A Summary and Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council

by Jeffrey A. Mirus, Ph.D.


A collected series of articles written on the documents of Vatican II between February and October of 2010.

Publisher & Date

Catholic Culture, 2010

This series of articles written on the documents of Vatican II between February and October of 2010 is also available as an E-Book.

A funny thing about Vatican II . . .

The English Editions of the Documents of Vatican II

Vatican II on the Liturgy: Introduction

Vatican II on the Liturgy: Overview & General Norms

Vatican II on the Liturgy: Particular Norms & the Eucharist

Vatican II on the Liturgy: Related Concerns

Vatican II on Social Communication

Vatican II on the Church: Introduction

Vatican II on the Church: The Mystery

Vatican II on the Church: The Bishops

Vatican II on the Church: Lay Holiness

Vatican II on the Church: Eschatological Identity

Vatican II on the Church: Mary

Vatican II on Eastern Catholics

Vatican II on Ecumenism: Principles

Vatican II on Ecumenism: Practice

Vatican II on Bishops: The Bishops Themselves

Vatican II on Bishops: Episcopal Collaborators

Vatican II on Religious Life

Vatican II on Priestly Training

Vatican II on Christian Education

Vatican II on Non-Christian Religions

Vatican II on Divine Revelation

Vatican II on the Lay Apostolate: Mission

Vatican II on the Lay Apostolate: Implementation

Vatican II on Religious Freedom

Vatican II on Missionary Activity: Principles

Vatican II on Missionary Activity: Mission Work

Vatican II on Priests: Priestly Ministry

Vatican II on Priests: Priestly Life

Vatican II on the Church and the World: Man’s Calling

Vatican II on the Church and the World: Community and Activity

Vatican II on the Church and the World: Special Problems

Afterword: The Mythology and the Reality of Vatican II

Appendix: Doctrinal Development on Religious Liberty

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