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Documents by Title: Keyletter "I" - 417 documents

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1 I Am Happy to Be in Mary’s Home
2 I Am On A Spiritual Journey
3 I Am the Least of the Apostles
4 I Am With You Always
5 I Am with You Always
6 I Appeal for Greater Solidarity and Political Will
7 I Appeal to World's Scientific Authorities: Halt the Production of Human Embryos!
8 I Appeal to Your Young People to Answer the Lord's Call in Their Life
9 I Appoint You As a Witness of What You Have Seen
10 I Arose, and Am Still with You
11 I ask Everyone to Save Humanity from Wars, to Respect Human Life and the Family
12 I Ask You to Pray a Lot
13 I Believe in God
14 I Believe in God: the Almighty Father
15 I Come among You Because I Want to Carry Your Eyes in Mine
16 I Come as a Missionary of Mercy and of Peace
17 I Come as a Pilgrim of Faith and Hope
18 I Come as a Pilgrim of Peace and an Apostle of Hope
19 I Concluded My Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of St. Paul
20 I Cry With My Voice to the Lord!
21 I Desire Mercy Not Sacrifice
22 I Dream of a Europe of Which It Will Not Be Said That Its Commitment to Human Rights Was Its Last Utopia
23 I Entrust The World To Divine Mercy
24 I Express My Closeness To The Indigenous People, Guadalupe And St. Juan Diego Have A Deep Missionary Meaning
25 I Express My Thanks To You
26 I Go to the United States With Joy
27 I Greet You, Ukraine, Brave Witness to the Faith
28 I Have Come Among You as a Pilgrim of Peace
29 I Have Come As a Pilgrim Desirous of Seeing the Lord's Face in the Faces of My Brothers
30 I Have Come as a Pilgrim to Santiago
31 I Have in My Heart All the Families
32 I Have the Joy of Announcing 37 New Cardinals
33 I Invite You Never to Abdicate the Mission Entrusted to You
34 I Pay Homage to Your Martyrs
35 I Pay Tribute To This Temple, Which Bears On Its Columns The Sign Of Martyrdom
36 I Pray that Peace May Be God's Gift to the Land He Chose to Be His Own
37 I Respectfully Disagree
38 I Shall Miss Brazil
39 i Still Don't Understand Why They Are in Dialogue with China
40 I Suffer 'So that God's Plan May Be Completed'
41 I Survived Because "I Knew I Was Expected"
42 I Thank God for Ineffable Gift of Jesus Christ
43 I Thank God for My Priesthood and Pray That He Will Send More Labourers into His Harvest
44 I Thank God for the Priesthood
45 I Urge Catholics to Pray for the Dead
46 I Want the Church To Go into the Streets
47 I Was in Prison and You Came to Me
48 I will Always Be with You in Prayer
49 I Will Arise and Return to My Father
50 I Will Give My Life for the Salvation of Souls
51 I Will Give You Shepherds (Pastores Dabo Vobis)
52 I Wish for a Church that Is Poor and for the Poor
53 I Wish To Reaffirm The Catholic Church's Respect For Islam, For Authentic Islam
54 Iamdudum (On The Law Of Separation In Portugal)
55 Iampridem (On Catholicism In Germany)
56 iberal Arts and Sexual Morality , The
57 Ice Bucket Challenge’s Ethical Surprise, The
58 ich, Not States, are Called to Help Others , The
59 Icons Show the Human Face of God
60 Idea And Prospects Of A Center For Catholic Studies At A Public Institution Of Higher Learning, The
61 Identifying Demons
62 Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church
63 Identity of the Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue, The
64 Ideologies of Evil
65 Idolatry & Sodomy
66 If Anyone Eats This Bread, He Shall Live
67 If Christ Has Not Been Raised
68 If God Didn't Forgive Everyone, the World Would Not Exist
69 If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?
70 If the Dignity of Human Life Does Not Exist at the Beginning and the End, It Will Not Exist in Between
71 If the Lord Does Not Build the House
72 If We Do Not Take Care of One Another, We Cannot Heal the World
73 If We Do Not Worship God, We Will Worship Idols
74 If We Love One Anther, God Abides in Us and His Love Is Perfected in Us
75 If You Are Not Willing to Act Like Shepherds, Change Path
76 If You Want Justice, Defend Life; If You Want Life, Embrace Truth
77 If You Want Peace, Reach Out to the Poor
78 If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation
79 ifferent Meanings of Human Acts In the Culture of Life and the Culture of Death - Part 2 , The
80 ighty One Has Done Great Things for Me , The
81 Ignorance—Invincible and Vincible
82 Ignoring Human Suffering Means Ignoring God
83 Ignoring Sex Differences Harms Society
84 Il Fermo Proposito (On Catholic Action In Italy)
85 Illegal Immigration and the Church: Philanthropic Lawlessness
86 Illinois Catholic Lawmakers Who Support Extreme Abortion Legislation Are Not to Receive Communion
87 Illusion of Neutrality, The
88 I'm Not a Star, But the Servant of the Servants of God
89 Imitate St Joseph's Simple, Hard-Working Style
90 Imitate the Father, Who Never Tires of Forgiving
