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Documents by Title: Keyletter "D" - 473 documents

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1 Daily Commitment to Following the Path of Truth
2 Daily Life in Ancient Israel
3 Dall'alto Dell'apostolico Seggio (On Freemasonry In Italy)
4 Damnatio Memoria? The Council of Trent and Catholic Teaching on Divorce
5 Danger of a ‘Throwaway’ Culture, The
6 Danger of Centering Prayer, The
7 Dangerous Place, A
8 Dangerous Practice, A
9 Dangers of Genetic Manipulation
10 Dangers of the Law, The
11 Daniel-Rops and the Holiness of History
12 Daring to Speak Its Name
13 Dark Backward, The
14 Date of Peter's Martyrdom, The
15 Dating Dearth: a Man's Perspective, The
16 Datis Nuperrime (On Condemning The Ruthless Use Of Force In Hungary)
17 Daughters of Lust: 5 Questions on How They Pervert the Soul, The
18 Day After Day, Become Men and Women of God's Mercy!
19 Day Of The Lord
20 Day of the Lord, The
21 Day the Mass Changed, How it Happened and Why - Part II, The
22 Deacon Has Many Pastoral Functions
23 Deacons Are Called to Life of Holiness
24 Deacons Are Configured to Christ the Servant
25 Deacons Are the Guardians of Service in the Church
26 Deacons Serve the Kingdom of God
27 Dead Baby Parts Business Booming
28 Dead Sea Scrolls, The
29 Deadly Designers
30 Deadly Similarities
31 Dealers of Death
32 Dealing with Dissent: Fr. Richard McBrien
33 Dear Congressman Kennedy
34 Dear Newlyweds
35 Death and Dying Issues
36 Death and Suffering in the Bible: Dying in Love
37 Death Gives Way To the Life That Dies No More
38 Death Most Unnecessary
39 Death of Morality, The
40 Death of Unconditional Love, The
41 Death on Demand
42 Death Or Rebirth in the New Decade
43 Death Penalty Is Cruel and Unnecessary
44 Death Penalty Is Inadmissable, The
45 Death the Awakener
46 Death Threats from the 'Religion of Peace'
47 Death Without Dignity: Starvation and Dehydration
48 Death! Will It Be Followed by Eternal Life?
49 Death, Resurrection and Life
50 Debt Relief Must Enable Poor Countries to Fight Poverty
51 Deceit, Sleight of Hand, and Ferrawood
52 December 2023 — Overview for the Month
53 December 25: The Nativity of Christ, or Christmas Day
54 Deceptive Compromise on Anti-Personnel Landmines, A
55 Decet Quam Maxime (On Abuses In Taxes And Benefices)
56 Decision to Allow Performances of ‘The Vagina Monologues’ at the University of Notre Dame, The
57 Decisive Meeting with Christ, the Word Made Flesh, The
58 Decisive Role of Conscience, The
59 Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI Renouncing the Ministry of the Bishop of Rome
60 Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity
61 Declaration Concerning the Bayside Movement
62 Declaration of Excommunication of Patricia Fresen, Rose Hudson and Elsie McGrath
63 Declaration of Life by Pro-Life Physicians, A
64 Declaration of the Holy See regarding the Lisbon Declaration on Youth
65 Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics
66 Declaration on Christian Education (Gravissimum Educationis)
67 Declaration on Euthanasia
68 Declaration on Masonic Associations
69 Declaration on Procured Abortion
70 Declaration on Religious Freedom (Dignitatis Humanae)
71 Declaration on the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood (Inter insigniores)
72 Declaration on the Case of the Hawaii Five
73 Declaration on the Orientation of the Priest at Mass
74 Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate)
75 Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry and Eucharist
76 Declaration Regarding the Episcopal Ordinations in China
77 Decline in Religious Practice Makes Evangelization All the More Urgent
78 Decree on the Granting of the Indulgence on the Occasion of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
79 Decree Concerning Betrothal and Marriage (Ne temere)
80 Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church (Christus Dominus)
