Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News

Monitum Concerning the Historical Truth of Sacred Scripture

by Holy Office

Descriptive Title

Monitum Concerning the Historical Truth of Sacred Scripture


Monitum issued on June 20, 1961 by the Holy Office.

Publisher & Date

Vatican, June 20, 1961

As the praiseworthy fervor for biblical studies has grown, judgments and opinions have become current in various countries, which endanger the genuine historical and objective truth of Sacred Scripture, not only of the Old Testament (a fact which was deplored by the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII in the Encyclical Humani Generis)1 but also of the New, even concerning the words and deeds of Christ Jesus.

Since these judgments and opinions are causing anxiety to Pastors and to the faithful, the Most Eminent Fathers who are in charge of protecting faith and morals have decided to warn all persons who write or speak about the Sacred Books, to treat this most important subject with due prudence and reverence, bearing always in mind the teaching of the Holy Fathers and the sense and Magisterium of the Church, so that the consciences of the faithful be not disturbed nor the truths of the Faith compromised.

N.B. This Monitum is issued with the consent also of the Eminent Fathers of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

Given at Rome from the Holy Office, the 20th day of June, 1961.

AAS 53-507; Holy Office, Monitum, 20 June, 1961.


1. AAS 42-576

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