Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

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Documents by Title: Keyletter "E" - 424 documents

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1 E Supremi (On The Restoration Of All Things In Christ)
2 Each Generation Must Say Its 'No' To Racism
3 Each Human Being Is a Miracle of God
4 Each New Day in Life of Our Families, and Each New Generation, Brings the Promise of a New Pentecost
5 Each One of Us Is Called To Be Both a Sacrifice To God and His Priest
6 eality of Late-Term Abortion , The
7 eaning of the Patristic Polemic Against Musical Instruments , The
8 Earth is Entrusted to Man's Use, Not Abuse
9 Easiest Route to Heaven: Love, Sex, and the Cross, The
10 Easter Carols and Caroling
11 Easter Hymn
12 Easter Is the Feast of the New Creation
13 Easter Time and Jubilee: Preparing for Corpus Christi
14 Easter Triduum
15 Easter Triduum
16 Easter Triduum
17 Easter Triduum Is the Center of Christian Faith
18 Easter Triduum: Peak of the Liturgical Year and of Christian Life
19 Easter Workshop
20 Eastern and Western Traditions Can Serve As Basis for Spiritual Renewal
21 Eastern Churches Called To Twofold Fidelity
22 Eastern Europe's Biological Chamber of Horrors
23 Eastern Orthodox Response to CDF's 2007 Document About the Doctrine On the Church , An
24 Eastern Orthodoxy: Primacy and Reunion
25 Eastern Rite Church (Part I), The
26 Eastern Rites Today
27 Eastern Rites: the Patriarch
28 Eastern Spirituality Emphasizes the 'Heart'
29 Eastern Theology Has Enriched the Whole Church
30 Eastertide: All of April
31 Ecclesia Dei
32 Ecclesia Dei
33 Ecclesia in Africa
34 Ecclesia in America
35 Ecclesia in Asia
36 Ecclesia in Europa
37 Ecclesia In Medio Oriente
38 Ecclesia in Oceania
39 Ecclesiae Fastos (On St. Boniface)
40 Ecclesiae Unitatem
41 Ecclesial Communion Brings Life To Theology
42 Ecclesial Heritage Of East Belongs To Whole Church
43 Ecclesial Movements and New Communities: conserve Freshness of Charism, Respect Freedom and Seek Communion
44 Ecclesial Movements and New Communities: The Response of the Holy Spirit to Today's Challenge of Evangelization
45 Ecclesial Movements: Builders of a Better World
46 Ecclesial Reception Of Vatican II
47 Ecclesial Theology Of Communion Is Central
48 Ecclesiality of the Catechism, The
49 Ecclesiam Dei on St. Josaphat
50 Ecclesiam Suam (On The Church)
51 Ecclesiastical Universities Are Not Machines for Producing Theologians and Philosophers
52 Ecclesiology of Communion, 50 Years after the Opening of Vatican Council II, The
53 Ecclesiology Of The Constitution On The Church, Vatican II, 'Lumen Gentium', The
54 Echo Mary's Total Gift of Self for All
55 Eco-Feminists and Pagan Politics
56 Ecological Conversion: Put The Human Person At The Centre Of Concerns For Development
57 Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility, The
58 Economic And Social Development Have To Go Together
59 Economic Crisis and the Social Doctrine of the Church, The
60 Economic Life Should Be Oriented to the Common Good
61 Economics as if God Matters
62 Economy for the Family, An
63 Economy Must Serve the Needs of All
64 Economy of Francesco - Pope Francis and Young People, a Commitment, the Future
65 Ecotourism And Sustainable Development
66 Ecotourism: Add Spiritual, Cultural And Religious Tradition
67 Ecuador: Mature Laity Illuminates Society
68 Ecumenical Dialogue Must Be an Indispensable Priority
69 Ecumenical Dimension in the Formation of Pastoral Workers, The
70 Ecumenical Initiatives, Family Life, Formation Of Young, European Integration Without Losing Christian Values
71 Ecumenical Meeting at the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral
72 Ecumenical Meeting in Sydney 2008
73 Ecumenism
74 Ecumenism and the Example of Sts. Cyril and Methodius
75 Ecumenism Cannot Wait
76 Ecumenism Is Now an Urgent Task for the Catholic Church
77 Ecumenism of Martyrs and Saints
78 Ecumenism Of The Martyrs And Christian Witnesses Points Out The Path Of Unity, The
79 Ecumenism, from Silence to the Word of Communion
80 Ecumenism: Let Us See Ourselves According to God's Plan, Not the Historical Consequences of Our Sins
81 Ecumenism: Walking Beyond Barriers
82 Editae Saepe (On St. Charles Borromeo)
83 Edith Stein
84 Edith Stein
85 Edith Stein And The Science Of The Cross
86 Edith Stein's Letter
87 Edith Stein's Sole Boast Was the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
88 Editorial: Twenty Years Of Faith And Reason
89 Educate for Christian Hope by Opening Hearts to God
90 Educate So As Not to Fall Prey to a Vision of Conflict between Civilizations or Religions
91 Educating in Hope
92 Educating in Virtue
93 Educating People In Goodness Is Possible In Our Own Times
94 Educating to Fraternal Humanism
95 Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic Schools Living in Harmony for a Civilization of Love
96 Educating Together in Catholic Schools
97 Educating Together in Catholic Schools
98 Educating Young People in Faith, a Fundamental Task
99 Educating Young People in Justice and Peace
100 Education and Example Are Critical for the Catholic Formation of Youth
101 Education Begins in the Home
102 Education for Those Who Love Too Little and Know Too Little
103 Education in Faith, Discipleship and Witness
104 Education in the Fullness of Humanity
105 Education, the Natural Vocation of the Family
106 Education: Helping New Generations Relate to the World
107 Educational Guidance in Human Love
108 Educators Mission Is to Form the Diocesan Presbyter According to the Pedagogy of St. Ignatius Exercises
109 Effects of Abortion on Men: its Emotional, Psychological and Relational Impact, The
110 Effects of Divorce on Children, The
111 Effects of Holy Water, The
112 efutation of Moral Relativism , A
113 Egypt Has Role to Play to Avoid Spread of Worse Violence
114 Egypt: Cradle of Christian Monasticism
115 Eight Habits of Highly Effective Bishops, The
116 Eighteenth Session of the Council of Trent
117 Eighth Session of the Council of Trent
118 ejection of the Aulos in Classical Greece , The
119 elationship between Law and Morality , The
120 Elderly Are Irreplaceable in Passing on the Faith
121 Elderly Can Inspire a More Just and Humane Society, The
122 Elderly Christians Must Uphold Honor of Faith for Youth
123 Elderly Must Resist Temptation to Knowledge without Action
124 Elderly Need Interaction With The Young
125 Elderly Teach Us to Persevere in Faith, The
126 Elderly's Talents and Charisms Must Be Celebrated
127 Electing the Next Pope
128 Election Day, November 4th: Deciding the Values that Are Most Important to Us
129 Election of the Roman Pontiff, The
130 Elections in Nigeria
131 Eleventh Council of Toledo
132 Eleventh Session of the Council of Trent
133 Elixir That Would Have Saved Terri Schiavo, The
134 Elizabeth Of The Trinity
135 Embarking on the Synodal Journey Guided by the Holy Spirit
136 Embrace Bitterness with Tenderness
137 Embrace Human Fraternity to Stop Endless Destruction
138 Embryo’s New Clothes: A Modern Fairy Tale, The
139 Emergency Contraception: What the Words Mean
140 Emerging Church in China, The
141 Eminent Doctrine of St. John of Avila: A Most Dynamic Priesthood, The
142 eminist Front in the War on the Church , The
143 Emmaus, the Journey of Hope
144 Emperor Charles I: World War I Peace Campaigner
145 Empire Strikes Back, The
146 Empires of the Mind: The Continuing Battle between Faith and Atheism
147 Employment Growth Is Urgent Priority
148 Empowering the Laity to a Proper Exercise of Shared Responsibility
149 Encounter of Faith and Reason in the Fathers of the Church, The
150 Encounter with Christ Is Heart of all Renewal
151 Encounter with Jesus Christ and the New Evangelization of American Culture, The
152 Encounter with Jesus of Nazareth, Improvisation or "Creativity" Faithful to Tradition, The
153 Encourage a Passion for Truth among Communicators
154 Encourage the Growth of a Youthful Utopia
155 Encuentro 2000--Something For Everyone?
156 Encyclical "Deus Caritas Est" of Pope Benedict XVI, The
157 Encyclical Epistle Of The Church At Smyrna Concerning The Martyrdom Of The Holy Polycarp, The
158 Encyclical in Relation To Modern and Contemporary Thought, The
159 Encyclical Letter On The Occasion Of The First Of May
160 Encyclical Spiritus Paraclitus In Its Historical Context, The
161 End of History Began with Christ's Coming
162 End of Life Issues: Right to Die, Quality of Life
163 End of Paul’s Journey, The
164 End Of The Capitalist Era, The
165 End the Conspiracy of Silence
166 Endgame: Murdered Babies Labeled Suicides and Assailants
167 Ending the Violence Begins with Our Own Conversion
168 Endless Jihad: The Truth about Islam and Violence
169 Enduring Costs of John F. Kennedy's Compromise, The
170 Enemies of the Motu Proprio
171 Enemy Inside the Gates: The Surrender of Catholic Higher Education, The
172 Energy Crisis (parts 1 & 2), The
173 Energy Medicine: Part One — The Science
174 Energy Medicine: Part Two — The Theology
175 Engaged, Catholic and Living in Sin
176 Engagement Is a Path of Preparation
177 Engagements--In Church
178 English Reign of Terror, The
179 Enhance Women's Role in Church Life
180 Enlightenment values: Their Social and Political Implications Over Two Centuries
181 Enliven History and Culture with Good News
182 Enneagram
183 Enneagram versus the Catholic Church
184 Enneagram: Psychic Babble, The
185 Enneagram: Spirituality It Is Not, The
186 Enneagram: What's Your Number?, The
187 Ensure that Humanity Is Served by Wealth and Not Ruled by It
188 Ensure that Individuals and Communities Remain in Their Homelands
189 Ensure that No One Will Ever Be Hungry Again
190 Entering Marriage with Eyes Wide Open
191 Entering the 'hour'
192 Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Sacred Scripture
193 Enthusiasm
194 Enthusiasm and Courage Give Start to Proclaiming Christ
195 Enthusiastic Faith Alone Is Not Enough
196 Entire History of Salvation Is a Journey of Love, Mercy and Benevolence, The
197 Entrust Penitents to Mary, Refuge of Sinners
198 Entrusting Ourselves into the Loving Arms of Our Heavenly Father
199 Epiphany Celebrates Church's Catholicity
200 Epiphany of the Lord, The
201 Epiphany of the Roman Primacy, The
202 Episcopal Ministry at the Service of Unity
203 Episcopalian in the Footsteps of Francis, An
204 Epistle Of Barnabas, The
205 Epistle Of Mathetes To Diognetus, The
206 Epistle Of Polycarp To The Philippians, The
207 Equal Access to Care
208 Equal Opportunity Still Urgently Needed
209 Equality in Christ Overcomes Our Differences
210 Equipping Saints
211 Eradicating Poverty, Promoting Rural Development
212 Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi
213 Eros and Agape
214 Erosion of Human Rights, The
215 ervice of Charity , The
216 esponse to 'Evangelicals, Catholics, and Unity' , A
217 Essay on Art, An
218 Essay on War
219 Essence Of Our Present Day's Tragedy, The
220 Essential Elements of Evangelization Today, The
221 Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors
222 Essential Point: Jesus Prayed, The
223 Establishment In England and Wales of a Personal Ordinariate for Those Entering Into Full Communion with Rome
224 Et Fructum Offeratis
225 Eternal Life Means Knowing the Father
226 Eternal Plan of God Reaches Its Fulfilment
227 Eternal Son of God Is Also Born of Mary
228 Eternal Word Fully Entered Human Family
229 Eternal Word Is the True Light, The
230 Ethical and Pastoral Dimensions of Population Trends
231 Ethical Banking Promotes the Common Good
232 Ethical Guidelines for International Trade
233 Ethical Implications Of Non-Heart-Beating Organ Donation
234 Ethical Issues
235 Ethics Cannot Justify Fixing The Highest Prices For Medicines
236 Ethics in Advertising
237 Ethics in Communications
238 Ethics In Government
239 Ethics in Internet
240 Ethics Must Safeguard the Human
241 Etiology of Modernism, The
242 Etsi Cunctas (On The Church In Ireland)
243 Etsi Multa (On The Church In Italy, Germany, And Switzerland)
244 Etsi Nos (On Conditions In Italy)
245 Eucharist — Antidote to Loneliness, The
246 Eucharist - the Lord's Sacrifice, Banquet and Presence, The
247 Eucharist a Reenactment of the Entire Opus Redemptionis: Witness of the Fathers, The
248 Eucharist and Care for Creation, The
249 Eucharist And Confession: Set Out Anew From God's Mercy To Rediscover Priestly Identity
250 Eucharist and Culture, The
251 Eucharist and Mission, The
252 Eucharist as Center of the Church, The
253 Eucharist Encourages Communion, The
254 Eucharist Includes Drama Of Sacrifice Of Cross
255 Eucharist Inspires Forgiveness and Encounter with Others, The
256 Eucharist Is Celebration of Divine Glory
257 Eucharist Is Joined to Ministerial Priesthood
258 Eucharist Is Not a Meal Among Friends, The
259 Eucharist Is Perfect Sacrifice of Praise
260 Eucharist is Sacrament of the Church's Unity
261 Eucharist Lifegiving Bread Makes The Church
262 Eucharist Makes Us Holy
263 Eucharist Renews Laity's Mission To Consecrate The World, The
264 Eucharist Spurs Christians to Mission
265 Eucharist the Heart of the Church, The
266 Eucharist Unites Us Over and Above All Differences, The
267 Eucharist, A Mystery Defying Human Understanding, The
268 Eucharist, A Taste of Eternity in Time, The
269 Eucharist, Banquet of Communion with God
270 Eucharist, Communion and Solidarity
271 Eucharist, Source of All Vocations
272 Eucharist, The
273 Eucharist, the Life of Christ In Our Lives, The
274 Eucharist, the Life of Christ in Our Lives: Spiritual Worship and Authentic Adoration, The
275 Eucharist, the living Memorial of His Love, The
276 Eucharist, the Pope, and the Anglican Dog, The
277 Eucharist, Washing Of Feet, New Commandment
278 Eucharist: Christian Initiation, Peak of Salvation, The
279 Eucharist: Heart of Christian Life, The
280 Eucharist: Living Bread for the Peace of the World, The
281 Eucharist: 'Memorial' of God's Mighty Works
282 Eucharist: Sacrament of Human Pilgrimage
283 Eucharist: Source and Summit of Our Being and Action
284 Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church, The
285 Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church, The
286 Eucharist: The Sacred Adventure of Life, The
287 Eucharist: To Be Loved and To Be Lived, The
288 Eucharist: Your Daily Strength, The
289 Eucharistiae Sacramentum
290 Eucharistic Adoration and Political Responsibility
291 Eucharistic Adoration Must Become Ever More Widespread
292 Eucharistic Celebration for the Sick
293 Eucharistic Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
294 Eucharistic Coherence
295 Eucharistic Coherence and the Condemnation of Sin
296 Eucharistic Communion and Contemplation Are Inseparable
297 Eucharistic Conferences
298 Eucharistic 'Decorum'? It Begins with the Celebration
299 Eucharistic Evangelization
300 Eucharistic Miracles: Evidence of the Real Presence
301 Eucharistic Mystery and Mary's Mysterious Presence, The
302 Eucharistic Mystery Calls For Our Response, The
303 Eucharistic Prayer, A
304 Eucharistic Prayer, A
305 Eucharistic Presence in the Early Church, The
306 Eucharistic Saints
307 Eucharistic Spirituality of the Church, The
308 Eucharisticum Mysterium 55 and The Four Modes of Presence: Inadequate Principles of Church Design
309 Eucharist's Long Shadow Across the Bible, The
310 Euntes In Mundum
311 Europe Must Keep It's Christian Heritage Alive
312 Europe Must Not Forget the Identity of Its People
313 Europe Must Open to Transcendence
314 Europe Must Rediscover Shared Values
315 Europe Without God Risks Building a Civilization of Fear and Sadness
316 Europe, Monuments of a Living Faith
317 Europe, Islam, and Saint James the Moor-Slayer
318 Europe, Time to Wake Up? The Signs of Hope
319 Europe: Creative Fidelity to Christian Heritage
320 Europe: Its Spiritual Foundation: Yesterday, Today and in the Future
321 European Revolution, The
322 Europe's Crisis of Culture
323 Eusebius of Caesarea
324 Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
325 Euthanasia and Extraordinary Care (Part 1)
326 Euthanasia and Extraordinary Care (Part 2)
327 Euthanasia Case Prompts Concerns: Is Euthanasia the Proper Answer?
328 Euthanasia Legislation Not Only Intrinsically Immoral, Also Dangerous
329 Euthanasia Suffers a Setback in Australia
330 Euthanasia: a Crossroads For the West
331 Euthanasia: A Step Backward For Mankind
332 Euthanasia: Hell's Last Sacrament
333 Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World)
334 Evangelii Praecones (On Promotion Of Catholic Missions)
335 Evangelium Vitae (On The Value And Inviolability Of Human Life)
336 Evangelium Vitae 73: The Catholic Lawmaker and the Problem of a Seriously Unjust Law
337 Evangelium Vitae and the Pro-Life Movement
338 Evangelization and Education of the New Generations
339 Evangelization and Interreligious Dialogue
340 Evangelization for the Springtime of the Church . . . Take Care That It's Catholic
341 Evangelization Is a Task for All Members of the Church
342 Evangelization Is Closely Linked to Human Development
343 Evangelization of Asia is service of love
344 Evangelization of Cultures, A Priority TAsk
345 Evangelization of the Family Is a Pastoral Priority, The
