Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News

The Father William Most Collection

The Holy Spirit and the Church

[Course for the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College (formerly Notre Dame Institute), Arlington, VA.]

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Doctrinal Authority of Vatican II

Chapter 1: The Church As Mystery

Chapter 2: The Church As People of God

Chapter 3: The Hierarchical Church

Chapter 4: The Laity

Chapter 5: Universal Call to Holiness

Chapter 6: Religious Life

Chapter 7: The Pilgrim Church

Chapter 8:The Blessed Virgin Mary

Appendix I: Summary of Decree on Ecumenism

Appendix II: Declaration on Religious Liberty

Appendix III: Fathers and Magisterium on Membership in the Church

Appendix IV: Summary of Dei Verbum

Addenda: course info; reading list; paper topics; study Q & A


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