81 Decree Creating a Special Healthcare Commission
82 Decree Establishing the Sunday after Easter 'Divine Mercy Sunday'
83 Decree Granting Indulgences for the Year of St. Paul
84 Decree Granting Plenary Indulgence on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
85 Decree Granting Special Indulgences During Pandemic
86 Decree Of Approval Of The Statutes Of Neocatechumenal Way For Five Years 'Ad Experimentum'
87 Decree of Approval to the Statutes of the Neo-Catechumenal Way
88 Decree of Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
89 Decree of Excommunication
90 Decree of Excommunication
91 Decree of Extra-Judicial Adjudication in the Matter of Sr. Louise Lears, S.C.
92 Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary on Plenary Indulgences 2020
93 Decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the Attempted Priestly Ordination of Some Catholic Women
94 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments on First Communion (Quam Singulari)
95 Decree on Conditions for Plenary Indulgences during the Year of the Consecrated Life
96 Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio)
97 Decree on Frequent and Daily Reception of Holy Communion (Sacra Tridentina)
98 Decree on Indulgences for World Day of the Sick in Favor of the Sick, Especially the Mentally Ill
99 Decree on Mass Stipends
100 Decree on Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
101 Decree on Priestly Training (Optatam Totius)
102 Decree on Same-Sex Marriages
103 Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicam Actuositatem)
104 Decree on the Authenticity of the Apparitions of 1859 at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
105 Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite
106 Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite (Orientalium Ecclesiarum)
107 Decree on the Celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church in the General Roman Calendar
108 Decree on the Doctrine and Customs of the Association "Opus Angelorum"
109 Decree on the Gift of an Indulgence during the 'Year of the Eucharist'
110 Decree on the Means of Social Communication (Inter Mirifica)
111 Decree on the Media of Social Communications
112 Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis)
113 Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church (Ad Gentes)
114 Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosopy
115 Decree Regarding the Mention of the Divine Name of St. Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV
116 Decree—Fourth Edition of the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum
117 Decree: Re-ordering Curriculum For Study Of Canon Law
118 Deepen Knowledge while Maintaining Simplicity of Spirit
119 Deepen the Value of Reciprocity
120 Deeper Communion with Peter's Successor, A
121 Deer's Cry, The
122 Defamation Campaign in Rwanda
123 Defeating Darwinism
124 Defence of Life in the Context of International Policies and Norms, The
125 Defend and Promote Right to Freedom of Religion
126 Defend the Dignity of Work
127 Defend the Family
128 Defend the Family Based on Marriage
129 Defend the Holiness of the Family and Its Priority in Society
130 Defending and Spreading the Faith
131 Defending Human Embryonic Life
132 Defending Life at the UN is No Easy Task
133 Defending Our First Freedom
134 Defending the Faith Against Secularism and Relativism
135 Defending the Indefensible
136 Defending the Truth About Marriage
137 Defense of Catholic Principles, A
138 Defense of Creation, Focus of Pope's Address to Diplomats
139 Defining Marriage Down: Same-Sex Marriage Pressures and Dangers
140 Definition of the Council of Chalcedon
141 Definition of the Mission of the Cong. for Bishops and the Characteristics of the Apostles' Successors, The
142 Definitive Character of Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. Regarding Some Doubts., The
143 Deiparae Virginis Mariae
144 Deliver Us in Accordance with Thy Marvellous Works, and Give Glory to Thy Name, O Lord!
145 Demand a Radical Option for Life
146 Democracy and Secularism
147 Democracy Comes at a High Price
148 Democracy Must Be Based on Moral Norms
149 Democracy Succeeds Only When Based on Truth
150 Democracy Without Values Threatens Peace
151 Demographic Winter, without Children, Is Hard!, The
152 Demon of Distraction, The
153 Demons According to St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross
154 Demystifying Canon Law: Interview with Author Pete Vere
155 Demythologizing Conscience
156 Denial of the Eucharist to Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians: A Canonical Case Study
157 Denounce Corruption, Which Impoverishes All
158 Denouncing the Errors Behind the Economic Crisis
159 Denying Holy Communion: A Case History
160 Depuis Le Jour (On The Education Of The Clergy)
161 Dereliction on the Cross, The
162 Desiderio Desideravi
163 Designed for Sex
164 Designer Religion
165 Desire Is the Compass to Discern Our Direction
166 Despair Versus Hope
167 Despair Versus Hope
168 Despair Versus Hope - Part 2
169 Desperate Cry from Iraq's Christians, A
170 Despite Feeling Overwhelmed, Renew Certainty in God’s Victory
171 Despite Grave Problems, the Lord Will Never Abandon His Church
172 Despite Our Different Beliefs, We Must All Seek Truth and Work for Justice and Reconciliation
173 Destroying from Within
174 Destructive Stem-Cell Research on Human Embryos
175 Determined to Deny Your Freedom
176 Determined Vatican Official Calls ICEL to Accountability, A
177 Detroit: A Call To Revolution In The Church
178 Deus Caritas Est
179 Deus Caritas Est - A Eucharistic Encyclical
180 Deus ex Machina: How to Think About Technology
181 Develop Consciousness Of Human Stewardship In The Use Of The Environment
182 Developing a Vision of Church in Latin America
183 Developing Lives Of Peace After The Heart Of Mary
184 Development Cannot Be Restricted to Economic Growth
185 Development Must Attend to the Moral-Cultural Dimension
186 Development Must Not Ignore Moral and Religious Issues
187 Development of a Free and Democratic Society Must Be Based on Respect for the Human Person
188 Development of Christian Architecture, The
189 Development of Doctrine, The
190 Development of the Doctrine on Man in the Old Testament, The
191 Development of the English Bible, The
192 Development: Increase Production, Respect Rights, Protect the Environment
193 Devil and Padre Pio, The
194 Devil Talk: Is the Gospel of John Anti-Semitic?
195 Devil's Distraction: A Misplaced Bad Conscience, The
196 Devotion to Mary Gave Direction to Their Lives
197 Devotion to Relics, The
198 Devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Its Origin and History
199 Devotion to the Holy Eucharist Advances Devotion to Jesus' Person
200 Devotion to the Poor and Rich Souls in Purgatory
201 Devotion to the Real Presence and Growth in Sanctity
202 Devotion To the Sacred Heart: Part I
203 Devotion To the Sacred Heart: Part II
204 Dewey Legend in American Education, The
205 Dialectic of Prayer: Human Cry and Divine Response
206 Dialogical Nature Of Christianity Calls For Faith And Listening Ability
207 Dialogue and Collaboration among Different Religions
208 Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims Is Vital to the Future of All
209 Dialogue Between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace
210 Dialogue Calls for Conversion of Heart
211 Dialogue Is Part of Church's Saving Mission
212 Dialogue Of Justin, Philosopher And Martyr, With Trypho, A Jew
213 Dialogue to Build A More Fraternal Humanity
214 Dialogue with an Open Heart
215 Dialogue with Reform Communities
216 Dialogue with the Great World Religions
217 Dictatorship of Relativism, The
218 Dictatorship of Relativism, The
219 Did Paul VI Compromise the Real Presence?
220 Did Pius IX Change Radically After 1848?
221 Did Pius XII Remain Silent?
222 Did the Church Treat the Divorced and Remarried More Leniently in Antiquity Than Today?
223 Did Thomas More and John Fisher Die for Nothing?
224 Didache, The
225 Dies Irae, Masterpiece of Latin Poetry
226 Dietrich von Hildebrand on the Natural Ends of Religion
227 Difference the Holy Spirit Makes, The
228 Differences between Christians Must Be Remedied
229 Differences Make Community, and We Are All Part of the Unity of the Church
230 Differences of Temperament (Part 1 of 3)
231 Different Forms of Human Slavery
232 Different Kinds of Scapulars
233 Different Meanings of Human Acts In the Culture of Life and the Culture of Death - Part 1, The
234 Difficulties and Hope of the Catholic Church in America
235 Difficulties Faced by Homosexual Persons
236 Dignitas Personae
237 Dignitas: The Manners of Humility
238 Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Human Rights 'Revolutuion'
239 Dignity and Gifts of Women, The
240 Dignity and Transcendence, Key Concepts for the Future of Europe
241 Dignity of Human Procreation and Reproductive Technologies, The
242 Dignity of Marriage, The
243 Dignity of Older People and Their Mission in the Church and in the World, The
244 Dignity of the Person and Human Rights, The
245 Dignity of the Person Must Prevail over Bureaucracy, The
246 Dignity of Woman and Her Mission, The
247 Dignity Of Women, Integral Development Of Society
248 Dilecti Amici
249 Dilemmas of Pre-Natal Testing, The
250 Dilextissima Nobis (On Oppression Of The Church Of Spain)
251 Dimensions Of Development Of The World Trade Organization, The
252 Diocesan Cathedral Reflects the Mystery of the Church, The
253 Diocesan Priests Must Find In Christ the Daring to Fulfil Their Mission
254 Diocesan Reorganization Is an 'Exercise of Spiritual Renewal'
255 Diocese of Springfield Pastoral Guide on Gender Identity
256 Diplomacy Defends Human Person As Image of God
257 Directives for Catholics Concerning Artificially Administered Nutrition and Hydration
258 Directives for the Mutual Relations Between Bishops and Religious in the Church
259 Directives on Formation in Religious Institutes
260 Directives on the Use of 'Yahweh' in the Liturgy
261 Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism
262 Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons
263 Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops
264 Directory of Shrines
265 Directory on Ecumenism for Southern Africa
266 Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy: Principles and Guidelines
267 Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests
268 Disabled Child Has Same Rights As Any Child
269 Disagreements Remain on ‘Uniatism’
270 Disappearing Line, A
271 Discern The Face Of God In The Hungry
272 Discerning the Lord's Body the Reception of Holy Communion
273 Discernment – How can I learn God’s Will for me?
274 Discernment Helps Us Recognize God in Unexpected Events
275 Discernment Requires Loving Relationship with God
276 Discipline Regarding the Denial of Holy Communion to Those Obstinately Persevering in Manifest Grave Sin, The