346 Evangelization of Urban Culture Is a Formidable Challenge for the Church
347 Evangelization Requires Us to Follow Unexpected Paths
348 Evangelization, Discern Signs Of Times, Cooperation
349 Evangelization, Inculturation, Family Life, Religious Freedom
350 Evangelization, the Main Priority for Mozambique
351 Evangelization, Vatican II, and Censorship
352 Evangelization: Cultural Project, Family Life, Vocations
353 Evangelization: The Essential Mission of the Church
354 Evangelize Cultures to Inculturate the Gospel
355 Evangelize the Customs and Socio-Political Realities of Your Country
356 Evangelizers for the Third Millennium
357 Evangelizing Power of Beauty, The
358 Even the Greatest Champions Need Christ
359 Ever New Examples of Gospel Life
360 Ever Timely Commitment: Teaching Peace, An
361 Ever-Reforming Society, An
362 Every Baptised Person Is Part of the Church's Mission
363 Every Catholic Is Called to Heal the Split Between 'Gospel and Culture'
364 Every Christian a Witness to Christ in Daily Life
365 Every Confession Is a Pentecost
366 Every Day Is a Time of Grace
367 Every Family Must Be Treated with Respect and Care
368 Every Life Is Precious in God's Eyes
369 Every Penitent Who Approaches the Confessional Is Sacred Ground To Be Cultivated with Care and Attention
370 Every Prayer Answered, in God’s Time
371 Every Year a Year of Faith: The Catechism of the Catholic Church on its 20th Anniversary
372 Everyone Has an Inborn Need of God
373 Everyone Has Right to a Dignified Life
374 Everyone Needs Adequate Time of Rest
375 Everything Pertains to Love
376 ew Experience of the Church? , A
377 Ex Corde Ecclesiae
378 Ex Corde Ecclesiae
379 Ex Corde Ecclesiae: a Brief Look at Its Canonical Implications
380 Ex Corde Ecclesiae: An Application to the United States
381 Ex Omnibus (On The Apostolic Constitution Unigenitus)
382 Ex Quo (On The Euchologion)
383 Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit, The
384 Exalted Values of Life to Counteract Secularization
385 Examen for Laymen
386 Examination of JustFaith, An
387 Examination of Conscience, An
388 Examination of 'Therapeutic Cloning' and 'Cybrids': Experimentation Needs Practical, Ethical Guidelines, An
389 Examine Abortion Positions before Worshiping
390 Excavations Confirm Village at Cana
391 Excerpts from the Underground Bishops' Pastoral Letter
392 Excommunication Is a Declaration of Acts That Sever Ties
393 Excommunication of Followers of Archbishop Lefebvre, The
394 Exemplary Commitment to the Service of Truth
395 Exercise of Authority in Scripture, The
396 Exercising the Prophetic Dimension of Episcopal Ministry
397 Exeunte Iam Anno (On The Right Ordering Of Christian Life)
398 Exhortation on Philippine Politics
399 Exhortation To The Heathen
400 Existentialism: The Ugly Intruder
401 Exodus, A Fundamental Experience of Vocation
402 Exorbitant Price of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, The
403 Exorcism Rite Reformed
404 Experience Love by Allowing Forgiveness
405 Experiencing the Central Events of Redemption
406 Expertise, Solidarity, Charity Are True Measures Against Desertification
407 Explanation of the Sabbatine Privilege, An
408 Explanatory Note on Praying for Priests
409 Exploitation of Sexuality Is as Pervasive as It Is Unhealthy
410 Exploring Different Ways of Being Me
411 Exposing Hitler's Pope and Its Author
412 Exposing Hitler's Pope and Its Author -- Part 2
413 Exposing the Myth of Pius XII's 'Silence'
414 Exposing the Myth of Pius XII's Silence -- Part 3
415 Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
416 Exposure of Evil Makes Way For the Good
417 Express Your Love By Fidelity To Prayer
418 Exsultet, The
419 Extending the Practice of Communion Under Both Kinds (Sacramentali Communione)
420 Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus: Father Feeney Makes a Comeback
421 Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist
422 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
423 Extreme Revolution of Holiness: An Insider's Look at Citizenship With the Saints, An
424 Exultavit Cor Nostrum (On The Effects Of The Jubilee)