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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "T" - 83 authors

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1 Taboada, Paulina (M.D., Ph.D.)
2 Tabor, Nathan
3 Tagle, Archbishop Luis Antonio
4 Tamburrino, Archbishop Francesco Pio
5 Taphorn, Joseph C.
6 Tartaglia, Bishop Philip
7 Tatian The Syrian
8 Tauran, Archbishop Jean-Louis
9 Tawadros II
10 Taylor, Jameson
11 Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
12 Tellefsen, Cynthia
13 Teltamanzi, Cardinal Dionigi
14 Teoctist
15 Tertullian
16 Test
17 test
18 test
19 test
20 test
21 test
22 test
23 Testa, Fr. Marco
24 Tettamanzi, Archbishop, Cardinal Dionigi
25 Teulón, Rev. Jorge López
26 Thavis, John
27 The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations
28 Theiler, Henry
29 Theodulf
30 Theological-Pastoral Congress
31 Theophilus of Antioch
32 Theresa Farnan, Susan Selner-Wright, Robert L. Fastiggi
33 Thevathasan, Pravin
34 Thiessen, M. A.
35 Thigpen, Paul
36 Thomas, Clarence
37 Thomas, Dr. Hilgers
38 Thompson, Thomas A. (S.M.)
39 Thompson, Francis
40 Thwaites, Fr. Hugh S. (S.J.)
41 Tiblier, Fr. H.F. (S.J.)
42 Tierney, Richard H. (S.J.)
43 Tierney, Kevin
44 Tiffany, George E.
45 Tighe, Msgr. Paul
46 Tignor, Leslie
47 Timlin, Bishop James C.
48 Tisserant, Cardinal Eugene
49 Tkacz, Catherine Brown (Ph.D.)
50 Tkacz, Michael W.
51 Tlhagale, Archbishop Buti Joseph (O.M.I.)
52 Tobin, Bishop Thomas J.
53 Todd, Sr. Mary Madeline
54 Tomash, Metropolitan Archbishop Peta
55 Tomasi, Archbishop Silvano M.
56 Tomko, Cardinal Jozef
57 Tomko, Carrie
58 Toner, Deacon James H.
59 Tong, Cardinal John
60 Tooley, Mark D.
61 Toolin, Cynthia (Ph.D., S.T.L.)
62 Toppo, Cardinal Telesphore
63 Torraco, Fr. Stephen F.
64 Toso , Mario
65 Toups, Fr. David
66 Trapp, Maria Augusta
67 Trautman, Bishop Donald W. (STD, SSL)
68 Traxler, Sr. Mary Peter (S.S.N.D.)
69 Treaty of Brest
70 Tremblay, Fr. Real (C.SS.R.)
71 Tremblay, Joe
72 Trigilio, Rev. John (Jr., Ph.D.)
73 Trower, Philip
74 Trujillo, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez
75 Tucker, J. A.
76 Tucker, Jeffrey
77 Tumeinski, Dr. Marc
78 Turiy, Prof. Oleh
79 Turkson, Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah
80 Turley, K. V.
81 Twal, Patriarch Fouad
82 Twiston-Davies, Bess
83 Twomey, Fr. Vincent (SVD)