The Pope in Poland

by Pope Saint John Paul II


A table containing the Homilies and Addresses of Pope John Paul II during his Pastoral Visit to Poland.

Larger Work

L'Osservatore Romano

Publisher & Date

Vatican, June - July

We Wish to Live in the Spirit of Truth, Since Only the Truth Can Make Us Free and Happy

The Holy Father's June 5, 1999 Homily at a solemn Mass celebrated at Gdansk, Poland on the 1,000th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Adalbert.

In the Third Millennium Build Your House on the Rock That Is Christ Living In His Church

Holy Father's Homily of June 6, 1999 during his visit to the small town of Pelplin, Poland, the scene of intense Nazi persecution during World War II.

Heart of Jesus, have mercy!

The Holy Father's June 6, 1999 Homily during his participation in Sacred Heart Devotions, including the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Heart of Jesus, Our Peace and Reconciliation

The Holy Father's Homily at the beatification of Fr. Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski during Sacred Heart devotions in Torun on June 7, 1999.

Hail, Bride of the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Father's Address of June 7, 1999 in Lichen, Poland where he blessed the Marian shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lichen.

Now Is the Time to Remember All These Martyrs and to Pay Them Due Honour

The Holy Father's Homily at a Mass celebrated in Bydgoszcz, Poland, on June 7, 1999 where 25% of the population was exterminated by the Nazis during World War II.

People of Culture Must Strive for Truth, Defend It and Live In Accordance With It

The Holy Father's Address given in Torun, Poland on June 7, 1999 at a meeting with the rectors of academic institutions in Poland.

Harken to the 'Cry of the Poor'

The Holy Father's Homily of June 8, 1999 in Elk, Poland where he celebrated Mass in Sapera Square in honor of St. Hedwig.

Nothing Separated Them From Christ

The Holy Father's Homily at Mass in Siedlce, Poland, on June 8, 1999, where he preached on the Martyrs of Pratulin.

Be Open to God's Reconciling Love

The Holy Father's Address of June 10, 1999 at an ecumenical service in Drohiczyn, Poland.

His Heart Is the Heart of the Church

The Holy Father's Message for the Centenary of the Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus given on June 11, 1999.

Development of A Free and Democratic Society Must Be Based on Respect for the Human Person

The Holy Father's Address to the Polish Parliament given on June 11, 1999.

Your Martyrs and Confessors Knew the Truth and the Truth Set Them Free

The Holy Father's Address of June 11, 1999 at a visit to the church of the Basilian Fathers in Warsaw, Poland.

Word of God Is Living and Active

The Holy Father's June 11, 1999 Address to the members of the Bishops' Conference of Poland at the Cardinal Primate's Residence in Warsaw.

Bread to Nourish Future Generations

The Holy Father's Address on June 11, 1999 in Warsaw at a prayer service celebrating the closing of the Second Plenary Synod of Poland.

A Pure Heart Can Love God and Bring the Commitment of Marriage to Fulfilment

Homily given by the Holy Father on June 12, 1999 during the celebration of Mass at Sandomierz, Poland.

Created World Exists for New Life in Christ

The Holy Father's Address during the Liturgy of the Word celebrated in Zamosc, Poland on June 12, 1999.

These Blesseds Witness to the Victory of Christ, the Gift That Restores Hope

The Holy Father's Homily of June 13, 1999 at the beatification Mass of 108 Martyrs of the Second World War and the Servants of God, Sr. Regina Protmann and Edmund Bojanowski.

Church Is Built on the Eucharist

The Holy Father's Address of June 13, 1999 at a Liturgy of the Word at Sts. Michael and Florian Cathedral in Warsaw, Poland.

Education Begins In the Home

The Holy Father's June 14, 1999 Homily at Mass in Lowicz, Poland where he celebrated Mass in honor of Bl. Michal Kozal.

Wisdom Is Needed to Discover Anew the Supernatural Dimension of Human Work

The Holy Father's June 14, 1999 Address where he presided at a Liturgy of the Word in Sosnowiec, Poland.

We Give Praise and Thanks to God That the Gospel Seed Has Borne Abundant Fruit

The Holy Father's June 15, 1999 Homily delivered by Cardinal Franciszek Macharski (due to the Pope's illness) during the liturgy at Krakow's Blonia esplanade.

God Revealed His Love In Many Ways

Holy Father's Vesper's Homily of June 15, 1999 in Gliwice, Poland. The Homily was read by Cardinal Adam J. Maida of Detroit, MI due to the Pope's illness.

St. Kinga's Love of the Bridegroom Was Expressed In Countless Works of Charity

The Holy Father's Homily from the June 16, 1999 canonization Mass of Bl. Kinga, a 13th century princess who founded the Poor Clare convent in Stary Sacz, Poland.

Here Everything Began: My Life, My Studies, the Theatre, the Priesthood

The Holy Father's Homily from the June 16, 1999 canonization Mass of Bl. Kinga, a 13th century princess who founded the Poor Clare convent in Stary Sacz, Poland.

One Essential Truth: God Is Love

The Holy Father's June 17, 1999 Farewell Address at Krakow's Balice Airport during the departure ceremonies at the conclusion of his Pastoral visit to Poland.

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