91 Imitate the Humility of Mary
92 Imitating the Good Samaritan of the Gospel Is Not Enough
93 Imitation and Creation
94 Immaculate Conception (Ineffabilis Deus), The
95 Immaculate Conception Defined by Pius IX
96 Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin, The
97 Immigrants Are Not Numbers, But People, Faces, Names and Stories
98 Immorality of Human Cloning, The
99 Immortale Dei (On The Christian Constitution Of States)
100 Immortality of the Soul and the Resurrection of the Dead, The
101 Imperative Of Courtesy, The
102 Imperative of 'Signs of Clinical Death' for Organ Transplants
103 Implement Evangelical Principles in Medical Practice
104 Implosion: The Collapse of the United Nations
105 Importance of ‘Three Languages’ in Education, The
106 Importance of a Father's Presence in the Family, The
107 Importance of Fathers in Our Search for God, The
108 Importance of Forgiveness in the Family, The
109 Importance of Harmonizing Human Love with Respect for Life
110 Importance of Holistic Ecology, The
111 Importance of Hospitality for Pilgrims, The
112 Importance of Latin, The
113 Importance of Listening to the People of God, The
114 Importance of Priestly Celibacy, The
115 Importance of the "Hidden Christians" of Japan, The
116 Importance of the Christian Name, The
117 Importance of the Health Care Apostolate, The
118 Importance of the Hierarchy in the Church, The
119 Importance of the Imagination, The
120 Importance of the Ministry of Mercy, The
121 Importance Of The Reality Of The Universe In The Work Of Stanley L. Jaki, The
122 Importance of the Witness Given by Christian Families, The
123 Important Moment, An
124 Important Role In European Culture and History, An
125 Important Vehicle of Lofty Human Values, An
126 Imposed Peace Is Not Enough–It Must Be Loved, Free and Fraternal
127 Impressionable Minds: Teaching Politically Correct History
128 Imprimatur Withdrawn From the Liturgical Psalter
129 In Sæcula Sæculorum: Secularism and Religion Today
130 In a Secularized Society Your Voice Is Needed More Than Ever
131 In a World That Makes a Myth of Strength and Power, the Elderly Must Witness to True Values
132 In Adoration Before The Tabernacle, Contemplate The Face Of Christ
133 In Aeternum Cantabo
134 In All Our Trials, God Has The Last Word
135 In Amplissimo (On The Church In The United States)
136 In Baptism Jesus Is in Solidarity with Us
137 In Charity They Experience Sentiments Of Christ: Meek, Humble Of Heart, Share In God's Love
138 In Choosing Presidents, We Choose Judges, Too
139 In Christ the Whole of Humanity Will Be Blessed
140 In Christ We Find the Meaning of Life
141 In Christ You Can Face the Future with Hope
142 In Confession We experience the Joy of God's Forgiveness
143 In Confidence
144 In Defence of Broken Hearts
145 In Defense of the Orthodoxy of The Marian Movement of Priests
146 In Denial
147 In Dominico Agro (On Instruction In The Faith)
148 In Each Newborn We Recognize that Life Is a Gift of God
149 In Embryonic Stem Cell Research, End Does Not Justify the Means
150 In Eucharist Christ Comes As Light, Life Of The World
151 In Eucharist We Find Invisible Face of Christ
152 In Every Age, the Church Is Called to Be Leaven
153 In Every Man We Must See a Brother
154 In Hac Tanta (On St. Boniface)
155 In Her, All God's Promises Have Been Proved Trustworthy
156 In Ipso (On Episcopal Reunions In Austria)
157 In Love with God and All Humanity
158 In Mary The Lord's Promise Is Fulfilled
159 In Multiplicibus Curis (On Prayers For Peace In Palestine)
160 In Obedience to Christ: A Pastoral Letter To Catholic Couples and Physicians on the Issue of Contraception
161 In Old Age They Will Still Bear Fruit
162 In Order to Manage Our Resources We Are in Need of True Wisdom
163 In Order to Safeguard the Faith (Ad Tuendam Fidem)
164 In Plurimis (On The Abolition Of Slavery)
165 In Praeclara Summorum (On Dante)
166 In Prayer We Abandon Ourselves To God's Embrace
167 In Search of Lost Symbols, Contemporary Biblical Illiteracy
168 In Suffering We Find Redemption
169 In Supremo Apostolatus
170 In That Child Lying in the Stable, God Has Shown His Glory
171 In the "Opera Omnia" of Ratzinger the Theologian, the Overture Is All about the Liturgy
172 In the Act Itself of Her Birth the Church Is Already 'Catholic'
173 In the Acts of the Apostles, the Twelve Manifest the Lord’s Style
174 In The Beginning: John Paul II's First Homily
175 In the Cenacle, Where the Church Was Born to Go Forth
176 In the Church We Are All Missionaries and Disciples
177 In the Courthouse Was the Word
178 In the Crosshairs of the Canon
179 In the Dark Night, the Light of Faith Shines Purest
180 In the Folds of Her Mantle
181 In the Footsteps of John Paul II, a Witness of Faith
182 In the Light of Fatima Towards the Third Millennium: Pius XII, Father, Teacher and Friend of Our Time
