Library: Browse by Title

Documents by Title: Keyletter "R" - 440 documents

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1 Rabanus Maurus: Exegete, Philosopher, Poet and Pastor
2 Rachel's Vineyard: From Anguish to Healing
3 Radical Orthodoxy
4 Radical Reformers —Advocates of Population Reduction
5 Radio Message on the Occasion of ‘Family Day’
6 Radio Participates in Mission and Visibility of the Church
7 Raise Awareness of New Forms of Slavery
8 Raising Religious & Moral Standards for Catholic High School Students
9 Rapid Development
10 Rarely Discussed Morals in Marriage
11 Rather than Walls of Hatred, Build bridges of Reconciliation and Solidarity
12 Rational Justification of the Act of Faith
13 Rationalism, or the Rejection of the Principle of Authority, the Heresy of Modern Times.
14 Ratzinger and Guardini, a Decisive Encounter
15 Ratzinger on the Modern Mind
16 Razzle-Dazzle Liturgies
17 RCIA: Initiation Into What? and Why?
18 Reach Out to Those Who Have Fallen in the Abyss and Say: You Can Stand Again
19 Reacting to
20 Reaction To President Bush's Decision On Embryonic Stem-Cell Research
21 Read Literature to Learn and Love the Truth
22 Reading Goethe's Faust from a Catholic Perspective
23 Reading of Amoris Laetitia in Light of Church Teaching: A True and Living Icon
24 Reading Sigrid Undset Today
25 Reading the Signs of the Times: Dominican Education and the Challenge of Contemporary Culture
26 Reaffirm for All the Need to Take Part in Sunday Eucharist
27 Reaffirm the Culture of Life!
28 Real and Visible Communion among the Lord's Disciples
29 Real History Of The Crusades, The
30 Real History of the Holy Grail, The
31 Real Men
32 Real Men Have Character
33 Real Mission of the Church Is to Speak of God, The
34 Real Presence, The
35 Real Presence: A Sacred Gift, The
36 Real Story of Pius XII and the Jews, The
37 Realism and Hope in the Face of the Crisis
38 Realism and Islam
39 Realism For Unrealistic Times
40 Reality of Hell, The
41 Reaping the Whirlwind of Abortion
42 Reapprochment by Unhasty Stages, But Not Too Slow Either
43 Reason Finds in Revelation the Possibility of Being Truly Itself
44 Reasons For An Instruction, The
45 Rebutting the 'Catholic but...'
46 Recalling St. John Paul II's Dream of European Humanism
47 Recapitulation in Christ
48 Receive the Broken Bread of Jesus and Distribute It to the Hungry
49 Receiving First Communion in this 'Year of the Eucharist'
50 Receiving Holy Communion
51 Recent Proposals for the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried: A Theological Assessment
52 Recent Vocations to Religious Life: A Report for the National Religious Vocation Conference
53 Reception and Future of Ecumenical Dialogue
54 Recipes, Activities, Prayers and Documents for Tuesday Before Ash Wednesday
55 Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy, The
56 Reclaiming Silence for Holiness
57 Reclaiming the Church for the Catholic Imagination
58 Recognize Old Age As A Gift, Not A Problem
59 Recognize the Importance of Prayer
60 Recognize the Need for Justice and Hope, and Seek the True Paths to Liberation
61 Recognizing Differences, Overcoming Disparities
62 Recognizing Jesus' Voice and Following It
63 Recognizing Specific Nature of Each Vocation Is Sign of Christian Maturity
64 Recognizing the Gift of Life
65 Recognizing the Importance of Natural Moral Law
66 Recognizing the True Church
67 Recommendations For Care of Divorced Catholics
68 Recommendations of Third Meeting of Institutes For Marriage and Family and Bioethics Centres
69 Reconceiving Personality Theory from a Catholic Christian Perspective
70 Reconciled Will Be Effective Peacemakers, The
71 Reconciliation – the Love of Christ Compels Us
72 Reconciliation Begins with Listening
73 Reconciliation Is Way to True Progress
74 Reconciliation Solves the Roman Question
75 Reconciliation with God and One Another
