Library: Browse by Title
Documents by Title: Keyletter "J" - 180 documents
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1 | Jacob - Prayer: Battle of Faith, Call for Perserverance |
2 | Jacques Maritain’s Service to Truth |
3 | James, the Greater |
4 | James, the Lesser |
5 | January 2025 — Overview for the Month |
6 | Japan Is Particularly Sensitive to the Suffering of the Less Fortunate, the Handicapped and Disabled |
7 | Japan, Research and the Meaning of Life |
8 | Jean-Baptiste de La Salle: Educator and Saint |
9 | Jefferson Bible, The |
10 | Jehovah's Witnesses: Just Incredible! |
11 | Jerusalem, Mother Of All Peoples |
12 | Jerusalem, Praise Your Saving God |
13 | Jerusalem: Considerations of the Secretariat of State |
14 | Jesuits and the Catholic Reformation — Part 1: The Founder, The |
15 | Jesuits 'Brave and Expert Rowers' in the Barque of Peter |
16 | Jesuits, The |
17 | Jesuits: Full Fidelity to the Society's Original Charism |
18 | Jesus Talks with a Rabbi: Ut Unum Sint |
19 | Jesus Ability to Change Hearts |
20 | Jesus Always Gave Priority to Those Who Suffer |
21 | Jesus Asks Each of Us, ‘Who am I for You?’ |
22 | Jesus Asks You to Love Him Above All |
23 | Jesus at the Sight of the Crowds, Was Moved with Pity |
24 | Jesus' Birth Reveals Depth of God's Love |
25 | Jesus Cannot Be Understood Without His Mother |
26 | Jesus Changed History with the Gift of His Life |
27 | Jesus Chooses the Marginal as Witnesses |
28 | Jesus Chose to Come to the World as Part of a Family |
29 | Jesus Christ Alive in His Church - the Source of Hope for Europe |
30 | Jesus Christ Brings Us Mercy, Grace and Help in All Our Needs |
31 | Jesus Christ Is Risen! He Is Truly Risen! |
32 | Jesus Christ Is Source of Hope for Europe |
33 | Jesus Christ is the Way for Oceania |
34 | Jesus Christ Is the World's True Wealth |
35 | Jesus Christ Must be Explicitly Preached |
36 | Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life |
37 | Jesus Christ, Our Hope |
38 | Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour of the World: Bread for New Life |
39 | Jesus Comes to Me Because I Am a Sinner |
40 | Jesus Continues to Call Us |
41 | Jesus Embraces the Cross of Pain and Death of Men and Women of All Time |
42 | Jesus Entrusted Church to Mary's Care |
43 | Jesus Fills the Abyss of Sin with the Depth of His Mercy |
44 | Jesus Gave His Life As a Ransom For Many |
45 | Jesus Gives All and He Asks All |
46 | Jesus Goes Before Us to the Father |
47 | Jesus' 'Hour' Is Time of Human Salvation |
48 | Jesus Instituted Sacrament of Penance |
49 | Jesus Is at Your Side |
50 | Jesus Is Lord; the Father Has Raised Him and He Lives Forever in Our Midst |
51 | Jesus Is Risen! |
52 | Jesus Is Risen, and He Gives Us Peace |
53 | Jesus Is Supreme Encounter of God and Man |
54 | Jesus Is the New and True Lamb |
55 | Jesus Is the Point of Reference for the Journey towards Full Unity |
56 | Jesus Is the Salvation for Every Person and for Every People |
57 | Jesus Is the Savior and Liberator of Mankind |
58 | Jesus' Life Is Reference Point For Our Faith |
59 | Jesus Lives in the 'Celebration' of the Eucharist |
60 | Jesus' Logic Is Not That of Punishment and Reward |
61 | Jesus Loves Those Who Make Mistakes |
62 | Jesus of Nazareth is Heart of Christian Faith |
63 | Jesus Our Contemporary |
64 | Jesus' Pain on the Cross Reflects the Pain of Humanity |
65 | Jesus' Prayer before Dying |
66 | Jesus Prayer before Dying - Part 2 |
67 | Jesus Prepares for us and Asks us to be Prepared |
68 | Jesus Resolves the False Opposition between Obedience and Freedom |
69 | Jesus reveals loving face of the Father |
70 | Jesus Reveals the Father's Merciful Face |
71 | Jesus Said: ‘It Is Accomplished’ |
72 | Jesus Savior of Men |
73 | Jesus Says: 'Come, Follow Me' |
74 | Jesus Seminar Should Go Back to School |
75 | Jesus Shows the Way from Littleness to Greatness |
76 | Jesus the Divine Teacher |
77 | Jesus Transforms, Renews, & Strengthens Everything |
78 | Jesus Walks in Our Cities Rekindling Hope |
79 | Jesus Walks with Us Through the Ages |
80 | Jesus Wants to Be Your Friend, Your Brother, Teacher of Truth and Life |
81 | Jesus with the Samaritan Woman |
82 | Jesus, Model and Soul of All Prayer |
83 | Jesus, Model of Every Priest |
84 | Jesus, Son of Humankind? |
85 | Jesus, Son of Humankind? The Necessary Failure of Inclusive-Language Translations |
86 | Jesus, Teacher of Prayer |
87 | Jesus, the Crucified One, Is Risen! |
88 | Jesus: Head of his body, the Church |
89 | Jesus’ Words to the Father |
90 | Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible, The |
91 | Jews and Christian Share much Together |
92 | Jews and Christians Believe that God Is Revealed to Man through His Word |
93 | Jews and Christians, Co-Operate to Face Challenges |
94 | Jews' Role in Christ's First and Second Coming |
95 | John Climacus |
96 | John Dewey - Radical Social Educator |
97 | John Dewey: Prophet of American Naturalism |
98 | John Duns Scotus |
99 | John Duns Scotus: Champion of the Immaculate Conception |
100 | John Henry Newman: An Ecumenical Conversion |
101 | John Leonardi: Ecclesial Renewal and Fidelity to Christ |
102 | John of Salisbury |
103 | John Paul II and the Gift of Clarity |
104 | John Paul II Communicated Hope |
105 | John Paul II: Servant of God, Hero of History |
106 | John Paul II's 1996 Lenten Message |
107 | John Paul II's Address to New Cardinals |
108 | John Paul II's General Audience of February 22, 1995 |
109 | John Paul II's Spiritual Testament |
110 | John Paul's Distinctive Contribution |
111 | John Scotus Erigena |
112 | John the Baptist, an Enduring Model of Fidelity to God |
113 | John XXIII: Pope of Saint Joseph |
114 | John, Son of Zebedee |
115 | John, the Seer of Patmos |
116 | John, the Theologian |
117 | Joint Communique of Pope John Paul II and Catholicos Karekin II |
118 | Joint Declaration Between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation on the Doctrine of Justification, The |
119 | Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill |
120 | Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification |
121 | Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification |
122 | Joint Pastoral Statement on Principles of Catholic Social Teaching and Health Care Reform |
123 | Joint Statement from Bishop Kevin Farrell and Bishop Kevin Vann |
124 | Joint Statement on the Occasion of the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation |
125 | Joint Vatican-US Statement on Pope |
126 | Josef Pieper: Prophet of Pietas |
127 | Josemaria's Way |
128 | Joseph Shows the Fullness of Adoptive Fatherhood |
129 | Journalism Must Not Fuel Fears of Forced Migration Due to War or Hunger |
130 | Journalists, Help Me Work for the Good of Society |
131 | Journey into the World of Youth, A |
132 | Journey of Communion, A |
133 | Journey of Faith in the Footsteps of John Paul II, A |
134 | Journey of Faith, The |
135 | Journey to DRC and South Sudan Fulfilled 'Dreams' |
136 | Joy In Times of Difficulty Because God Is With Us |
137 | Joy Is Rooted in the Freedom that God Gives |
138 | Joy of Advent, The |
139 | Joy of Faith and the Education of the New Generations, The |
140 | Joy of God Is the Joy of Forgiveness, The |
141 | Joy of Married Love, The |
142 | Joyce Kilmer, John Paul II, and the Artistic Vocation |
143 | Joyful Expectation of Christmas Among Christians |
144 | Joys of the Resurrection, The |
145 | Jubilee Commitment to Freedom and Justice |
146 | Jubilee Grace Calls for Christ Centered Personal and Pastoral Life |
147 | Jubilee Implies Commitment to Justice |
148 | Jubilee in the Bible, Justice and Sharing, The |
149 | Jubilee Is Fitting Occasion for Strengthening Ecclesial Communion |
150 | Jubilee Is Missionary Feast 'Par Excellence' |
151 | Jubilee Is Occasion to Reduce International Debt |
152 | Jubilee Pilgrimage to Greece, Syria and Malta, 2001 |
153 | Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Collection |
154 | Judas |
155 | Judas Code: Another Non-Gospel, The |
156 | Judas Iscariot and Matthias |
157 | Judgement On The Apparitions Of Kibeho |
158 | Judges Cannot Bend the Objective Norm or Interpret Divine law in an Arbitrary Way |
159 | Judicial Action Alone Is Not Enough to Fight Abuse in the Church |
160 | Judith, the Courage of a Woman Restores Hope to a People |
161 | Julian of Norwich |
162 | July 2024 — Overview for the Month |
163 | June 2024 — Overview for the Month |
164 | Jungian Psychology as Catholic Theology |
165 | Junipero Serra Is a Saint |
166 | Junipero Serra, Conquistador |
167 | Just As I Have Loved You, You Also Should Love One Another |
168 | Just Look |
169 | Just Man Lives By Faith, The |
170 | Justice |
171 | Justice Beyond the Grave: The Vindication of Cardinal Danielou |
172 | Justice in Pieces - Faith in Public Life |
173 | Justice Scalia's Dissenting Opinion on the Ruling on Texas Sodomy Law |
174 | Justice Should Be Administered in Obedience to God's Law |
175 | Justice, Charity and Truth Must Guide the Roman Rota |
176 | Justice, Peace, Freedom and Reconciliation for Cuba |
177 | Justice, the Most Unpopular Virtue |
178 | Justice, Truth and Honesty in Institutional Transition |
179 | Justin On The Sole Government Of God.(1) |
180 | Just-War Theory, Catholic Morality, And The Response To International Terrorism |