183 In The Lion's Den
184 In the Midst of the People
185 In the Other Person's Shoes
186 In The Service Of Life
187 In the Shadow of the Crescent
188 In the Spirit We Read the Signs of the Times
189 In the Temple of the Church There Are No Useless Bricks
190 In the Third Millennium Build Your House on the Rock That Is Christ Living in His Church
191 In Times of Crisis, the University Nurtures Hope
192 In Times Of Difficulty Say, 'Jesus, I Trust In You'
193 In Tongues All Can Hear
194 In Truth and Love (Pennsylvania Bishops' Pastoral Letter)
195 In Truth, Peace
196 In Vitro Fertilization: Ethical Implications and Alternatives
197 In You, Mary, Love Has Triumphed
198 inal Prophecy? , A
199 Inaugural Mass Full of New Symbolic Gestures which Emphasize Pope as Successor of Peter
200 Incarnation and Spiritual Doctrine, The
201 Incarnation Reveals Glory of the Trinity
202 Incarnation Touches Depths of Humanity
203 Incarnationis Mysterium
204 Inclusive Language: Is It Necessary?
205 Increase the Sense of Belonging to the Church
206 Increasing Attention To Ecclesiology, An
207 Incredibili (On Persecution In New Granada)
208 Incredible Creed of Jehovah Witnesses, The
209 Index Of Forbidden Books, The
210 Indiana Jones and the Prophets of Doom
211 Indictment of Sir Thomas More, The
212 Indifference and Hostility Blind Us and Prevent Us from Recognizing Jesus in Others
213 Indifference is ‘Dangerously Contagious Virus’ that Is the Root of Hatred
214 Indissolubility, Divorce and Holy Communion
215 Indissoluble Bond: 'Romanum' and Petrinum'
216 Individuality
217 Indulgenced Prayer for a Christian Family
218 Indulgences Are Expression of God's Mercy
219 Indulgences Attached To Divine Mercy Devotions
220 Indulgences: Spreading the Wealth
221 Indult for Use of Roman Missal of 1962 According to Judgment of Diocesan Bishop
222 Inerrancy of Scripture and the Second Vatican Council, The
223 Infallibility in the Context of Three Contemporary Developments
224 Infallibility of Humanae Vitae
225 Infant Jesus of Prague, The
226 Infertility Treatments, in Accord With Church Teaching
227 Infinite Love of the Holy Spirit Does Not Abandon Us, The
228 Infinite Value Of Christ's Passion And Death
229 Inflated Reputation of Hans Urs von Balthasar, The
230 In-Flight Press Conference of His Holiness Pope Francis from Armenia to Rome
231 Ingravescentibus Malis (On The Rosary)
232 Ingruentium Malorum (On Reciting The Rosary)
233 Inhabiting the Digital Universes with a Believing Heart
234 Inherent Dignity of Every Human Being Must Be Firmly Placed at the Center of Our Reflection and Action, The
235 Inimica Vis (On Freemasonry)
236 Iniquis Afflictisque (On The Persecution Of The Church In Mexico)
237 Initial Education in Family Relies on 'Feminine Genius'
238 Injustices among Nations Are Threats to Peace
239 Inner Freedom Is Needed to Overcome Selfishness
240 Innocence and Humility
241 Innovative Models
242 Inquisition Requires Calm, Objective Analysis
243 Inscriptions Reveal Pilgrims’ Devotion
244 Inscrutabile (On The Problems Of The Pontificate)
245 Inscrutabili Dei Consilio (On The Evils Of Society)
246 Inscrutabili Divinae Sapientiae (Proclaiming A Universal Jubilee)
247 Inside Call To Action
248 Inside Look at Voice of the Faithful, An
249 Insignes (On The Hungarian Millennium)
250 Inspiration and Inerrancy of Sacred Scripture, The
251 Inspiration and Truth in Interpretation of Sacred Texts
252 Instituting the Sunday of the Word of God
253 Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani
254 Institutional and Charismatic Aspects: Quasi Coessential to the Church's Constitution
255 Instructing Converts
256 Instruction “Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago” on the “Ordo virginum”
257 Instruction Calls for Necessary Change in Attitude and Practice
258 Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Inaestimabile Donum)
259 Instruction for Applying the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
260 Instruction in Handling Causes of the Nullity of Marriage
261 Instruction on Admitting Candidates Coming From Other Seminaries or Religious Communities
262 Instruction on Certain Aspects of Theology of Liberation
263 Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation
264 Instruction on Infant Baptism
265 Instruction on Liturgical Formation in Seminaries
266 Instruction on Missionary Cooperation
267 Instruction on Prayers for Healing
268 Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation
269 Instruction on Sacred Music (Tra le Sollecitudini)
270 Instruction on Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy
271 Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian
272 Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels
273 Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels
274 Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion (Memoriale Domini)
