Library: Browse by Title
Documents by Title: Keyletter "R" - 441 documents
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1 | Rabanus Maurus: Exegete, Philosopher, Poet and Pastor |
2 | Rachel's Vineyard: From Anguish to Healing |
3 | Radical Orthodoxy |
4 | Radical Reformers —Advocates of Population Reduction |
5 | Radio Message on the Occasion of ‘Family Day’ |
6 | Radio Participates in Mission and Visibility of the Church |
7 | Raise Awareness of New Forms of Slavery |
8 | Raising Religious & Moral Standards for Catholic High School Students |
9 | Rapid Development |
10 | Rarely Discussed Morals in Marriage |
11 | Rather than Walls of Hatred, Build bridges of Reconciliation and Solidarity |
12 | Rational Justification of the Act of Faith |
13 | Rationalism, or the Rejection of the Principle of Authority, the Heresy of Modern Times. |
14 | Ratzinger and Guardini, a Decisive Encounter |
15 | Ratzinger on the Modern Mind |
16 | Razzle-Dazzle Liturgies |
17 | RCIA: Initiation Into What? and Why? |
18 | Reach Out to Those Who Have Fallen in the Abyss and Say: You Can Stand Again |
19 | Reacting to |
20 | Reaction To President Bush's Decision On Embryonic Stem-Cell Research |
21 | Read Literature to Learn and Love the Truth |
22 | Reading Goethe's Faust from a Catholic Perspective |
23 | Reading of Amoris Laetitia in Light of Church Teaching: A True and Living Icon |
24 | Reading Sigrid Undset Today |
25 | Reading the Signs of the Times: Dominican Education and the Challenge of Contemporary Culture |
26 | Reaffirm for All the Need to Take Part in Sunday Eucharist |
27 | Reaffirm the Culture of Life! |
28 | Real and Visible Communion among the Lord's Disciples |
29 | Real History Of The Crusades, The |
30 | Real History of the Holy Grail, The |
31 | Real Men |
32 | Real Men Have Character |
33 | Real Mission of the Church Is to Speak of God, The |
34 | Real Presence, The |
35 | Real Presence: A Sacred Gift, The |
36 | Real Story of Pius XII and the Jews, The |
37 | Realism and Hope in the Face of the Crisis |
38 | Realism and Islam |
39 | Realism For Unrealistic Times |
40 | Reality of Hell, The |
41 | Reaping the Whirlwind of Abortion |
42 | Reapprochment by Unhasty Stages, But Not Too Slow Either |
43 | Reason Finds in Revelation the Possibility of Being Truly Itself |
44 | Reasons For An Instruction, The |
45 | Rebutting the 'Catholic but...' |
46 | Recalling St. John Paul II's Dream of European Humanism |
47 | Recapitulation in Christ |
48 | Receive the Broken Bread of Jesus and Distribute It to the Hungry |
49 | Receiving First Communion in this 'Year of the Eucharist' |
50 | Receiving Holy Communion |
51 | Recent Proposals for the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried: A Theological Assessment |
52 | Recent Vocations to Religious Life: A Report for the National Religious Vocation Conference |
53 | Reception and Future of Ecumenical Dialogue |
54 | Recipes, Activities, Prayers and Documents for Tuesday Before Ash Wednesday |
55 | Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy, The |
56 | Reclaiming Silence for Holiness |
57 | Reclaiming the Church for the Catholic Imagination |
58 | Recognize Old Age As A Gift, Not A Problem |
59 | Recognize the Importance of Prayer |
60 | Recognize the Need for Justice and Hope, and Seek the True Paths to Liberation |
61 | Recognizing Differences, Overcoming Disparities |
62 | Recognizing Jesus' Voice and Following It |
63 | Recognizing Specific Nature of Each Vocation Is Sign of Christian Maturity |
64 | Recognizing the Gift of Life |
65 | Recognizing the Importance of Natural Moral Law |
66 | Recognizing the True Church |
67 | Recommendations For Care of Divorced Catholics |
68 | Recommendations of Third Meeting of Institutes For Marriage and Family and Bioethics Centres |
69 | Reconceiving Personality Theory from a Catholic Christian Perspective |
70 | Reconciled Will Be Effective Peacemakers, The |
71 | Reconciliation – the Love of Christ Compels Us |
72 | Reconciliation Begins with Listening |
73 | Reconciliation Is Way to True Progress |
74 | Reconciliation Solves the Roman Question |
75 | Reconciliation with God and One Another |
76 | Reconciliation, Purification Of Memory, Return To Normal Ecclesial Life, Formation Of Young Persons |
77 | Reconciling Judas: Evangelizing the Theologians |
78 | Record of Pius XII's Opposition to Hitler, The |
79 | Recovering Stray Catholics |
80 | Recovery from “Brain Death”: A Neurologist’s Apologia – Revisited After 27 Years |
81 | Recovery of the Sacred, The |
82 | Recovery of the Sacred, The |
83 | Recovery of the Sacrificial Dimension, The |
84 | Recycled Rapture |
85 | Red Flags Are Up! On the Writings of Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI |
86 | Red Herring of Usury, The |
87 | Red Mass: The Divine Spark Within Us |
88 | Red States: Blue States: The Fragility of Democracy |
89 | Redeeming Relationships |
90 | Redemption Is Announcement of Sure Hope |
91 | Redemption of Catholic Art, The |
92 | Redemption of the Body and the Sacramentality of Marriage, The |
93 | Redemptionis Sacramentum |
94 | Redemptoris Hominis (On Redemption and the Dignity of Man) |
95 | Redemptoris Mater (Mother Of The Redeemer) |
96 | Redemptoris Missio (On Evangelization) |
97 | Redemptoris Nostri Cruciatus (On The Holy Places In Palestine) |
98 | Rediscover Law as Interpersonal Reality |
99 | Rediscover the Beauty and Profundity of Christian Hope |
100 | Rediscover the Council's Great Wealth |
101 | Rediscover the Rosary As a Source of Strength |
102 | Rediscover the Sacrament of Penance |
103 | Rediscover the True Identity of the Diocese as a Family of Communities |
104 | Rediscover the Value of Politics and Make Your Contribution in Order that Good May Prevail |
105 | Rediscovering and Bearing Witness to the Gift of Faith |
106 | Rediscovering Modesty from Within |
107 | Rediscovering the Sacrament of Penance |
108 | Redouble Your Efforts For Peace; War Is Never Unavoidable |
109 | Reese Factor, The |
110 | Reflect on Christ's Boundless Love |
111 | Reflect on Impact of Lifestyle on Health |
112 | Reflecting on the Mystery of the Divine Call |
113 | Reflection at the First General Congregation for the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops |
114 | Reflection on Cardinal Kasper's Speech on the Family, A |
115 | Reflection on Several Saints |
116 | Reflection on the Testimony of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, A |
117 | Reflections of His Holiness Benedict XVI on the 50th Anniversary of Vatican Council II |
118 | Reflections of the Meaning and Lesson of Christmas |
119 | Reflections On A Footnote On The Subject Of Masturbation: The Question Of Gravity, And The Matter Of Chastity |
120 | Reflections on Anxiety |
121 | Reflections on Cloning |
122 | Reflections on Humanae Vitae |
123 | Reflections on John Henry Newman’s ‘Discourses to Mixed Congregations |
124 | Reflections on Music and the Incarnation of Christ |
125 | Reflections on Recent Journey to Myanmar and Bangladesh |
126 | Reflections on the 30th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae |
127 | Reflections on the Apostolate |
128 | Reflections on the Apostolate |
129 | Reflections on the Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria and North Macedonia |
130 | Reflections on the Feast of Saint Symphorian |
131 | Reflections on the Holy See's Statement on the Shoah |
132 | Reflections on the Instruction on the Admittance of Homosexuals into Seminaries |
133 | Reflections on the Internet, Tips for Use |
134 | Reflections on the Struggle to Advance the Culture of Life |
135 | Reform of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences |
136 | Reform of the Reform Will Happen, the Future of the Church Is at Stake, The |
137 | Regaining the Language |
138 | Regarding Certain Competencies in Economic-Financial Matters |
139 | Regarding Certain Interpretations of "Light of the World" |
140 | Regarding Medjugorje |
141 | Regarding Our Lady of America |
142 | Regarding Same-Sex "Marriage" and Related Pastoral Issues |
143 | Regarding the Crime of Attempting Sacred Ordination of a Woman |
144 | Regensburg Address: Faith, Reason and the University - Memories and Reflections |
145 | Regina Coeli Message |
146 | Regnans in Excelsis |
147 | Regulation by Non-regulation |
148 | Regulations and Name for the Holy Office |
149 | Regulations for Doctrinal Examination |
150 | Reiki and Healing Touch |
151 | Reincarnation Western-Style: the Resurgence of Age-old Superstition in a Scientific Era |
152 | Reinforce The Protection Of Refugees In The Changing International Situation |
153 | Reinvigorating the Weakened Sense of Modesty |
154 | Reiteration of the Norms and Principles of Vatican II, A |
155 | Rejoice Always |
156 | Rejoice in Christ's Victory Over Death |
157 | Rejoice in the Lord Always |
158 | Rejoice, the Lord Is Near |
159 | Rejoice, We Do Not Wait In Vain For Christ |
160 | Relating Christ's Universality to Interreligious Dialogue |
161 | Relatio ante disceptationem of the Second Special Assembly for Europe, The |
162 | Relationship between Faith and Marriage |
163 | Relationship between Faith, Forgiveness and Gratitude, The |
164 | Relationship between Hope and Prayer, The |
165 | Relationship between Mercy and Redemption, The |
166 | Relationship Between Philosophy and Cultures, The |
167 | Relationship between the Cross of Christ and Suffering |
168 | Relationship between the Law and the Heart, The |
169 | Relationship between the Visible and Spiritual Nature of the Church |
170 | Relativism Destroys Human Dignity |
171 | Relativism Is Not Basis of Religious Freedom |
172 | Relativism or Relativity: Religious Freedom and the Family |
173 | Relativism: The Central Problem for Faith Today |
174 | Relevance and Challenge of C. S. Lewis, The |
175 | Relevance of Thomas Jefferson, The |
176 | Religion and the Middle Ages |
177 | Religion Can Foster Human Rights And Respect For Human Dignity |
178 | Religion Has The Resources To Build Peace |
179 | Religion Is a Guarantee of Authentic Liberty and Respect |
180 | Religion is 'On the Move' in America |
181 | Religion Must Never Be Reason For Violence |
182 | Religion Reporters Need 'Working Knowledge' of Their Subject |
183 | Religion the New York Times Can Love, A |
184 | Religion Without Sacrifice is Useless Posturing |
185 | Religion, Journalism, and the New American Orthodoxy |
186 | Religion, Reason, Voting |
187 | Religion, the State, and the Common Good |
188 | Religions and Education: towards a Global Compact on Education |
189 | Religions Are Crucial for Integral Human Development |
190 | Religions Must Refuse to Sanction Recourse to Violence |
191 | Religious Belief Cannot Be Separated from the Defense of God's Image in Every Human Being |
192 | Religious Beliefs Must Never Be Abused in the Cause of Violence and War |
193 | Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, The |
194 | Religious Freedom |
195 | Religious Freedom and Human Rights |
196 | Religious Freedom and Public Policy |
197 | Religious Freedom Constitutes the Very Heart of Human Rights |
198 | Religious Freedom in the Year of Mercy |
199 | Religious Freedom Is A Fundamental Right Everywhere |
200 | Religious Freedom Is an Essential Part of the American Spirit |
201 | Religious Freedom Is Rooted in the Dignity of the Person |
202 | Religious Freedom, Conscience and the Sanctity of Human Life |
203 | Religious Freedom, Persecution of the Church, and Martyrdom |
204 | Religious Freedom: The Basis for Human Rights Advocacy for the Survival of Christians in the Middle East |
205 | Religious History Of Armenia |
206 | Religious History Of Armenia |
207 | Religious Humanism: A Manifesto |
208 | Religious Ignorance Is One of the Greatest Problems of Our Times |
209 | Religious Illiteracy which Marks Our Time, The |
210 | Religious Institutes: Rediscover the Original Charism |
211 | Religious Liberty and Economic Freedom: Intellectual and Practical Paradoxes |
212 | Religious Liberty Around the World |
213 | Religious Liberty: What the Texts Demand |
214 | Religious Persecution, More Widespread Today Than 1700 Years Ago |
215 | Religious Sentiment Of The Faithful Needs Constant Evangelization, The |
216 | Religious Teachers Filippini Show Courage |
217 | Religious Unbelief in the World |
218 | Relive the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ |
219 | Reliving Abraham's Faith Experience |
220 | Remaining in the Truth of Christ on Holy Matrimony |
