Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living

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Documents by Title: Keyletter "Y" - 104 documents

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1 Year for Priests, The
2 Year for Priests: Complete Identification with Christ
3 Year of Faith. God Reveals His "Benevolent Purpose"
4 Year of Faith. How to Speak about God?
5 Year of Faith. Introduction, The
6 Year of Faith. The Desire for God., The
7 Year of Faith. The Reasonableness of Faith in God
8 Year of Faith. The stages of the Revelation
9 Year of Faith. The Ways that Lead to Knowledge of God
10 Year of Faith: What Is Faith?, The
11 Year of the Eucharist: A Time for Meeting Christ
12 Year of the Eucharist: Suggestions and Proposals, The
13 Year of the Priest, The
14 Year to Bear Fruit, A
15 Yearning for Freedom and Truth Can Never Be Eliminated
16 Years of Imprisonment Could Not Break Slipyj’s Indomitable Fidelity
17 Years of Storm and Stress: Joseph Matt and Americanism
18 Yes, Virginia, There Is a Hell
19 Yet More on Monika the Modernist
20 You Are Accountable Ultimately to God
21 You Are Blessed
22 You Are Eloquent Signs of Communion
23 You Are My Friends
24 You Are Not Business Managers, But Stewards of God’s Mysteries
25 You Are Not the Future But the Now
26 You Are Sent into the World to be of Christ
27 You Are Social Poets Who Create Admirable Solutions for Problems Afflicting the Marginalized
28 You Are the Heart and Hands of Christ
29 You Are the Light of the World
30 You Are The Salt Of The Earth...You Are The Light Of The World
31 You Are the Salt of the Earth; … You Are the Light of the World
32 You Bear Witness to Communion with Peter
33 You Better Watch Out—St. Nicholas is Coming to Town
34 You Bring Christ to the Academic World
35 You Can Trust Me, I'm a Psychic
36 You Cherish The Cross, It Is Life
37 You Create Hope and Forge Dignity
38 You Do Not Know When the Lord Is Coming
39 You Express Church's Fruitful Vitality
40 You Guard the True Spirit of the Game
41 You Have a Right to Dream
42 You Have But One Teacher and You Are All Brothers
43 You Have Clothed Yourselves with Christ
44 You Know What it is to Struggle for Freedom
45 You Must Be Dwelling in Christ
46 You Must Take Up Your Cross Daily
47 You Received Without Payment; Give Without Payment
48 You Revealed These Things to Children
49 You Shall Have No Other God's Before Me
50 You Shall Not Kill
51 You Show God's Tenderness to the Poor
52 You Were Buried with Him in Baptism, in Which You Were Also Raised with Him
53 You Will Be My Witnesses to the End of the Earth
54 You Will know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free
55 You Will Only Find Yourselves Fighting Against God
56 Young and the Elderly: without Balance between Generations, the Freedom of Society Becomes Authoritarianism, The
57 Young Are the Future, with Wings and Roots, The
58 Young Continue to Be a Prophetic Sign of Hope for the Future, The
59 Young man, I say to you, Arise!
60 Young Mexicans, the Greatest Treasure of this Land
61 Young People Are Crying Out for a Challenge
62 Young People Cultivate Spiritual Life and Formation
63 Young People God Challenges Us All to Be Better
64 Young People Must Be Taken Seriously
65 Young People Need High Moral Values
66 Young People Respond Courageously to the Lord's Call
67 Young People Should Speak of Christ without Fear
68 Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment
69 Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment
70 Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment - Pre-Synodal Meeting
71 Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment Preparatory Document
72 Young People: Aim at High Ideals! Be Saints!
73 Young People: Be Apostles to Your Peers
74 Young People: Be Bearers of the Joy of the Holy Spirit
75 Young People: Be Part of the Great Mosaic of the Church
76 Young People: Build a Future of Hope for All Humanity
77 Young People: Build Your House on the Rock of Christ
78 Young Pro-Lifers Confront Olympic Condom Pushers
79 Young Seek Hope
80 Young, the Fertile, and the Ambitious, The
81 Your Chains Are the Glory and Pride of the Church! the Truth Has Set You Free!
82 Your Communities Thirst For God and Seek To Follow His Commandments
83 Your Country Has A Special Vocation
84 Your Efforts to Alleviate the Suffering of Your People Bear Witness to God's Love
85 Your Essential Task Is To Strengthen the Family As the 'Domestic Church'
86 Your Example Inspires Those Who Long for Peace
87 Your Faith Has Saved You
88 Your First Commitment Is to Prayer
89 Your Future Lies in Unity
90 Your Gospel For The Sake Of The World
91 Your Life Work Helps You Touch the 'Hand of God'
92 Your Martyrs and Confessors Knew the Truth and the Truth Set Them Free
93 Your Mission Is To Preserve The Faith And Bear Witness With Prophetic Life
94 Your Pastoral Ministry Must Be Addressed to Everyone
95 Your People Need Bishops of 'Charity, Humility, Simplicity of Life'
96 Your Rule: Break Bonds That Make Us Slaves of Sin
97 Your Sufferings Are Our Sufferings
98 Your Task as Bishops Is to Preach the Truth that Comes 'From Above'
99 Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet and a Light to My Path
100 Youth Conditions and Culture, Inescapable Point of Reference for Pastoral Outreach
101 Youth Meeting at the Greek-Catholic Cathedral - Damascus
102 Youth Need Sound Catechesis and a Solid Sacramental Life
103 Youth of Catholic Action: Only God Is Enough
104 Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment