apostles,
when You desire that all Christians,
and in a particular way Your priests,
might be witnesses to the wonders of God
and the strength of Your Spirit.

Allow me to be a witness to the dignity of human life,
to the grandeur of love,
and to the power of the ministry which I have received.
May my entire life be dedicated to You:
for love, only for love, and for a higher love.

May my commitment to celibacy
born of Your mission,
be a joyful and happy affirmation
and a total dedication of myself to others
in the service of Your Church.
Give me strength in my weakness,
and gratitude for my steadfastness.

Holy Mother Mary,
greatest and most wonderful mother of all time,
grant that I may entrust my life to you each day.
Mary, font of generosity and dedication,
grant that I may be joined with you
at the foot of the greatest crosses of the world,
experiencing the redeeming pain of the death of your Son,
so that I might enjoy the triumph of the Resurrection
for eternal life. Amen

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A Prayer Priests Might Say on a Daily Basis

Almighty God, we pray that your grace may assist us in the ministerial priesthood to serve you worthily and devoutly, in complete purity, and in good conscience. And if we are unable to live our lives with such innocence, grant that we weep bitterly over the evil we have done. Grant that we may serve you ever fervently with a spirit of humility, with right intention of good will. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


O good Jesus, make me a priest after your own Heart.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Most beloved Jesus, with a singular benevolence you have called me from among thousands of men to follow you in the excellence of priestly dignity. I beg you for the divine strength to rightly fulfil my ministry. I implore you, Lord Jesus, to daily renew the grace given to me through the imposition of the hands of the Bishop. O most powerful doctor of souls, heal me so that I may not fall back into evil, that I may flee from every sin, and that I may do what is pleasing in your eyes until the hour of my death. Amen.

Prayer to implore the grace to safeguard chastity

Lord Jesus Christ, spouse of my soul, delight of my heart and my soul, I fall on my knees before you, praying and fervently beseeching you to allow me to persevere and grow in the true faith each day. O sweet Jesus, grant that I may reject all impiety and that I may be a stranger to the carnal desires and earthly concupiscence which fight against my soul. Through your help, may I preserve my chastity unstained.

O most holy and immaculate Virgin Mary, Virgin of virgins and most beloved Mother, purify my heart and soul each day, and obtain for me a holy fear of the Lord and a particular distrust of my own strength.

St. Joseph, guardian of the virginity of Mary, keep my soul from all sin.

All of you holy Virgins who unceasingly follow the divine Lamb, be solicitous to me a sinner, that I may avoid sin in thoughts, words, actions or omissions, and that I may never be far from the most chaste heart of Jesus. Amen.

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Prayer for Priests

Lord Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
and living perpetually among us through Your Priests,
grant that the words of Your Priests may be only Your words,
that their gestures be only Your gestures,
and that their lives be a true reflection of Your life.

Grant that they may be men who speak to God on behalf of His people,
and speak to His people of God.
Grant that they be courageous in service,
serving the Church as she asks to be served.

Grant that they may be men who witness to eternity in our time,
travelling on the paths of history in Your steps,
and doing good for all.

Grant that they may be faithful to their commitments,
zealous in their vocation and mission,
clear mirrors of their own identity,
and living the joy of the gift they have received.

We pray that Your Holy Mother, Mary,
present throughout Your life,
may be ever present in the life of Your Priests. Amen

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