221 | Remember that the Church Was Born on Pentecost to Reach Out |
222 | Remember the Courage and Joy of the First Missionaries |
223 | Remember to Make Life a Love Story With God |
224 | Remember You Are Dust |
225 | Remember You Are First And Foremost Priests: Not Corporate Executives |
226 | Remember, To Dust You Will Return |
227 | Remembering a Victim of the Communist Regime |
228 | Remembering J.R.R. Tolkien |
229 | Remembering Our Mortality, Welcoming God and Hoping for the Resurrection |
230 | Remembering Solzhenitsyn: Observations on the Gospel, Socialism, and Power |
231 | Remembering the Long Hot Summer |
232 | Remove the Wall of Indifference to Ensure Fraternity between Nations |
233 | Rend Your Hearts, So that Through that Crack We Can Really Look at Ourselves |
234 | Render to God the Things that Are God's |
235 | Render Unto Caesar: Personal Faith and Public Duty |
236 | Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Political Vocation |
237 | Renew Devotion to Mary, Mother of God |
238 | Renew the Parish with Spirituality of Communion |
239 | Renew Your Friendship with Jesus |
240 | Renewal Depends on Faith, Eucharistic Worship: Commentary on the Apostolic Exhortation 'Sacramentum Caritatis' |
241 | Renewal for the Whole Church in Australia |
242 | Renewal of Faith Must Be a Priority for the Church Today, The |
243 | Renewal of the Church’s Traditional Liturgy, The |
244 | Renewed Appeal: "War Never Again!" |
245 | Renewed Biblical Catechesis Will Lead to A More Incisive Promotion of Vocations |
246 | Renewed Fidelity in favor of Evangelization |
247 | Renewed Reverence for the Ordinary, A |
248 | Renewing Faith in Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist |
249 | Renewing Our Public Life: A Reflection on Leadership |
250 | Renewing the Church and Her Mission in a Year of Faith |
251 | Renewing the Church, Converting the World: Reclaiming our Catholic Mission |
252 | Renewing the Mission of Catholic Charities |
253 | Renewing the Priesthood |
254 | Reorienting the Mass |
255 | Repackaging Death as Life – The Third Path to Imposed Death |
256 | Repent and Believe in the Gospel |
257 | Repentance and Renewal in the Mission of Catechesis |
258 | Reply of the Austrian Emperor to Pope Benedict XV |
259 | Reply to a Question on Excommunication of Public Officials Who Openly Support Abortion |
260 | Report on Father Richard Sparks' Human Sexuality Presentation |
261 | Report on the 1998 Lambeth Conference |
262 | Report on the NCCB November Meeting - Part I |
263 | Reproductive Health, Refugee Style |
264 | Reputantiubus (On The Language Question In Bohemia) |
265 | Reread Your Life’s Story to Discover Christ |
266 | Rerum Ecclesiae (On Catholic Missions) |
267 | Rerum Novarum (On Capital And Labor) |
268 | Rerum Omnium Perturbationem (St. Francis De Sales) |
269 | Rerum Orientalium (On The Promotion Of Oriental Studies) |
270 | Rescriptum ex Audientia Sanctissimi |
271 | Rescriptum ex Audientia SS.MI 2/20/2023 |
272 | Rescuing the Truth: The Holocaust, Christianity, Catholics and Jews |
273 | Researcher John C. Iannone On the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin |
274 | Resenting Chastity |
275 | Reservations And Statements Of Interpretation Of The Holy See |
276 | Resolutions Approved by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2002 |
277 | Resolutions Approved by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2003 |
278 | Resolutions Approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2004 |
279 | Resolutions Passed by the Catholic Medical Association General Assembly |
280 | Resolve Middle East Crisis with Dialogue |
281 | Respect and Support the Family Founded on Marriage |
282 | Respect Constitutional Balance of Powers |
283 | Respect For and Collaboration with Muslims |
284 | Respect for Conscience Must Be a Social Value |
285 | Respect for Identity, A |
286 | Respect for Life, the Foundation of Civil Coexistence |
287 | Respect for the Dignity of the Dying |
288 | Respect for the Work of God |
289 | Respect Human Rights, Return To Negotiations |
290 | Respect The Rights Of Religious Minorities; Respect Holy Places |