76 Reconciliation, Purification Of Memory, Return To Normal Ecclesial Life, Formation Of Young Persons
77 Reconciling Judas: Evangelizing the Theologians
78 Record of Pius XII's Opposition to Hitler, The
79 Recovering Stray Catholics
80 Recovery from “Brain Death”: A Neurologist’s Apologia – Revisited After 27 Years
81 Recovery of the Sacred, The
82 Recovery of the Sacred, The
83 Recovery of the Sacrificial Dimension, The
84 Recycled Rapture
85 Red Flags Are Up! On the Writings of Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
86 Red Herring of Usury, The
87 Red Mass: The Divine Spark Within Us
88 Red States: Blue States: The Fragility of Democracy
89 Redeeming Relationships
90 Redemption Is Announcement of Sure Hope
91 Redemption of Catholic Art, The
92 Redemption of the Body and the Sacramentality of Marriage, The
93 Redemptionis Sacramentum
94 Redemptoris Hominis (On Redemption and the Dignity of Man)
95 Redemptoris Mater (Mother Of The Redeemer)
96 Redemptoris Missio (On Evangelization)
97 Redemptoris Nostri Cruciatus (On The Holy Places In Palestine)
98 Rediscover Law as Interpersonal Reality
99 Rediscover the Beauty and Profundity of Christian Hope
100 Rediscover the Council's Great Wealth
101 Rediscover the Rosary As a Source of Strength
102 Rediscover the Sacrament of Penance
103 Rediscover the True Identity of the Diocese as a Family of Communities
104 Rediscover the Value of Politics and Make Your Contribution in Order that Good May Prevail
105 Rediscovering and Bearing Witness to the Gift of Faith
106 Rediscovering Modesty from Within
107 Rediscovering the Sacrament of Penance
108 Redouble Your Efforts For Peace; War Is Never Unavoidable
109 Reese Factor, The
110 Reflect on Christ's Boundless Love
111 Reflect on Impact of Lifestyle on Health
112 Reflecting on the Mystery of the Divine Call
113 Reflection at the First General Congregation for the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
114 Reflection on Cardinal Kasper's Speech on the Family, A
115 Reflection on Several Saints
116 Reflection on the Testimony of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, A
117 Reflections of His Holiness Benedict XVI on the 50th Anniversary of Vatican Council II
118 Reflections of the Meaning and Lesson of Christmas
119 Reflections On A Footnote On The Subject Of Masturbation: The Question Of Gravity, And The Matter Of Chastity
120 Reflections on Anxiety
121 Reflections on Cloning
122 Reflections on Humanae Vitae
123 Reflections on John Henry Newman’s ‘Discourses to Mixed Congregations
124 Reflections on Music and the Incarnation of Christ
125 Reflections on Recent Journey to Myanmar and Bangladesh
126 Reflections on the 30th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
127 Reflections on the Apostolate
128 Reflections on the Apostolate
129 Reflections on the Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria and North Macedonia
130 Reflections on the Feast of Saint Symphorian
131 Reflections on the Holy See's Statement on the Shoah
132 Reflections on the Instruction on the Admittance of Homosexuals into Seminaries
133 Reflections on the Internet, Tips for Use
134 Reflections on the Struggle to Advance the Culture of Life
135 Reform of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences
136 Reform of the Reform Will Happen, the Future of the Church Is at Stake, The
137 Regaining the Language
138 Regarding Certain Competencies in Economic-Financial Matters
139 Regarding Certain Interpretations of "Light of the World"
140 Regarding Medjugorje
141 Regarding Our Lady of America
142 Regarding Same-Sex "Marriage" and Related Pastoral Issues
143 Regarding the Crime of Attempting Sacred Ordination of a Woman
144 Regensburg Address: Faith, Reason and the University - Memories and Reflections
145 Regina Coeli Message
146 Regnans in Excelsis
147 Regulation by Non-regulation
148 Regulations and Name for the Holy Office
149 Regulations for Doctrinal Examination
150 Reiki and Healing Touch
151 Reincarnation Western-Style: the Resurgence of Age-old Superstition in a Scientific Era
152 Reinforce The Protection Of Refugees In The Changing International Situation
153 Reinvigorating the Weakened Sense of Modesty
154 Reiteration of the Norms and Principles of Vatican II, A
155 Rejoice Always
156 Rejoice in Christ's Victory Over Death
157 Rejoice in the Lord Always
158 Rejoice, the Lord Is Near
159 Rejoice, We Do Not Wait In Vain For Christ
160 Relating Christ's Universality to Interreligious Dialogue
161 Relatio ante disceptationem of the Second Special Assembly for Europe, The
162 Relationship between Faith and Marriage
163 Relationship between Faith, Forgiveness and Gratitude, The
164 Relationship between Hope and Prayer, The
165 Relationship between Mercy and Redemption, The
166 Relationship Between Philosophy and Cultures, The
167 Relationship between the Cross of Christ and Suffering
168 Relationship between the Law and the Heart, The
169 Relationship between the Visible and Spiritual Nature of the Church
170 Relativism Destroys Human Dignity
171 Relativism Is Not Basis of Religious Freedom
172 Relativism or Relativity: Religious Freedom and the Family
173 Relativism: The Central Problem for Faith Today
174 Relevance and Challenge of C. S. Lewis, The
175 Relevance of Thomas Jefferson, The
176 Religion and the Middle Ages
177 Religion Can Foster Human Rights And Respect For Human Dignity
178 Religion Has The Resources To Build Peace
179 Religion Is a Guarantee of Authentic Liberty and Respect
180 Religion is 'On the Move' in America
181 Religion Must Never Be Reason For Violence
182 Religion Reporters Need 'Working Knowledge' of Their Subject
183 Religion the New York Times Can Love, A
184 Religion Without Sacrifice is Useless Posturing
185 Religion, Journalism, and the New American Orthodoxy
186 Religion, Reason, Voting
187 Religion, the State, and the Common Good
188 Religions and Education: towards a Global Compact on Education
189 Religions Are Crucial for Integral Human Development
190 Religions Must Refuse to Sanction Recourse to Violence
191 Religious Belief Cannot Be Separated from the Defense of God's Image in Every Human Being
192 Religious Beliefs Must Never Be Abused in the Cause of Violence and War
193 Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, The
194 Religious Freedom
195 Religious Freedom and Human Rights
196 Religious Freedom and Public Policy
197 Religious Freedom Constitutes the Very Heart of Human Rights
198 Religious Freedom in the Year of Mercy
199 Religious Freedom Is A Fundamental Right Everywhere
200 Religious Freedom Is an Essential Part of the American Spirit
201 Religious Freedom Is Rooted in the Dignity of the Person
202 Religious Freedom, Conscience and the Sanctity of Human Life
203 Religious Freedom, Persecution of the Church, and Martyrdom
204 Religious Freedom: The Basis for Human Rights Advocacy for the Survival of Christians in the Middle East
205 Religious History Of Armenia
206 Religious History Of Armenia
207 Religious Humanism: A Manifesto
208 Religious Ignorance Is One of the Greatest Problems of Our Times
209 Religious Illiteracy which Marks Our Time, The
210 Religious Institutes: Rediscover the Original Charism
211 Religious Liberty and Economic Freedom: Intellectual and Practical Paradoxes
212 Religious Liberty Around the World
213 Religious Liberty: What the Texts Demand
214 Religious Persecution, More Widespread Today Than 1700 Years Ago
215 Religious Sentiment Of The Faithful Needs Constant Evangelization, The
216 Religious Teachers Filippini Show Courage
217 Religious Unbelief in the World
218 Relive the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ
219 Reliving Abraham's Faith Experience
220 Remaining in the Truth of Christ on Holy Matrimony
221 Remember that the Church Was Born on Pentecost to Reach Out
222 Remember the Courage and Joy of the First Missionaries
223 Remember to Make Life a Love Story With God
224 Remember You Are Dust
225 Remember You Are First And Foremost Priests: Not Corporate Executives
226 Remember, To Dust You Will Return
227 Remembering a Victim of the Communist Regime
228 Remembering J.R.R. Tolkien
229 Remembering Our Mortality, Welcoming God and Hoping for the Resurrection
230 Remembering Solzhenitsyn: Observations on the Gospel, Socialism, and Power
231 Remembering the Long Hot Summer
232 Remove the Wall of Indifference to Ensure Fraternity between Nations
233 Rend Your Hearts, So that Through that Crack We Can Really Look at Ourselves
234 Render to God the Things that Are God's
235 Render Unto Caesar: Personal Faith and Public Duty
236 Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Political Vocation
237 Renew Devotion to Mary, Mother of God
238 Renew the Parish with Spirituality of Communion
239 Renew Your Friendship with Jesus
240 Renewal Depends on Faith, Eucharistic Worship: Commentary on the Apostolic Exhortation 'Sacramentum Caritatis'
241 Renewal for the Whole Church in Australia
242 Renewal of Faith Must Be a Priority for the Church Today, The
243 Renewal of the Church’s Traditional Liturgy, The
244 Renewed Appeal: "War Never Again!"
245 Renewed Biblical Catechesis Will Lead to A More Incisive Promotion of Vocations
246 Renewed Fidelity in favor of Evangelization
247 Renewed Reverence for the Ordinary, A
248 Renewing Faith in Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
249 Renewing Our Public Life: A Reflection on Leadership
250 Renewing the Church and Her Mission in a Year of Faith
251 Renewing the Church, Converting the World: Reclaiming our Catholic Mission
252 Renewing the Mission of Catholic Charities
253 Renewing the Priesthood
254 Reorienting the Mass
255 Repackaging Death as Life – The Third Path to Imposed Death
256 Repent and Believe in the Gospel
257 Repentance and Renewal in the Mission of Catechesis
258 Reply of the Austrian Emperor to Pope Benedict XV
259 Reply to a Question on Excommunication of Public Officials Who Openly Support Abortion
260 Report on Father Richard Sparks' Human Sexuality Presentation
261 Report on the 1998 Lambeth Conference
262 Report on the NCCB November Meeting - Part I
263 Reproductive Health, Refugee Style
264 Reputantiubus (On The Language Question In Bohemia)
265 Reread Your Life’s Story to Discover Christ
266 Rerum Ecclesiae (On Catholic Missions)
267 Rerum Novarum (On Capital And Labor)
268 Rerum Omnium Perturbationem (St. Francis De Sales)
269 Rerum Orientalium (On The Promotion Of Oriental Studies)
270 Rescriptum ex Audientia Sanctissimi
271 Rescriptum ex Audientia SS.MI 2/20/2023
272 Rescuing the Truth: The Holocaust, Christianity, Catholics and Jews
273 Researcher John C. Iannone On the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin
274 Resenting Chastity
275 Reservations And Statements Of Interpretation Of The Holy See
276 Resolutions Approved by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2002
277 Resolutions Approved by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2003
278 Resolutions Approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy for 2004
279 Resolutions Passed by the Catholic Medical Association General Assembly
280 Resolve Middle East Crisis with Dialogue
281 Respect and Support the Family Founded on Marriage
282 Respect Constitutional Balance of Powers
283 Respect For and Collaboration with Muslims
284 Respect for Conscience Must Be a Social Value
285 Respect for Identity, A
286 Respect for Life, the Foundation of Civil Coexistence
287 Respect for the Dignity of the Dying
288 Respect for the Work of God
289 Respect Human Rights, Return To Negotiations
290 Respect The Rights Of Religious Minorities; Respect Holy Places
291 Respect Workers' Dignity and Rights
292 Respecting the Charisms of Ecclesial Movements
293 Respecting the Full Meaning of 'Real Presence'
294 Respecting the Human Dignity of All Patients
295 Respecting the Person and God's Design for Procreation
296 Respicientes (Protesting The Taking Of The Pontifical States)
297 Respond Generously to Christ's Call
298 Respond Generously to Your Vocation
299 Respond To Recent Social Problems By Helping Those In Need
300 Respond to the Invitation to Know God as Father
301 Responding to the Imperative of Right of All to Food
302 Responsa ad dubia of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on Traditionis Custodes
303 Response of Courage to the Nugent-Gramick Matter
304 Response of the Catholic Church to the Joint Declaration of Catholics and Lutherans
305 Response on the March for Marriage
306 Response to Cardinal on Gay Rights Group in St. Patrick’s Parade
307 Response to Declaration on Sexual Orientation
308 Response To John T. Noonan, Jr. Concerning The Development Of Catholic Moral Doctrine, A
309 Response to Profs. Smith and Waldstein Regarding Christopher West
310 Response to Questions Regarding Orthodoxy in Celebration of Mass
311 Response to 'The Vatican and the Holocaust', A
312 Responses of the Holy Father to Questions Posed by Young People
313 Responses to Certain Questions of the USCCB Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
314 Responses to Questions on Kneeling
315 Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning 'Uterine Isolation' and Related Matters
316 Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church
317 Responsibility to Have a Well Informed Faith Life, The
318 Responsible Parenthood
319 Responsible Parenthood Linked to Moral Maturity
320 Responsiblity for the Poor and Marginalized Must Be an Essential Element of any Political Decision
321 Restatement of the Oath of Hippocrates
322 Restore the Social Meaning of Financial and Banking Activity
323 Restoring the Permanent Diaconate (Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem)
324 Restoring the Unity
325 Restructuring the Church Into Their Own Image
326 Results of and Psychological Causes of Contraception, The
327 Resurrection and Divinity of Christ, The
328 Retreat of Liberation Theology, The
329 Return of Chant: Rediscovering the Church's Musical Tradition, The
330 Return RICO to Congress
331 Return to Me with All Your Heart
332 Return to Me with All Your Heart
333 Return to Me with All Your Heart
334 Return to the Earth
335 Return to the Essentials
336 Returning to the Essential Aspects of Christian Life in Order to Relaunch Evangelization
337 Reveal the Salvific Will of God in Pastoral Practice
338 Revelation Invites Us to Communion and Life
339 Revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Paral-le-Monial, France, The
340 Revelation of the Trinitarian Mystery
341 Revelations
342 Reverence and the Sacred Mysteries
343 Reverence for our Eucharistic Lord
344 Review of "The Golden Compass"
345 Review of Fr. McBrien's "Catholicism" by the NCCB's Committee on Doctrine
346 Review of Fr. McBrien's Catholicism
347 Review of Renew 2000 Materials, A
348 Review of the National Catholic Reporter
349 Review of the RENEW Process (Newark)
350 Review of the USCCB Pastoral Letter Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration, A
351 Revised Directory on Ecumenism
352 Revised Research Paper on the Draft Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities
353 Revision of the Rite of the Washing of the Feet in the Liturgy of Holy Thursday
354 Revisiting Psychiatric Treatment of Children
355 Revisiting the Baroque
356 Revitalizing the Profound Christian Roots of Costa Rica
357 Revival Afoot: Traditional Sacred Architecture
358 Revival of Christian Culture Through the Family, A
359 Reviving the Catholic Lay Vocation
