The Divine Romance
Our Blessed Lord on one occasion told His Apostles to "preach on the housetops," an injunction which long ago had its figurative fulfillment, but which, with the radio, now seems to have its literal realization as well. This course of sermons which is the first series to have been broadcast over the Catholic Hour is now, at the request of listeners, offered to the public on the printed page under the title of "The Divine Romance."
The course forms a unity, beginning as it does with the quest for Life and Truth and Love which is to be found in God. In the second sermon some attempt is made, with the aid of revelation, to learn something of the inner Life of God. In the third sermon, Love is revealed as going outside of itself and creating a moral universe, and in the fourth, Love appears personally to restore the pristine beauty of the moral universe. The last three sermons show how Love Incarnate, which is Christ Himself, continues to live in His new Body which is the Church; to die through sin on the part of those who "crucify Christ again in their souls," and finally to rise again in the permanency of His Church with which He abides even to the consummation of the world.
The course is in no sense controversial, seeking as it does, to be to a mind what bread is to a starving man. It has already been preached from the "housetops;" it now remains to be written on the fleshy tablets of human hearts, and if one single heart permits that message to be written on it by the finger of God, the author will feel that much will already have been done to make this world a better place in which to live.
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