275 Instruction Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest
276 Instructor (Paedagogus) Book I, The
277 Instructor (Paedagogus) Books II-III, The
278 Instrumental Music and the Liturgy
279 Instrumental Music in Church
280 Instrumentum Laboris: The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church
281 Insufferable Arrogance of Multiculturalism, The
282 Integral Education to Combat Racism and Intolerance
283 Integral Vision of Health Care
284 Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy
285 Intentions for the Month of May
286 Inter Caetera
287 Inter Multiplices (Pleading For Unity Of Spirit)
288 Inter Munera Academiarum
289 Inter Praecipuas (On Biblical Societies)
290 Inter Sollicitudines, Motu Proprio of Pope Pius X on Sacred Music
291 Interdependence and Solidarity to Meet World Challenges
292 Interfaith Dialogue Is a Duty for All
293 Inter-Institute Collaboration for Formation (1999)
294 Interior Prayer: Founded on Loving Much: An Interview with Author Father Jacques Philippe
295 Internal Order of States and People, The
296 International Religious Freedom: An Imperative for Peace and the Common Good
297 Internet Must Transmit a Church Which Is Home to All, The
298 Internet: A New Forum For Proclaiming The Gospel
299 Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, The
300 Interpretation of Vatican II and Its Connection with the Current Crisis of the Church, The
301 Interpreting Reality through God's Eyes
302 Inter-Religious Dialogue: A Vital Need of Our Time
303 Intervention Of The Holy See At The Conference At Doha
304 Intervention on Human Rights
305 Interventions by Cardinal Turkson and H.E. Msgr. Ladaria Ferrer on "Oeconomicae et Pecuniariae Quaestiones"
306 Interview of Pope Benedict XVI with the Journalists during the Flight to Berlin
307 Interview of the Holy Father Benedict XVI During the Flight to France
308 Interview Pope Benedict XVI during the Flight to the Holy Land
309 Interview with Bishop Jean Laffitte on Theology of Human Love
310 Interview with Bishop Padilla of Mongolia
311 Interview with Msgr. Gaenswein, Secretary to Pope Benedict XVI
312 Interview with Phil Lawler
313 Interview with Pope St. John Paul II's childhood friend, Eugeniusz Mróz
314 Intimate Union with Christ is the Secret
315 Into the Breach
316 Intolerance Of Absolute Moral Relativists, The
317 Intolerant Tolerance
318 Intrepid, Even to the Shedding of His Blood
319 Introducing 'Redemptionis Sacramentum'
320 Introduction to Eugenics
321 Introduction to St. Bede’s Hall, Oxford, England
322 Introduction to the Australian Bishops' Statement of Conclusions
323 Introduction to the 'Compendium'
324 Introibo Ad Altare Dei
325 Inventory and Catalogue of the Cultural Heritage of the Church, The
326 Invicti Athletae (On St. Andrew Bobola)
327 Invincible Ignorance About Contraception
328 Invincibly Defended by the Banner of the Cross
329 Invitation to Inauguration of Year for Priests
330 In-Vitro Fertilization and the Hermeneutic of the Gift
331 Involuntary Human Servitude
332 Iranian Catholics Strong in the Faith, Rooted in Their Land
333 Ireland: Lasting Peace Built on Forgiveness, Reconciliation
334 Irish Madonna of Hungary, The
335 Irish Soldiers of Mexico, The
336 Irrelevant? Should Christianity Still Have a Voice in the Public Square?
337 Is Acupuncture Acceptable for Catholics?
338 Is Bioethics Ethical?
339 Is Christ 'Really' Among Us Today?
340 Is Christianity a Comfortable Religion?
341 Is Domus Dei D.O.A.?