360 Revolution of Freedom Needs Revolution of Opportunity
361 Revolution of Tenderness
362 Revolution of Tenderness, A
363 Revolutionary, Modernizing Pope
364 Rewriting the Inquisition - Roman Style
365 Rhetoric, Manipulation, and Ferrawood's
366 Rhode Island, Most Catholic State, Welcomes Gay Marriage
367 Rhythm of Popular Music: Primitivist Slumming in a Machine Age?, The
368 rian Crisis and the Current Controversy about Amoris Laetitia: A Parallel , The
369 Richard McBrien's Theological Influence on Thomas Groome
370 Richness of Many Years, The
371 Richness of Scholasticism, The
372 Riding a 'Slippery Slope' to Destruction
373 Right From the Start: John Carroll, Our First Bishop
374 Right to Hope, The
375 Right to Nutrition Must Be Guaranteed
376 Right To Sustainable Development, The
377 Right Ways and Wrong Ways to Influence People
378 Rights of Conscience Must Be Defended
379 Rights Of The Terminally Ill Person, The
380 rimer on Stem Cells , A
381 Risen Christ Flowers, The
382 Risen Christ is hope that does not disappoint
383 Risen Christ our Hope, The
384 Risen Lord Offers as a Gift His Love That Forgives, The
385 Risks of Pushing towards Perfection, The
386 Rite Decision, The
387 Rite expiatis (On St. Francis of Assisi)
388 Rites and Wrongs
389 Rivalries Based on Ethnic Origin Have No Place in Christ's Church
390 River of Mercy
391 Road to Rome: The Education of Joseph A. Ratzinger, The
392 Rock of the New Testament, The
393 Roe v. Wade and Constitutional Law
394 rofile of Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, Secretary of State of Pius X , A
395 Rogation Days
396 Role of Death, The
397 Role of Father as Family Protector, The
398 Role of Godparents, The
399 Role of Guardian Angels in Our Lives, The
400 Role of Liturgical Norms in the Eucharistic Celebration, The
401 Role of Military Chaplains, The
402 Role of Priests Is Irreplaceable, The
403 Role of Prudence in Fighting the Culture of Death, The
404 Role of the Family in John Paul II's Program For Building the Civilization of Love, The
405 Role of the Theological Virtue of Faith in Scriptural Interpretation, The
406 Role of the Woman in the Life of the Church, The
407 Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective - Part I, The
408 Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective - Part II, The
409 Roman Catholic Reflections on the Anglican Communion
410 Roman Curia and the Body of Christ, The
411 Roman Curia and the Ecumenical Council, The
412 Roman Holiday: Global Persecution of the Catholic Church, A
413 Roman Missal for the Pastoral Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United States
414 Roman Stational Churches
415 Roman Synod and the Priest, The
416 Rome, Be Faithful To Your Dignity
417 Root Causes of the Sex Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church, The
418 Roots of Marian Devotion Go Back to Old Testament
419 Roots Of Modernist Unbelief, The
420 Roots of the Papal Social Vision of Work, The
421 Rosary and the Christian Wake, The
422 Rosary as Family Prayer, The
423 Rosary Encyclicals, The
424 Rosary for Peace in our Day, The
425 Rosary In History: From The Beginning To The Consolidation Of Its Actual Structure, The
426 Rosary Is Anchored in Holy Scripture
427 Rosary is not a Pious Practice Relegated to the Past
428 Rosary Offers Christian Response To Problem Of Suffering
429 Rosary, The
430 Rose Hawthorne Lathrop’s Ministry of Mercy
431 Rosemary Radford Ruether
432 Rose-Virginie Pelletier Founded her Faith on Jesus Christ as on a Rock
433 Rotten Fruit of Secularization, The
434 Rule Of Law Against Terrorism, Human Traffic, Organized Crime
435 Rule Of Law Against Terrorism, Human Trafficking
436 Ruled by Faith: France's Sainted King
437 Rupert of Deutz
438 Rural Communities Must Not Remain at the Margin of Political, Social and Economic Decisions
439 Rural Life in a Peaceful World
440 Rutilans Agmen