277 Discipline that Ennobles Human Love, A
278 Discord between Christians Is the Greatest Obstacle to Evangelization
279 Discourse at the Areopagus and the Universality of Truth, The
280 Discourse IX Of The Dolours Of Mary
281 Discourse on the Life of John Paul II
282 Discourse To The Greeks, The
283 Discover the Beauty of the 'Truth of Marriage'
284 Discovering Wales
285 Discrimination and Injustice Test the Goodness of the People
286 Disfiguring Women: Which Culture is Worse?
287 Disinformation, Slander and Defamation: Sins of the Media
288 Dismantling The Da Vinci Code
289 Disneyland Spirituality
290 Dispelling the Charms of Wicca
291 Disposing of Blessed Objects
292 Dissecting the Anatomy of the Sexual Scandal
293 Dissent from the "Interim Pastoral Statement on Artificial Nutrition and Hydration" Issued by the Texas Conference of Catholic Health Facilities and Some of the Bishops of Texas, A
294 Dissent on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ruling
295 Dissidents Advance Usual Agenda
296 Dissing the Organizer: Obama, ACORN, and Catholic Action
297 Distinct Roles of Priests and Laity Reaffirmed
298 Distinction Between Church and World Must Be Rightly Understood
299 Distractions, Time of Barrenness, Sloth
300 Disturbing Substitute for Faith, A
301 Diu Satis (On A Return To Gospel Principles)
302 Diuturni Temporis (On The Rosary)
303 Diuturnum (On The Origin Of Civil Power)
304 Dives In Misericordia (Rich In Mercy)
305 Divided Hearts: Americans, Religion and National Policy
306 Divine and Scientific Truth: Revelation of Man
307 Divine Art, Natural Law, and Human Perfection
308 Divine Character of the Church in History, The
309 Divine Forgiveness Gives Us the Strength to Resist Evil
310 Divine Gift of “Shalom” in a Good Death, The
311 Divine Law Does Not Eliminate Human Freedom
312 Divine Maternity in the Council of Ephesus
313 Divine Mercy
314 Divine Mercy and World Peace
315 Divine Mercy Devotion, The
316 Divine Mercy Expresses the Jubilee Spirit
317 Divine Mercy Is the Indispensable Medicine
318 Divine Mercy: the Gift of Easter
319 Divine Office Is Prayer, The
320 Divine Office, Part I: Introductory, The
321 Divine Office, Part II: Formation of the Divine Office, The
322 Divine Office, Part III: From St. Gregory the Great to Pius X, The
323 Divine Office: Matins—Prayer at Night
324 Divine Revelation and Myth
325 Divine Revelation and the Standards of the Future
326 Divine Revelation Does Not Follow Earthly Logic
327 Divine Romance, The
328 Divine Romance: Dying And Behold We Live, The
329 Divine Romance: God's Quest For Man, The
330 Divine Romance: Love's Overflow, The
331 Divine Romance: Man's Quest For God, The
332 Divine Romance: The Blessed Trinity, The
333 Divine Romance: The Divine Equation, The
334 Divine Romance: The Pulpit Of The Cross, The
335 Divine Sonship is Our Inheritance
336 Divine Will and Human Freedom: A Thomistic Analysis, The
337 Divini Amoris Scientia (Apostolic Letter Proclaiming St. Therese of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church)
338 Divini Illius Magistri (On Christian Education)
339 Divini Redemptoris (On Atheistic Communism)
340 Divinity Becomes Visible in Christ's Merciful Face
341 Divinization: Consulting Psychics and Mediums
342 Divino Afflante Spiritu (On Promoting Biblical Studies)
343 Divinum Illud Munus (On The Holy Spirit)
344 Divinus Perfectionis Magister
345 Divisions between Christians Wound Christ
346 Divisions of Christians Must Stop, The
347 Divorce and Re-Marriage in the Church
348 Divorce, Dissolution, and Death: The English Martyrs
349 Divorce: The Unnatural Termination of a Story
350 Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven?