291 | Respect Workers' Dignity and Rights |
292 | Respecting the Charisms of Ecclesial Movements |
293 | Respecting the Full Meaning of 'Real Presence' |
294 | Respecting the Human Dignity of All Patients |
295 | Respecting the Person and God's Design for Procreation |
296 | Respicientes (Protesting The Taking Of The Pontifical States) |
297 | Respond Generously to Christ's Call |
298 | Respond Generously to Your Vocation |
299 | Respond To Recent Social Problems By Helping Those In Need |
300 | Respond to the Invitation to Know God as Father |
301 | Responding to the Imperative of Right of All to Food |
302 | Responsa ad dubia of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on Traditionis Custodes |
303 | Response of Courage to the Nugent-Gramick Matter |
304 | Response of the Catholic Church to the Joint Declaration of Catholics and Lutherans |
305 | Response on the March for Marriage |
306 | Response to Cardinal on Gay Rights Group in St. Patrick’s Parade |
307 | Response to Declaration on Sexual Orientation |
308 | Response To John T. Noonan, Jr. Concerning The Development Of Catholic Moral Doctrine, A |
309 | Response to Profs. Smith and Waldstein Regarding Christopher West |
310 | Response to Questions Regarding Orthodoxy in Celebration of Mass |
311 | Response to 'The Vatican and the Holocaust', A |
312 | Responses of the Holy Father to Questions Posed by Young People |
313 | Responses to Certain Questions of the USCCB Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration |
314 | Responses to Questions on Kneeling |
315 | Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning 'Uterine Isolation' and Related Matters |
316 | Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church |
317 | Responsibility to Have a Well Informed Faith Life, The |
318 | Responsible Parenthood |
319 | Responsible Parenthood Linked to Moral Maturity |
320 | Responsiblity for the Poor and Marginalized Must Be an Essential Element of any Political Decision |
321 | Restatement of the Oath of Hippocrates |
322 | Restore the Social Meaning of Financial and Banking Activity |
323 | Restoring the Permanent Diaconate (Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem) |
324 | Restoring the Unity |
325 | Restructuring the Church Into Their Own Image |
326 | Results of and Psychological Causes of Contraception, The |
327 | Resurrection and Divinity of Christ, The |
328 | Retreat of Liberation Theology, The |
329 | Return of Chant: Rediscovering the Church's Musical Tradition, The |
330 | Return RICO to Congress |
331 | Return to Me with All Your Heart |
332 | Return to Me with All Your Heart |
333 | Return to Me with All Your Heart |
334 | Return to the Earth |
335 | Return to the Essentials |
336 | Returning to the Essential Aspects of Christian Life in Order to Relaunch Evangelization |
337 | Reveal the Salvific Will of God in Pastoral Practice |
338 | Revelation Invites Us to Communion and Life |
339 | Revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Paral-le-Monial, France, The |
340 | Revelation of the Trinitarian Mystery |
341 | Revelations |
342 | Reverence and the Sacred Mysteries |
343 | Reverence for our Eucharistic Lord |
344 | Review of "The Golden Compass" |
345 | Review of Fr. McBrien's "Catholicism" by the NCCB's Committee on Doctrine |
346 | Review of Fr. McBrien's Catholicism |
347 | Review of Renew 2000 Materials, A |
348 | Review of the National Catholic Reporter |
349 | Review of the RENEW Process (Newark) |
350 | Review of the USCCB Pastoral Letter Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration, A |
351 | Revised Directory on Ecumenism |
352 | Revised Research Paper on the Draft Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities |
353 | Revision of the Rite of the Washing of the Feet in the Liturgy of Holy Thursday |
354 | Revisiting Psychiatric Treatment of Children |
355 | Revisiting the Baroque |
356 | Revitalizing the Profound Christian Roots of Costa Rica |
357 | Revival Afoot: Traditional Sacred Architecture |
358 | Revival of Christian Culture Through the Family, A |
359 | Reviving the Catholic Lay Vocation |
360 | Revolution of Freedom Needs Revolution of Opportunity |