342 Is 'Ecumenism' a Bad Word?
343 Is Ecumenism a Heresy?
344 Is Freemasonry Incompatible with the Catholic Faith?
345 Is Genuflecting at Communion Disruptive?
346 Is Harry Potter Good for Our Kids?
347 Is Hospice Movement Going Beyond End-of-Life Care?
348 Is It The Voice of The Faithful?
349 Is Marriage Just Discrimination?
350 Is Music Sacred?
351 Is Natural Family Planning a Heresy?
352 Is New Oxford Review Becoming a Protestant Publication?
353 Is Openness a Virtue?
354 Is the Education of Women a Modern Idea?
355 Is the Eucharist Really Christ's Body and Blood?
356 Is the Poem of the Man-God Simply a Bad Novel?
357 Is the Pope Green?
358 Is the Vatican Being Ignored?
359 Is there a Catholic Media?
360 Is There a Right To Die?
361 Is There a Spirituality of Study?
362 Is There Error in the Bible?
363 Is There Salvation Outside the Church?
364 Is There Salvation Outside the Church?
365 Is Today's Population Ready to Face the Idea of Evil?
366 Is 'Together for Life' Faithful to Magisterial Teaching on Contraception?
367 Is Transhumanism Really the World’s Most Dangerous Idea?
368 Isaiah's Prophecy Fulfilled in Incarnation
369 ishop and the Conference , The
370 ishop: Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World - Lineamenta , The
371 ISIS and Gender Ideology Are Like ‘Apocalyptic Beasts’
372 Islam
373 Islam and Western Democracies
374 Islam Is a Danger
375 Islam, ISIS, and Turkey
376 Islam: A Giant Step Backwards for Humanity
377 Islamic Faith in An Age of Realism
378 Islam's Unreasonable War Against Benedict XVI
379 ismal State of Most Catholic Colleges and Universities , The
380 Isn't It Just a Catholic Rubber-Stamp on a Divorce?
381 Israel's Wisdom
382 Issues of the 2018 Synod, The
383 It Ain't Just Dirt, It's God
384 It Came From The Roman Church . . .
385 It Didn't Go Out With Vatican II
386 It Didn't Just Happen
387 It Is a Miracle to See a Brother in the Sick Person We Have Before Us
388 It Is Essential That You Remain Faithful to Your Christian Roots
389 It Is Essential to Revive the Alliance between the Family and the Christian Community
390 It Is Faith Which Gives Us a Home in This World
391 It Is for Us to Live and Act at this Moment
392 It Is God, not Grand Promises, Who Changes the World
393 It Is Good To Be Here!
394 It is Hard for the Corrupt to Turn Back
395 It Is Important to Share Family Life
396 It Is in the Home Where One Learns to Truly Live
397 It Is My Duty to Warn the West
398 It Is Necessary to Guarantee Respect For the Rules in All Circumstances
399 It Is Necessary to Restore the Primacy of God in the World
400 It Is Not A Liberal Cause To Support Abortion: It Is Anti-Life And Anti-Church
401 It Is Not a Liberal Cause To Suppport Abortion: It Is Anti-Life and Anti-Church
402 It Is Not Just About Migrants
403 It Is on Prayer That the Effectiveness of Action Depends
404 It Is Time for Reconciled Diversity
405 It Is Time for the Church to Set Aside Her Worldliness
406 It Leers Towards Totalitarianism
407 Italian Episcopal Conference: Urgent Task of Education
408 Italy, Be Proud Of Your Christian Roots
409 itfalls of Compassion , The
410 itness of Marriage , The
411 It's (Past) Time to End Population Control
412 It's a Matter of Honesty: To Receive Communion, We Need to Be in Communion
413 It's the Parents' Duty to Form Personalities
414 Iucunda Sane (On Pope Gregory The Great)
415 Iucunda Semper Expectatione (On The Rosary)
416 IVF and the Catholic Couple
417 IVF's Insidious Medical Defects