351 Do Embryos Have Souls?
352 Do Many Go To Hell?
353 Do Not Abandon People Suffering From Serious Illnesses
354 Do Not Accept Ideas Without a Future
355 Do Not Be Afraid of Christ
356 Do Not Be Afraid of Christ and of His Message!
357 Do Not Be Afraid of Going Beyond Your Boundaries–God Is Already There
358 Do Not Be Afraid of Opening Up to the Horizons of the Spirit
359 Do Not Be Afraid of Responding to Christ
360 Do Not Be Afraid to Speak Out in Defence of Just Causes
361 Do Not Be Afraid, Follow Me
362 Do Not Be Afraid, Mary, for You Have Found Favor with God
363 Do Not Be Deterred from Continuing the Important Work of Ecumenical Dialogue
364 Do Not Be Overcome by Evil but Overcome Evil with Good
365 Do Not Be Resigned to a "Spread" in Social Well-Being while Fighting One in Financial Sector
366 Do Not Be Robbed of Hope
367 Do Not Be Robbed of Hope, Strive for Work
368 Do Not Be Robbed of the Will to Build Great Things!
369 Do Not Bear False Witness
370 Do Not Close the Door to Reconciliation and Forgiveness
371 Do Not Close the Doors of Your Hearts
372 Do Not Close Your Doors to the Cry of the Poor
373 Do Not Deprive Your Peoples of Hope!
374 Do Not Fear Forever
375 Do Not Fear Holiness nor Spending Your Life for Your People
376 Do Not Fear the Church! Her One Ambition Is to Continue Christ's Mission of Service and Love
377 Do Not Get Used to Behavior that Anesthetizes the Heart
378 Do Not Give In to Temptation to Instrumentalize God
379 Do Not Give Up
380 Do Not Let Your Soul Grow Numb
381 Do Not Limit Yourselves to Merely Acting as Priests
382 Do Not Lose Heart! Let the Light and Strength of the Gospel Sustain You!
383 Do Not Lose Hope!
384 Do Not Neglect Family Agricultural Business
385 Do Not Pass Go!
386 Do Not Sell Yourselves to Merchants of Death
387 Do Not Stop Us from Dying with You: The Martyrs of China
388 Do Not Take Eucharist Passively, Habitually
389 Do Not Tire of Encountering Christ
390 Do the Goals of Progress Cause Harm to Our World and to the Quality of Life Now and In the Future?
391 Do This in Memory of Me
392 Do We Need the Right Kind of Bishops More Than We Need the Right Kind of Pope?
393 Do You Have a Vocation?
394 Do You Promise Filial Respect and Obedience to Me and My Successors?
395 Docile To the Spirit, Loyal To the Church
396 Doctor Mellifluus (On St. Bernard Of Clairvaux, The Last Of The Fathers)
397 Doctor's Hands, A
398 Doctors of the Church, The
399 Doctors Protest Conscience Discrimination
400 Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious
401 Doctrinal Declarations of Episcopal
402 Doctrinal Foundation of Devotion to the Sacred Heart
403 Doctrinal Foundation of Devotion to the Sacred Heart
404 Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization
405 Doctrinal Note on Some Questions Regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life
406 Doctrine Does Develop but There Are No Back-Flips in Catholic History
407 Doctrine Of Purgatory, The
408 Doctrine of the Fathers of the Church on the Right of Private Property, The
409 Doctrine, Law and Practice in Light of Mitis Iudex and Amoris Laetitia
410 Doctrines and Nations
411 Doctrines of Dominican Theology
412 Document "Dominus Iesus" and the Other Religions, The
413 Document Approving Compendium of the Catechism
414 Document of Reconciliation, A
415 Does a Human Nature Exist?
416 Does It Make Any Difference Whether Rome Has Spoken Or Not?
417 Does Making Babies Make Sense?
418 Does Pope Benedict XVI Plan to Issue a "Vademecum" on Apparitions?
419 Does Prayer Change God's Mind?
420 Does Pure Logic Threaten to Destroy the Entire Moral Doctrine of the Catholic Church?
421 Does Science Point to God - Part I
422 Does Science Point to God? - Part II
423 Does the Church have the Power to Give the Blessing to Unions of Persons of the Same Sex?
424 Does the Watch Tower Society Speak for God?
425 Doesn’t God Dwell Here Anymore?
426 Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum)
427 Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)
428 Dogmatic Darwinism
429 Dogmatic Theology Needs Philosophy
430 Doing as I Please or Pleasing as I Do
431 Doing What Christ Tells Us About Marriage
432 Do-It-Yourself Popes: the Wacky World of Sedevacantists
433 Dominum Et Vivificantem (Lord And Giver Of Life)
434 Dominus Iesus -- a Compilation
435 Dominus Iesus (On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church)
436 Domus Dei: a House Built on a Weak Foundation
437 Don Bosco, Seeker of Souls
438 Don’t Forget that One End of Medicine Is Advancing Dignity
439 Don’t Wear That Mini to Mass
440 Don't Be Afraid of God's Surprises: "He Always Surprises Us!"
441 Don't Be Resigned to 'Paralyzing Injustice'
442 Don't Blame Vatican II: Modernism and Modern Catholic Church Architecture
443 Don't Mess With Marriage
444 Donum Vitae (Respect for Human Life)
445 Dossier on Pope Benedict XVI for the Month of October
446 Dossier on the Congregation for Catholic Education
447 Dossier on the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI: Summorum Pontificum cura
448 Dossier: Neonatal Euthanasia
449 Dostoevsky vs. the Marquis de Sade
450 Douay-Rheims: a Story of Faith
451 Double Consciousness of Christ, The
452 Doubt Is an Invitation to Seek Truth
453 Down Syndrome and the Pressure to Abort
454 Down Syndrome and the Pressure to Abort
455 Draft of Final Message of Africa Synod
456 Drama of the Separation of Faith and Reason, The
457 Dramatic Story of the Priest Who Died on a Vietnam Battlefield, The
458 Draw Light and Strength for Christian Life from the Eucharist
459 Draw Water With Joy At The Fountain Of Salvation
460 Drawing a Hemline
461 Drawing the Line for Mormons: A Closer Look at the LDS Church
462 Dreams for Europe
463 Dry Martyrdom of Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, The
464 Dry MartyrdomThe Prisoner: The Dry Martyrdom of Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty of Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, The
465 Dubious Disputes
466 Due to Our Common Roots, A Christian Cannot Be Anti-Semitic!
467 Dum Multa (On Marriage Legislation)
468 Duquesne University Honors Pro-Abort CDF Founder
469 Duration
470 Duress and Contraceptive Sterilization
471 Duties of the Bishop, The
472 Duty to Die?, A
473 Dying Is Also Part of Life