361 | Revolution of Tenderness |
362 | Revolution of Tenderness, A |
363 | Revolutionary, Modernizing Pope |
364 | Rewriting the Inquisition - Roman Style |
365 | Rhetoric, Manipulation, and Ferrawood's |
366 | Rhode Island, Most Catholic State, Welcomes Gay Marriage |
367 | Rhythm of Life, The |
368 | Rhythm of Popular Music: Primitivist Slumming in a Machine Age?, The |
369 | rian Crisis and the Current Controversy about Amoris Laetitia: A Parallel , The |
370 | Richard McBrien's Theological Influence on Thomas Groome |
371 | Richness of Many Years, The |
372 | Richness of Scholasticism, The |
373 | Riding a 'Slippery Slope' to Destruction |
374 | Right From the Start: John Carroll, Our First Bishop |
375 | Right to Hope, The |
376 | Right to Nutrition Must Be Guaranteed |
377 | Right To Sustainable Development, The |
378 | Right Ways and Wrong Ways to Influence People |
379 | Rights of Conscience Must Be Defended |
380 | Rights Of The Terminally Ill Person, The |
381 | rimer on Stem Cells , A |
382 | Risen Christ Flowers, The |
383 | Risen Christ is hope that does not disappoint |
384 | Risen Christ our Hope, The |
385 | Risen Lord Offers as a Gift His Love That Forgives, The |
386 | Risks of Pushing towards Perfection, The |
387 | Rite Decision, The |
388 | Rite expiatis (On St. Francis of Assisi) |
389 | Rites and Wrongs |
390 | Rivalries Based on Ethnic Origin Have No Place in Christ's Church |
391 | River of Mercy |
392 | Road to Rome: The Education of Joseph A. Ratzinger, The |
393 | Rock of the New Testament, The |
394 | Roe v. Wade and Constitutional Law |
395 | rofile of Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, Secretary of State of Pius X , A |
396 | Rogation Days |
397 | Role of Death, The |
398 | Role of Father as Family Protector, The |
399 | Role of Godparents, The |
400 | Role of Guardian Angels in Our Lives, The |
401 | Role of Liturgical Norms in the Eucharistic Celebration, The |
402 | Role of Military Chaplains, The |
403 | Role of Priests Is Irreplaceable, The |
404 | Role of Prudence in Fighting the Culture of Death, The |
405 | Role of the Family in John Paul II's Program For Building the Civilization of Love, The |
406 | Role of the Theological Virtue of Faith in Scriptural Interpretation, The |
407 | Role of the Woman in the Life of the Church, The |
408 | Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective - Part I, The |
409 | Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective - Part II, The |
410 | Roman Catholic Reflections on the Anglican Communion |
411 | Roman Curia and the Body of Christ, The |
412 | Roman Curia and the Ecumenical Council, The |
413 | Roman Holiday: Global Persecution of the Catholic Church, A |
414 | Roman Missal for the Pastoral Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United States |
415 | Roman Stational Churches |
416 | Roman Synod and the Priest, The |
417 | Rome, Be Faithful To Your Dignity |
418 | Root Causes of the Sex Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church, The |
419 | Roots of Marian Devotion Go Back to Old Testament |
420 | Roots Of Modernist Unbelief, The |
421 | Roots of the Papal Social Vision of Work, The |
422 | Rosary and the Christian Wake, The |
423 | Rosary as Family Prayer, The |
424 | Rosary Encyclicals, The |
425 | Rosary for Peace in our Day, The |
426 | Rosary In History: From The Beginning To The Consolidation Of Its Actual Structure, The |
427 | Rosary Is Anchored in Holy Scripture |
428 | Rosary is not a Pious Practice Relegated to the Past |
429 | Rosary Offers Christian Response To Problem Of Suffering |
430 | Rosary, The |
431 | Rose Hawthorne Lathrop’s Ministry of Mercy |
432 | Rosemary Radford Ruether |
433 | Rose-Virginie Pelletier Founded her Faith on Jesus Christ as on a Rock |
434 | Rotten Fruit of Secularization, The |
435 | Rule Of Law Against Terrorism, Human Traffic, Organized Crime |
436 | Rule Of Law Against Terrorism, Human Trafficking |
437 | Ruled by Faith: France's Sainted King |
438 | Rupert of Deutz |
439 | Rural Communities Must Not Remain at the Margin of Political, Social and Economic Decisions |
440 | Rural Life in a Peaceful World |
441 | Rutilans Agmen |