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Documents by Title: Keyletter "J" - 180 documents

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1 Jacob - Prayer: Battle of Faith, Call for Perserverance
2 Jacques Maritain’s Service to Truth
3 James, the Greater
4 James, the Lesser
5 January 2024 — Overview for the Month
6 Japan Is Particularly Sensitive to the Suffering of the Less Fortunate, the Handicapped and Disabled
7 Japan, Research and the Meaning of Life
8 Jean-Baptiste de La Salle: Educator and Saint
9 Jefferson Bible, The
10 Jehovah's Witnesses: Just Incredible!
11 Jerusalem, Mother Of All Peoples
12 Jerusalem, Praise Your Saving God
13 Jerusalem: Considerations of the Secretariat of State
14 Jesuits and the Catholic Reformation — Part 1: The Founder, The
15 Jesuits 'Brave and Expert Rowers' in the Barque of Peter
16 Jesuits, The
17 Jesuits: Full Fidelity to the Society's Original Charism
18 Jesus Talks with a Rabbi: Ut Unum Sint
19 Jesus Ability to Change Hearts
20 Jesus Always Gave Priority to Those Who Suffer
21 Jesus Asks Each of Us, ‘Who am I for You?’
22 Jesus Asks You to Love Him Above All
23 Jesus at the Sight of the Crowds, Was Moved with Pity
24 Jesus' Birth Reveals Depth of God's Love
25 Jesus Cannot Be Understood Without His Mother
26 Jesus Changed History with the Gift of His Life
27 Jesus Chooses the Marginal as Witnesses
28 Jesus Chose to Come to the World as Part of a Family
29 Jesus Christ Alive in His Church - the Source of Hope for Europe
30 Jesus Christ Brings Us Mercy, Grace and Help in All Our Needs
31 Jesus Christ Is Risen! He Is Truly Risen!
32 Jesus Christ Is Source of Hope for Europe
33 Jesus Christ is the Way for Oceania
34 Jesus Christ Is the World's True Wealth
35 Jesus Christ Must be Explicitly Preached
36 Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life
37 Jesus Christ, Our Hope
38 Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour of the World: Bread for New Life
39 Jesus Comes to Me Because I Am a Sinner
40 Jesus Continues to Call Us
41 Jesus Embraces the Cross of Pain and Death of Men and Women of All Time
42 Jesus Entrusted Church to Mary's Care
43 Jesus Fills the Abyss of Sin with the Depth of His Mercy
44 Jesus Gave His Life As a Ransom For Many
45 Jesus Gives All and He Asks All
46 Jesus Goes Before Us to the Father
47 Jesus' 'Hour' Is Time of Human Salvation
48 Jesus Instituted Sacrament of Penance
49 Jesus Is at Your Side
50 Jesus Is Lord; the Father Has Raised Him and He Lives Forever in Our Midst
51 Jesus Is Risen!
52 Jesus Is Risen, and He Gives Us Peace
53 Jesus Is Supreme Encounter of God and Man
54 Jesus Is the New and True Lamb
55 Jesus Is the Point of Reference for the Journey towards Full Unity
56 Jesus Is the Salvation for Every Person and for Every People
57 Jesus Is the Savior and Liberator of Mankind
58 Jesus' Life Is Reference Point For Our Faith
59 Jesus Lives in the 'Celebration' of the Eucharist
60 Jesus' Logic Is Not That of Punishment and Reward
61 Jesus Loves Those Who Make Mistakes
62 Jesus of Nazareth is Heart of Christian Faith
63 Jesus Our Contemporary
64 Jesus' Pain on the Cross Reflects the Pain of Humanity
65 Jesus' Prayer before Dying
66 Jesus Prayer before Dying - Part 2
67 Jesus Prepares for us and Asks us to be Prepared
68 Jesus Resolves the False Opposition between Obedience and Freedom
69 Jesus reveals loving face of the Father
70 Jesus Reveals the Father's Merciful Face
71 Jesus Said: ‘It Is Accomplished’
72 Jesus Savior of Men
73 Jesus Says: 'Come, Follow Me'
74 Jesus Seminar Should Go Back to School
75 Jesus Shows the Way from Littleness to Greatness
76 Jesus the Divine Teacher
77 Jesus Transforms, Renews, & Strengthens Everything
78 Jesus Walks in Our Cities Rekindling Hope
79 Jesus Walks with Us Through the Ages
80 Jesus Wants to Be Your Friend, Your Brother, Teacher of Truth and Life
81 Jesus with the Samaritan Woman
82 Jesus, Model and Soul of All Prayer
83 Jesus, Model of Every Priest
84 Jesus, Son of Humankind?
85 Jesus, Son of Humankind? The Necessary Failure of Inclusive-Language Translations
86 Jesus, Teacher of Prayer
87 Jesus, the Crucified One, Is Risen!
88 Jesus: Head of his body, the Church
89 Jesus’ Words to the Father
90 Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible, The
91 Jews and Christian Share much Together
92 Jews and Christians Believe that God Is Revealed to Man through His Word
93 Jews and Christians, Co-Operate to Face Challenges
94 Jews' Role in Christ's First and Second Coming
95 John Climacus
96 John Dewey - Radical Social Educator
97 John Dewey: Prophet of American Naturalism
98 John Duns Scotus
99 John Duns Scotus: Champion of the Immaculate Conception
100 John Henry Newman: An Ecumenical Conversion
101 John Leonardi: Ecclesial Renewal and Fidelity to Christ
102 John of Salisbury
103 John Paul II and the Gift of Clarity
104 John Paul II Communicated Hope
105 John Paul II: Servant of God, Hero of History
106 John Paul II's 1996 Lenten Message
107 John Paul II's Address to New Cardinals
108 John Paul II's General Audience of February 22, 1995
109 John Paul II's Spiritual Testament
110 John Paul's Distinctive Contribution
111 John Scotus Erigena
112 John the Baptist, an Enduring Model of Fidelity to God
113 John XXIII: Pope of Saint Joseph
114 John, Son of Zebedee
115 John, the Seer of Patmos
116 John, the Theologian
117 Joint Communique of Pope John Paul II and Catholicos Karekin II
118 Joint Declaration Between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation on the Doctrine of Justification, The
119 Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill
120 Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
121 Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
122 Joint Pastoral Statement on Principles of Catholic Social Teaching and Health Care Reform
123 Joint Statement from Bishop Kevin Farrell and Bishop Kevin Vann
124 Joint Statement on the Occasion of the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation
125 Joint Vatican-US Statement on Pope
126 Josef Pieper: Prophet of Pietas
127 Josemaria's Way
128 Joseph Shows the Fullness of Adoptive Fatherhood
129 Journalism Must Not Fuel Fears of Forced Migration Due to War or Hunger
130 Journalists, Help Me Work for the Good of Society
131 Journey into the World of Youth, A
132 Journey of Communion, A
133 Journey of Faith in the Footsteps of John Paul II, A
134 Journey of Faith, The
135 Journey to DRC and South Sudan Fulfilled 'Dreams'
136 Joy In Times of Difficulty Because God Is With Us
137 Joy Is Rooted in the Freedom that God Gives
138 Joy of Advent, The
139 Joy of Faith and the Education of the New Generations, The
140 Joy of God Is the Joy of Forgiveness, The
141 Joy of Married Love, The
142 Joyce Kilmer, John Paul II, and the Artistic Vocation
143 Joyful Expectation of Christmas Among Christians
144 Joys of the Resurrection, The
145 Jubilee Commitment to Freedom and Justice
146 Jubilee Grace Calls for Christ Centered Personal and Pastoral Life
147 Jubilee Implies Commitment to Justice
148 Jubilee in the Bible, Justice and Sharing, The
149 Jubilee Is Fitting Occasion for Strengthening Ecclesial Communion
150 Jubilee Is Missionary Feast 'Par Excellence'
151 Jubilee Is Occasion to Reduce International Debt
152 Jubilee Pilgrimage to Greece, Syria and Malta, 2001
153 Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Collection
154 Judas
155 Judas Code: Another Non-Gospel, The
156 Judas Iscariot and Matthias
157 Judgement On The Apparitions Of Kibeho
158 Judges Cannot Bend the Objective Norm or Interpret Divine law in an Arbitrary Way
159 Judicial Action Alone Is Not Enough to Fight Abuse in the Church
160 Judith, the Courage of a Woman Restores Hope to a People
161 Julian of Norwich
162 July 2024 — Overview for the Month
163 June 2024 — Overview for the Month
164 Jungian Psychology as Catholic Theology
165 Junipero Serra Is a Saint
166 Junipero Serra, Conquistador
167 Just As I Have Loved You, You Also Should Love One Another
168 Just Look
169 Just Man Lives By Faith, The
170 Justice
171 Justice Beyond the Grave: The Vindication of Cardinal Danielou
172 Justice in Pieces - Faith in Public Life
173 Justice Scalia's Dissenting Opinion on the Ruling on Texas Sodomy Law
174 Justice Should Be Administered in Obedience to God's Law
175 Justice, Charity and Truth Must Guide the Roman Rota
176 Justice, Peace, Freedom and Reconciliation for Cuba
177 Justice, the Most Unpopular Virtue
178 Justice, Truth and Honesty in Institutional Transition
179 Justin On The Sole Government Of God.(1)
180 Just-War Theory, Catholic Morality, And The Response To International Terrorism