The Father William Most Collection

Grace, Predestination and the Salvific Will of God: New Answers to Old Questions

[In print from Christendom Press. Copyright 1997 by Christendom Press. ISBN: 0-931888-66-2. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Orders should be addressed to: Christendom Press, 134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630. 1-540-636-2900.]

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Bertrand de Margerie, S.J.

Preface to original Latin edition; note on revised English edition



Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 1: Explicit texts of Sacred Scripture

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 2: Explicit texts of the Magisterium of the Church

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 3: The purpose of creation

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 4: The nature of the redemption

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 5: The universal salvific will

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 6: Official teaching on the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 7: The power of man for good and for evil, and the dependence of man on God

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 8: The virtue of hope, and final perseverance

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 9: The special promises of Christ

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 10: The obligation of striving for perfection

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 11: The conformity of the human will with the will of God

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Ch. 12: The ordinary teaching of the Church, and the faith of the people

Pt. 1: Research in the sources of revelation - Conclusions from Part One

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - General preliminary notes

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - Ch. 13: The teaching of the Fathers on predestination

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - Ch. 14: The opinions of St. Thomas

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - Ch. 15: The controversies de auxiliis

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - Ch. 16: The teaching of St. Francis de Sales

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - Ch. 17: Solution of the problem from the sources of revelation

Pt. 2: Predestination and reprobation - General conclusions from part two

Pt. 3: The way in which grace is efficacious - Ch. 18: How does grace produce its effects

Pt. 4: Divine foreknowledge - Ch. 19: The opinions of the principal schools

Pt. 4: Divine foreknowledge - Ch. 20: The teaching of Sacred Scripture on foreknowledge

Pt. 4: Divine foreknowledge - Ch. 21: The teaching of Tradition on divine foreknowledge

Pt. 4: Divine foreknowledge - Ch. 22: The opinion of St. Thomas on divine foreknowledge

Pt. 4: Divine foreknowledge - Ch. 23: Synthesis of conclusions on divine foreknowledge

Pt. 5: Synthesis of the conclusions of the entire investigation - Ch. 24


Appendix I: The order of the universe

Appendix II: The universal salvific will and subjective redemption


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