Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

Note 1

Gustave Thils, Pour une Théologie de Structure Planétaire, in Cahiers De la Revue Théologique de Louvain, 6, 1983. The literature on the general problem of the salvation of pagans is immense. Especially significant also are: P. Damboriena, La Salvacion en la Religiones No Cristianas, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, Madrid (hereinafter BAC), 1973, esp. pp. 19-54; Paul Hacker, "The Religions of the Gentiles as viewed by the Fathers of the Church" in Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 54 (1970) pp. 253-78; idem, "The Religions of the Nations in the Light of Holy Scripture," ibid. 54 (1970) pp. 161-85; A. Luneau, "Les Pères et les Religions non-chrétiennes," in Nouvelle Revue Theologique 89 (1967) pp.821-41; 914-39; J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, Adam & Charles Black, London, 1968; L. Caperan, Le probleme du salut des infidèles, 2d ed. 2 vols, Paris, 1934; R. Lombardi, The Salvation of the Unbeliever, tr. D. M. White, Newman, Westminster, 1956; K. Rahner, "Christianity and the Non-Christian Religions," in Theological Investigations 5, pp. 115-34, Helicon, Baltimore, 1966; J. Patout Burns, "The Economy of Salvation: Two Patristic Traditions," in Theological Studies 37 (1976) pp. 598-619. On Patristic exegesis of Romans 2:14-16, especially important are: Max Lachmann, Vom Geheimnis der Schöpfung, Evangelisches Verlagswerk GMBH, Stuttgart, 1952, esp. pp. 95-135; 285-305; Karl Hermann Schelkle, Paulus, Lehrer der Väter, Die altkirchliche Auslegung von Römer 1-11 2d ed. 1959, Patmos-Verlag, Düsseldorf.

NB: These notes are also displayed as endnotes at the bottom of every chapter.

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